Referrals are increasing.

The next collection from the church porch will be on Wednesday, 17th July.

Please continue to give generously.


The strim and rake of the churchyard will commence at 2:00 pm on Saturday, 27th July followed by a ploughman’s tea.

If you are able to help please let Debra Thatcher know.

Teas will be served on four summer Sunday afternoons (21st July to 11th August) using the village hall facilities. Offers of help to serve, wash up, bake etc to Debra Thatcher.


Open Gardens planned for the afternoon of Sunday, 25th  August.  Offers of gardens, help with car parking and teas etc to Debra Thatcher.


– for kind donations to the ‘For Rutland’ bottle tombola at the Rutland Show

– for participating in the Churches Count on Nature, full results of the bio blitz is on display in the church

– for the idea of a communal herb garden (Rosemary in Manton)

– for assistance in planning and planting the pollen bar funded by a  grant

– to Martin, with assistance from David, for such an informative and interesting talk on the West End gallery musical instruments

The next monthly walk will be on Friday, July 12th. Meet at the church porch at 6:00 pm


We’ve had a refresh of our stock – lots of new titles to catch the eye. Please feel free to borrow or buy – donations box by the books.

Recommended – “The Whispers” by Heidi Perks, a tightly plotted thriller – a woman is missing – is there a reason? Is there a hidden secret?

“Hamnet” by Maggie O’Farrell, prizewinning novel about Shakespeare’s son who dies at the age of 11 – beautifully written and one to catch up on if you have not already read it.

Next, a cosy food and murder mystery – “Murder on the Menu” by Alex Coombs.

Making the most of light evenings meet at 6:30pm on Friday, 21st June at the church porch.

Followed by a bring your own picnic in the orchard of 3 Main Street.



Another call on your generosity – the next collection from the church porch is on 19th June.