The cost of living crisis is tough.  Please continue to donate generously to the local Food Bank the collection boxes are in the church porch.

Church cleaning: Annie Harvey, Ruth Lees; Karen Baines
Church flowers: Jo Fairley; Kath Partridge; Jan Powley
Front of House Rota: Annie and David Harvey; Richard and Debra Thatcher; Ruth Lees; Louise and Steven Fox

A huge thank you to everyone involved in the lovely service – cleaning, reading, playing,  preaching and serving refreshments.  Thoroughly enjoyed by the large congregation.

Our Easter Service was a very happy occasion made even more joyous by the very beautiful flower displays which adorned our church. Many thanks to the team of ladies who produced such lovely arrangements which reflected the joy of this very special church festival. Margie Wall.

Sunday, 28th May at 11:00 at the church when reports will be formally presented – all welcome.  Vacancies for Church Warden, Secretary and PCC members.


As is customary on the first Sunday of the month there will be a church service at 9:30 on Sunday, 6th May. However, rather than the customary Morning Prayer service there will be a Special Commemorative service marking the King’s Coronation – all welcome to this short service.

On the Bank Holiday Monday morning the village will be visited by a band of bell ringers who are going to celebrate the Coronation by ringing the four church bells for about 20 minutes.  The Bell Ringers’ Guild is hoping to ring at every tower in Rutland over the course of the Coronation weekend and prior to this village on Monday they will ring in Ayston.  They are expected around mid-morning.

Also, on Bank Holiday Monday from 10:00 we are participating in the Big Help Out, giving people an opportunity to volunteer to do something within their community.  A huge thank you to the various villagers who have already offered an hour or a couple of hours of their time to tackle a multitude of tasks – a list of tasks will be in the church porch.  If you are not able to help in the day but are happy to take on one or more of the tasks please mark the list to that effect.  Light refreshments will be available in the morning.


Please feel free to borrow or buy the books in the church.

Some new ones to tempt you:

“A Colder War” by Charles Cumming – a great spy thriller, well written and moves at pace;

two from PG Wodehouse“Full Moon”, a Blandings story and “Wodehouse at the Wicket”, a collection of his writings on cricket;

Richard Jefferies  – “Landscape and Labour” – a collection of essays written more than a century ago on agriculture and nature but how true parts of them ring; “Discover Birds” – beautiful illustrations;

Madurai Jeffrey’s  – “Curry Nation” – made my mouth water just reading the recipes collected from around the U.K.; and

“Death of Yesterday”, this month’s offering from M. C. Beaton.

Thank you for the month of April to:
Church cleaning rota:
Debra Thatcher; Julie Hoult; Annie Harvey.

Church flowers:
Louise Fox; Suzanne Baines.

A big thank you to Louise Fox; Jan Powley; Debra Thatcher; Janet Horwood; Sue Hatcher; Pat Roome; Karen Baines and Julie Hoult for the beautiful Easter flower arrangements on the altar and font, and in the windows and porch this year.

Front of House Rota:
Louise and Steven Fox; Ruth Lees; Annie and David Harvey.



The “Ridlington Wombles” were busy in early March collecting eight large bags of rubbish plus some large items – thanks to all who participated and thanks also to everyone who contributed to the lunch.


The collection of donations for the homeless is being halted for the time being. People have been very generous and there is now a very good stock of items.

I would like to thank you for your donations and please be assured that they have been very gratefully received. There may be specific requests in the future as stocks go down , so watch this space!

Thank you once again for your generosity and kindness.

Margie & Martin Wall


Interested in doing another walk?

Why not join us for the next one which is planned for Saturday, 22nd April.

Meet at the church at 9:30 am to celebrate Earth Day with a walk to be followed by light refreshments.

Not up for the walk but fancy a coffee? Please let Debra Thatcher know.


The next Food Bank collection is on Wednesday, 19th April.

After the Food Bank’s busiest year here is the latest wish list – please continue to give generously.

Thank you.
Debra Thatcher