

I was delighted when Christy Lefteri’s “The Beekeeper of Aleppo” was donated – it did not disappoint.  A moving and haunting story of a perilous journey undertaken by a couple escaping Syria and living as refugees. By focusing on the couple and seeing their suffering at first hand we begin to appreciate the  desolation and displacement of war at first hand. I heartedly recommend this book.

On a lighter note, three humorous books – one of Spike Milligan’s war memoirs “Adolf Hitler – My Part in His Downfall”from declaration of war on Germany to landing in Algeria as part of the Allied’s liberation of Africa.  As Milligan says “All the salient facts are true”.  It was good to re-read this, I found it amusing.

“Lost in Translation – Misadventures in English Abroad” collected by Charlie Crocker and his team.  Covers everything from hotel signs to advertisements, some really hit my funny bone.


“Peter Simple’s Domain” by Michael Wharton – a collection of columns from The Daily Telegraph covering the period 1999 to 2002: I dare say more funny to have read at the time they were written.

Please feel free to borrow the books from the church or, if you would like to buy, please make a donation.

Debra Thatcher.