We are delighted to confirm that Ridlington’s St Mary Magdalene & St. Andrew Church has qualified for the Bronze Award in the Eco Church scheme.

Work is already underway to gain points for the Silver Award.



The results of the bio blitz have been collated against last year’s and we are delighted to confirm that the new management plan of the churchyard has improved biodiversity.

A kestrel and a green woodpecker have been added to the bird list this year, and there have been more moth species and plants including caper spurge, cuckoo flower and harebells as well.  Many thanks to all the volunteers who assist in the maintenance of the churchyard and undertake the bio blitz.

The next event will be the “autumn” tidy up followed by a simple ploughman’s lunch on a Saturday towards the end of August/beginning of September. Dates for this tidy up and lunch will be advised in due course.

If you are able to volunteer to strim, rake, mow and help with the lunch, please let Debra Thatcher know.


We have secured consent from the Archdeacon to install four swift boxes.

These have been affixed to the north side of the church in the hope of encouraging the return of swifts to nest at the church.

Our thanks go to the generous donors who defrayed the cost of the boxes and to the volunteers who installed them.



It was a dark & stormy morning, but the church was bright with lots of pre-loved accessories. Many thanks to those of you who donated your lovely items. People enjoyed browsing and chatting and trying on amazing hats!


Coffee and cakes were much enjoyed too! The final total raised for the church was £278.60. Many thanks to all of our generous shoppers!

Such was the appeal of this occasion that we are having another sale on OCTOBER 15th! We will combine with Langham for this one and it will be held at LANGHAM CHURCH. Make a note in your diary and look out for more details in the September magazine.

Buying preloved is so important for the good of our planet and it happens to be fun too!

Margie Wall and Debra Thatcher

A huge thanks are due to Jacky Morrell who sowed, pricked out, tended and potted on a number of plants for sale. Over £50 was raised for church funds.


The August collection will be on 10th August.

Items needed include shampoo, shower gel, meat pies, tinned spaghetti, pasta sauces.

Please continue to demonstrate your generosity.


Our thanks are extended to Reverend Jes Salt for leading the delightful Pet Service on the church lawn.

With refreshments for the nine dogs and their owners after the service, it was an enjoyable and fun afternoon.  See you next year!



Thank you this month to those carrying out the following church duties

Church cleaning rota
Karen Baines; Annie Harvey; Debra Thatcher; Mary Aldridge; Jacky Morrell;

Church flowers Rota
Annie Harvey; Jackie Ike;

Front of House Rota
Debra and Richard Thatcher; Louise and Steven Fox; Annie and David Harvey.