Church cleaning rota:
Thank you, this month, to: Debra Thatcher; Mary Aldridge; Jacky Morrell; Julie Hoult; Louise Fox;


Church flowers:
There are no flowers in church throughout Lent;


Easter Lillies:
Donations for Easter lilies in memory of loved ones to Louise Fox, please.


Front of House Rota:
Ruth Lees; Richard and Debra Thatcher; Anne and David Harvey.






Welcome and opening prayer
Election of churchwarden(s)


Report on Electoral Roll
Minutes of APCM held on 17/05/2021 and matters arising
Report from Rector
Report on proceedings of PCC and Safeguarding
Report on church fabric and ornaments
Report on proceedings of Deanery Synod
Report on PCC accounts
Election of Deanery Synod representative(s)
Elect lay member of the PCC


Minutes of the last meeting – 05/03/2022

Matters arising

  • bank mandate
  • Gazprom

Ministry and Mission – Lent courses/Easter/Baptism 15/05/Bishop Donald’s
Visit to the Benefice 08/06/ Pet Service/ Harvest
Festivals/ Bishop John’s visit to the Benefice 07-09/10

  • bank balance
  • parish share payment

Environmental Mission

  • Ecochurch

Church building

  • electrical inspection 28/03
  • lightning conductor
  • belfry check 23/03
  • PAT testing
  • fire extinguisher check
  • proposed works: WC and kitchenette


  • concert
  • open gardens
  • RT’s talk
  • play


This is to inform you that on Sunday, April 3rd 2022 at 10:45 a meeting will be held in Ridlington’s St. Mary Magdalene & St. Andrew for the election of a Parochial representative of the laity. The original notice can be found in the Porch of the Church.



Rutland County Council have supplied bags – blue for recyclable rubbish and black for items to go to landfill.  Due to on-going concerns about Covid gloves, pickers and hi-vis jackets have not been supplied.

Bags will be available at the top of our drive – please let me know if you would like to volunteer and what area you would like to cover.  Bags of rubbish to be returned to the top of our drive – 3 Main Street – which will be collected next Friday.

Debra Thatcher

Next collection dates for March and April are:
Wednesday, March 23rd
Wednesday, April 20th

Please click on the link below. The Foodbank has kindly provided their latest list of items you may wish to consider for donation. Please continue to give generously.

March2022 Foodbank Wish List (1)

Thank you,



I was delighted when Christy Lefteri’s “The Beekeeper of Aleppo” was donated – it did not disappoint.  A moving and haunting story of a perilous journey undertaken by a couple escaping Syria and living as refugees. By focusing on the couple and seeing their suffering at first hand we begin to appreciate the  desolation and displacement of war at first hand. I heartedly recommend this book.

On a lighter note, three humorous books – one of Spike Milligan’s war memoirs “Adolf Hitler – My Part in His Downfall”from declaration of war on Germany to landing in Algeria as part of the Allied’s liberation of Africa.  As Milligan says “All the salient facts are true”.  It was good to re-read this, I found it amusing.

“Lost in Translation – Misadventures in English Abroad” collected by Charlie Crocker and his team.  Covers everything from hotel signs to advertisements, some really hit my funny bone.


“Peter Simple’s Domain” by Michael Wharton – a collection of columns from The Daily Telegraph covering the period 1999 to 2002: I dare say more funny to have read at the time they were written.

Please feel free to borrow the books from the church or, if you would like to buy, please make a donation.

Debra Thatcher.

Church cleaning rota: thank you, this month, to: Ruth Lees; Karen Baines; Anne Harvey; Debra Thatcher;

Church flowers: there are no flowers in church throughout Lent;

Front of House Rota: Richard and Debra Thatcher; Steve and Louise Fox; Martin and Margie Wall;


CHURCH APCM ADVANCE NOTICE – Sunday, 3rd April 2022 after refreshments post Morning Prayer.  Please do join us for a cuppa and cake and stay for the meeting.


“The FoodBank was there when we really needed it, it was an absolute lifeline”.

Items requested include:
– UHT milk (blue or green);
– tinned potatoes or smash;
– tinned fruit; tinned meat pies;
– long-life sponge puddings;
– bottles of squash;
– plain rice particularly in microwaveable sachets;
– washing up liquid;
– loo rolls;
– shower gel;
– shampoo;
– deodorant;
– non-bio washing pods