Is it too early to mention Christmas yet?

This is just a reminder that we run a community charity Christmas card scheme. Sending your Festive Greetings along with a donation will help to keep the much needed village funds going. The monies donated will be shared between the Church, Playing Field and Village Hall.

Your cards will be pinned up in the porch of the Church for all to have the opportunity to read your message.

Please give your cards and donations to either Debra Thatcher, Ruth Lees and Pat Roome.


The Food Bank is issuing a “reverse” Advent Calendar this year. This will help those  who wish to donate see what they need, thereby allowing the volunteers to pack and deliver the boxes in time for the Festive Season.

The next collection date from the Church Porch is on Wednesday, 30th November.

Please find below the link to view their website for the “reverse” Advent Calendar…

Please continue to give generously – the Food Bank will be under increasing pressure during the winter months.

Thank you
Debra Thatcher


The Ridlington Singers’ concert which took place last month was a resounding success!

The audience were entertained by a varied programme of items from Elgar to Simon and Garfunkel, and from Chicago to Gilbert and Sullivan. Starring and highly entertaining performances were given by Margie Wall and Richard Thatcher as well as a stunning solo by Caz Dibble singing ‘Summertime and the Living is Easy.’ And this all made possible by our choirmaster extraordinaire, Martin Wall!




Donations totalling £365 were made and to be shared between the Church and the British Red Cross Ukrainian Crisis Appeal. Thank you to all who attended and made such a wonderful evening.




And dare we say it: now we start to prepare for Christmas!


Thank you this month for:

Church cleaning rota:
Mary Aldridge; Jacky Morrell; Julie Hoult; Louise Fox;

Church flowers:
Margie Wall; Pat Roome (please note, there are no flowers during Advent);

Front of House Rota:
Annie and David Harvey; Debra and Richard Thatcher; Steve and Louise Fox.

We were delighted to welcome Bishop John to Ridlington church on Saturday, 8th October.

We enjoyed the opportunity to hear from him about steps being taken at national level to achieve net zero carbon by 2030 and tell him of the many projects we have undertaken to achieve the bronze award in Eco church.



Bishop John took the opportunity to present Debra Thatcher with the Eco Bronze Award.



Have you enjoyed watching the TV series Karen Pirie?  Why not read the book on which the series was based – “The Distant Echo”  by Val McDermid. Recommended highly.

Or try “The Bastard of Istanbul”  by Elif Shafa – a really beautiful book drawing on the history and aftermath of the Armenian massacres and how it impacts on two families – one in Turkey and one in USA.

Another M.C. Beaton – “Death of a Dreamer”  – well plotted police procedural, a joy to read and finally for this month, …..

“Nothing Ventured”  by Jeffrey Archer – the first of the William Warwick series, and a good story which gallops along.



After our successful collections in previous years we are again this year collecting for the charity which distributes underwear in Africa and the UK.

Gently worn bras and new (still in the packaging) pants requested.

Ladies: sizes 8-14, black pants preferred;
children: ages 3-15;
gents: sizes XS – L.


To be delivered to Debra Thatcher, 3 Main Street no later than October 16th.


Many thanks for the donations received during the last few weeks. We have been able to deliver a good collection of trainers, joggers and dog food to the storage facility in Peterborough.

Items needed:
Sleeping bags, 2-person tents (not pop-up as these are not weatherproof and they blow away), yoga/camping mats, torches and anything camping related.

Trainers with good soles sizes 8 – 10, boots in good condition,

Men’s jeans 30” – 32” waist, M/L joggers or similar, winter/waterproof coats M/L, new/unused boxers medium, new/ unused socks

Dog food – self-opening cans or dried food

Homeless people are rarely XL so please no bigger than large size.

Neither duvets nor pillows can be accepted.

Many thanks for your generous donations and for your support. The   donations are always very gratefully received.

Margie & Martin Wall
8 East Lane, Ridlington
Mobile – 07928 – 378668
Tel.: 01572 – 821397