A hearty thank you to the 12 strong work party who undertook our annual strim and rake of the churchyard.

Afterwards we joined together in a bring and share ploughman’s lunch – very well deserved after all the hard work.

A thank you also to those who have volunteered to “meet and greet” participants in the Rutland Historic Churches Preservation Trust’s fundraiser “Ride and Stride” on Saturday, 9th September.

The next collection from the church porch will be on  6th September. 

Please continue to give generously – our help is needed.

Thank you.



The Ridlington Singers will be presenting an informal concert in Ridlington Church at 7.30pm on Saturday 23 September.

More details will be published in September’s Parish magazine, on the website and Ridlington’s WhatsApp group so save the date!



Another Pulitzer Prize winner this month: “Angela’s Ashes”, a “misery memoir” by Frank McCourt recounting his early years in the depression and WW2 in New York and Limerick.  A tale of alcoholism, marital infidelity and abandonment but lightened by great story telling and a lovely turn of phrase – “Shakespeare is like mashed potatoes, you can never get enough of him”.

One of Churchill’s favourites – “Mr Midshipman Hornblower”, the introduction to the Royal Naval hero of the French Revolutionary War, a series of adventures and challenges.  A great way to learn naval vocabulary and which will come in handy for Scrabble enthusiasts.

The police procedural this month is another Alex Gray novel, “Pitch Black”, a serial killer at work in Kelvin FC…guessed who dunnit!


It is with great sadness to announce the passing of my beloved wife, Andrea Batten who died peacefully at home on August 1st 2023 after a long illness.

Algy, Caroline and I, would like to express our heartfelt thanks to friends, neighbours and in particular, to the kind and loving carers that looked after Andrea during her time at home.

A celebration of her life will be held at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene & St. Andrew, Ridlington on Tuesday, August 22nd at  2:00 pm.

Family, friends and members of the community are invited to join us at the Service followed by afternoon tea which will be served in the Village Hall.

Her cremation will be held at a private ceremony.

David Batten

How well do you remember the ‘70’s?  The cars, the fashion, the books and music, the TV programmes?

It is proposed to hold a light hearted quiz as a fundraiser for the church (£10 per person) – date to be settled once interest expressed. Teams of four, nibbles to be provided, bring your own drinks.

Please let Debra know if you are interested.


Another walk followed by a picnic is planned for Friday, 25th August – meet at the church porch at 6:30pm. 

If interested, please let Debra know.


In June a couple visiting family graves commented that [their relatives] would have loved the wildflowers and grasses in the churchyard!

They are not the only ones – our annual bio-blitz results demonstrate that the churchyard management plan is increasing bio-diversity.  A full list of all we saw forms part of the Nature Notes on the display stand at the back of the church.