View of the Ridlington Church from Church Street

Church cleaning rota: Thank you this month to Mary Aldridge,; Jacky Morrell; Julie Hoult; Louise Fox

Church flowers: Thank you to Suzanne Baines; Liz Simpson

Front of House Rota: Anne & David Harvey; Martin & Margie Wall; Ruth Lees

Volunteers: If you are able to spare an hour or so, two or three times a year to help clean the church, please contact Anne Harvey


A big thank you from the members of the PCC to anyone who has volunteered for the 2022 church rotas – opening/closing the church, cleaning, flower arranging, setting up for services, reading, leading services. There are opportunities for everyone.

PCC Members
Louise Fox, Steve Fox, Andy Hoult, Dawn Ross, Debra Thatcher, Richard Thatcher, Margie Wall

APCM Advance Notice
Sunday, April 3rd 2022 immediately after Morning Prayer