


Events to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee are shaping up nicely for Ridlington. More details will be published in the run up to the Bank Holiday weekend, but the outline plan is as follows:

Church Service – Morning Prayer will be held at 9.30am on Sunday 5 June, led by Graham Madgwick

Church Flowers – the church will be beautifully decorated with a red, white and blue flower theme

Street party Sunday 5 June 2-4pm – this will be held on Main Street outside the Village Hall. Bring your own food, tablecloth and ‘mismatched’ crockery; wear red/white/ blue and a crown or tiara. Tea will be served from the Village Hall along with music, including the National Anthem and some of the Queen’s favourites tunes

·      ‘Bake a cake/pudding for the Queen’ competition – with 1st/2nd/3rd prizes

·      Plant a tree for the Jubilee

·      Traditional games for children

Posters and Invitations will be delivered to all households. If you would like any further details or can offer any help either before or on the day, no matter how great or small, please contact Anne Harvey at Chimney Cottage or 07751 079775 or acharvey@hotmail.co.uk