Life returns slowly to a sort of normal which means that the streets are once again home for many people. Lockdown de-cluttering helped to build up store of clothing and camping items, but these are now being depleted once more. My Peterborough contact has been in touch with a list of the present requirements, and she has also stressed how grateful the organisation is for the donations they receive from Ridlington.

There are many calls on us for help from many different directions I know, but if you can spare any of the listed items, they will be gratefully received and put to very good use.

Thank you for your continued support.

2-PERSON TENTS (not pop-up as these are not weatherproof and they blow away)


Men’s jeans 30” – 32” waist
M/L joggers or similar
Winter/waterproof coats M/L
New/unused boxers medium
New/ unused socks
Neither duvets nor pillows can be accepted I’m afraid


Margie & Martin Wall
8 East Lane
Mobile – 07928378668
Tel.:  01572 821397


Probably best known for his book “Atonement” Ian McEwen won the Booker Prize in 1998 for “Amsterdam” – a fast paced novel, well planned and executed, although I found the ending predictable.  He also wrote “The Innocent”, a mid Cold War espionage drama.  Some scenes/chapters will not be to everyone’s liking – graphic detail of sex and violence.

Also, this month, “The Black Violin”, a translation of Maxence Fermine’s second novel, dealing with the trials and tribulations of finding inspiration for music – the perfect opera.  Critics are divided over the book – some decry its simplicity, but I enjoyed it although found the occasional typo took the shine off my enjoyment.

Books are available to borrow from the back of the church.  If you would like to buy any, please make a donation to church funds.

Many thanks,
Debra Thatcher.

Church cleaning rota: thank you, this month, to: Suzanne Baines; Ruth Lees;

Church flowers rota: Christmas – Louise Fox; Liz Simpson; Jane Moubray; Jan Powley; Sue Hatcher; Karen Baines; Debra Thatcher; Pat Roome (there are no flowers in church throughout Advent)

Front of House Rota: (new): Anne/David Harvey; Louise/Steve Fox; Richard/Debra Thatcher; Margie/Martin Wall;

Vacancies: there is still a vacancy for a Church Warden and for new members to join the PCC. If you are interested, please contact Pippa Madgwick or Jes Salt.


Please continue to demonstrate your generosity by donating to Rutland Food Bank. There will be collections from the church porch on Wednesday, 24th November and Wednesday, 8th December, Wednesday, 22nd December. Please place your donations in the boxes.

In the hope of being able to put together small Christmas hampers we have been asked to supply:

UHT milk (blue or green)
Tinned ham or chicken
Crackers, cheese biscuits, crisp breads
Savoury snacks
Small chocolate treats
UHT juice
Bottles of squash
Long-life sponge puddings
Christmas biscuits
Toiletries, especially small gift sets


Alternatively, donations may be made to CAF Bank –
Account name: Rutland FoodBank
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00034016


We are told that there is no need to supply mince pies, Christmas puddings, baked beans, pasta, soup, cereal, tea or coffee because stocks are high.

Your generosity throughout 2021 has been amazing – my thanks to everyone.

Thank you,
Debra Thatcher


Having had a practice run in the summer we thought you may enjoy taking your skill a step further but this time making a CHOCOLATE YULE LOG! Attached is the recipe for this delicious challenge…chocolate yule log recipe

This will keep for use during the festive period or you could pop it in the freezer for use at a later date.


Cake Entries:     Saturday, December 18th 2021

Judging Date:    To be brought to the Church by 3:00 pm

Where:                St Mary Magdalene and St. Andrew Church, Ridlington

Entry Fee            £5.00

Winners to be announced at the end of the Carol Service on Sunday, 19th December


All being well, we are planning to hold  the following services and events at the Church.

  •       Baines Bake Off Chocolate Log competition – details to follow…
  •       Carol Concert on Sunday 19th December – time to be confirmed
  •       Christmas Day service on Saturday 25th December 9.30am

We continue to monitor the current situation and will confirm the above in due course.


Over the past months the government has been encouraging people to use lateral flow tests twice weekly.

Rutland County Council have made the “New” style kits available and our Rector, Pippa Madgwick has asked each of the 10 churches in the Benefice, whether they would like to make some of these test kits available in the churches.

For this reason, we have received a large box of test kits which are now available for everyone to use. They have been placed on the bench at the back of the Church St. Mary Magdalene and St. Andrew, please feel free to take one.

The old style test kits required the swab to be swished around the tonsils and up one nostril whilst the new style kits don’t require the swab to be swished around the tonsils but require both nostrils to be tested.  Each test kit contains full and easy to follow instructions for use and supplies details of how to register the test results and how to dispose of the test kits once used.

Even if experiencing no symptoms we are encouraged to test twice a week.

Please test to keep our community safe.

Thank you
Debra Thatcher





Church cleaning rota: – thank you, this month, to: Mary Aldridge; Karen Baines; Suzanne Baines; Louise Fox; Anne Harvey; Ruth Lees;

Church flowers: – thank you, this month, to: Anne Harvey; Pat Roome;

Front of House Rota (new): – Anne/David Harvey; Margie/Martin Wall; Ruth Lees;

Vacancies: – there is still a vacancy for a Church Warden and also for new members to join the PCC. A heartfelt thank you to Bart Hellyer who has retired after many years dedicated service to the church (and much appreciation for being the perfect host at meetings!) If you are interested, please contact Pippa Madgwick or Jes Salt.