With a growing number of referrals, gaps are appearing on the shelves.


The next collection from the church porch will be on 22nd March – please continue to give generously – jam, spread, UHT milk (blue and green), long-life sponge puddings, tinned potatoes, smash, microwaveable rice sachets, crackers, crispbreads, shower gel, pump hand soap and non-bio washing pods/tablets requested.

Thank You.


WALK – Saturday, 18th March

Want to get some air into your lungs before the finale of the Six Nations Rugby Tournament?

A walk in the area of Ridlington has been organised and will start at 9:30 am leaving from Ridlington Church porch.  Light refreshments afterwards will be available at 3 Main Street.

Not up for the walk? Join us for coffee – please let Debra know.

Easter Sunday falls on April 9th this year.

If you wish to donate to the Easter Lilies in memory of a loved one,  please give your donation to Louise Fox at The Old Rectory.

Beautifully written, the novel “The Heroes’ Welcome” by Louisa Young describes  the lives of two couples and how the ravages of war are worn.  Both men wounded in WWI – one physically and the other psychologically.  I recommend this book.

Written by Michael Wilson who worked as a doctor, a priest and university lecturer “A Coat of Many Colours – Pastoral Studies of the Christian Way of Life” reviews and comments on the personal and social effects of science and technology on modern life.  Although written in 1988 there is much in this book particularly the section on Living Faith which speaks to us today.

A series of murders – yes, another Hamish Macbeth murder mystery- “Death of a Liar”.  One of the more recent M.C. Beaton books with a good plot: enjoyable if this is your genre.



Thank you this month for
·      Church cleaning rota: to: Karen Baines; Debra Thatcher

·      Church flowers: please note, there are no flowers in church during Lent

·      Front of House Rota: Annie and David Harvey; Ruth Lees; Debra and Richard Thatcher


The Ridlington Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place at the church on Sunday, 28th May at 11:00 when reports will be formally presented.  To add your name to the Church Electoral Roll please contact Debra.  Everyone is encouraged to attend. There are vacancies for church warden, secretary and PCC members.


THE BIG HELP-OUTBank Holiday Monday, 8th May
Lend a hand – make a change:  opportunities for volunteering available.  Please contact Debra to express an interest.



When: Sunday, 5th March starting at 11:00 from 3 Main Street, Ridlington.

Afterwards, fancy a pasty and a pint?  This will be to celebrate St Piran (the patron saint of Cornish tin miners) who is celebrated on that day.

Please let Debra know if you want to add your name to the group of volunteers and want refreshments.

More than 20 years ago the Labour Party under Tony Blair had its second election victory – “The End of the Party” by acclaimed political commentator Andrew Rawnsley recounts the triumphs and tribulations as well as the personal feuds and reconciliations between key players in the party.  How many of the events can you recall?  An excellently written book and recommended.

Praise from this quarter for “Burnt Norton” by Caroline Sandon is not so forthcoming.  An interesting premise – a once grand house, reduced to ruin – but, in my opinion, not well executed.

M.C.Beaton’s “Death of a Cad” follows the standard and much loved pattern and the genre is supported this month by two Agatha Christie’s“The Mysterious Affair at Styles” where the world is introduced to Hercule Poirot and “Murder at the Vicarage”, a Miss Marple mystery – who shot the churchwarden in the head? (I’m saying nothing!)

The next collection from the church porch is on Wednesday, 22nd February.

Please continue to give generously – pot noodles, cereal bars, long-life sponge puddings and custard, deodorant and shampoo are requested.