“I did it! ….. All 874 miles now under my belt and a very impressive t-shirt and medal to prove it! But more importantly, thank you so much for sponsoring me and supporting both Church Funds and Cancer Research; this really spurred me on and I have been heartened by your generosity. So far, thanks to you, I have raised £620, with more donations ‘pledged’.

If you would still like to donate by cheque or cash, please drop off at Chimney Cottage, or via Just Giving: http://www.justgiving.com

Anne Harvey is fundraising for St Mary Magdalene & St Andrews Church Ridlington.
Anne Harvey is fundraising for Cancer Research UK.


With my heartfelt thanks,
Anne Harvey

Many, many thanks to all who continue to contribute to this worthwhile charity.

The Wednesday collection dates for July will be Wednesday 7th and 21st  and the collection boxes are available in the church porch.

Special requests have been made for UHT milk, cheese crackers/crisp breads, sugar, noodles, washing up liquid and shampoo.


We are still seeking new members and a Treasurer for our Parochial Church Council (PCC).

If you are interested in finding out more about the role, please contact any of the current members: Bart Hellyer; Margie Wall; Louise Fox; Richard Thatcher; Andy Hoult; David Harvey; Anne Harvey. This is a great opportunity to be involved in a range of aspects and decision making about the church, including its future development;

Church cleaning rota: thank you, this month, to: Karen Baines; Jacky Morrell and Anne Harvey;

Church flowers: thank you, this month, to: Jacky Morrell and Mary Richardson;

Churchyard mowing: thank you in July to Dave Johnson and David Harvey.

BAINES’ BAKE-OFF CHALLENGE – Sunday, July 4th from 09:00 – 12:00 noon.

VILLAGE HALL COFFEE MORNING – Friday July 9th from 10:30 to 12:00 noon.

CHURCH AFTERNOON TEA –  Wednesday, August 11th from 2:00 -4:00 pm


Our Walking Group resumes on Wednesday 7 July, leaving at 2:00 pm from outside the Village Hall. If you are interested in organising or taking part – or would just like more information, please contact Anne or David Harvey Tel: 01572 820273.

Bake a Swiss Roll for our Baines Bake-Off challenge! Interested?
Here’s what to do:

  1. Follow the recipe. Click on the link to access the recipe (used by Baines for over 70 years);  Baines Bake Off Challenge – Swiss Roll
  2. Deliver to the church on Saturday 3rd July – judging takes place on the morning of Sunday 4th July;
  3. Enclose your name, address, contact details + £4 entry in a sealed envelope and place it underneath your entry;
  4. PRIZE for the winning entry – a BAINES HAMPER!!!
  5. Collect your Swiss Roll on Sunday afternoon – eat and enjoy, or freeze for later


Good luck!

Thank you so much for all donations received so far!

As I write my update for this month’s magazine (12th May!) I have only 26 miles left to go, so will easily have reached my final destination by the time it lands on your doormat!

I have set up 2 JustGiving pages (details below),  so if you would like to sponsor me for either Church Funds for the new toilet and kitchenette or Cancer Research, I would be truly grateful. If you prefer to donate by cheque or cash, please drop it off at Chimney Cottage.

With my thanks and warm wishes, Anne


Anne Harvey is fundraising for St Mary Magdalene & St Andrews Church Ridlington (justgiving.com)

Anne Harvey is fundraising for Cancer Research UK (justgiving.com)

We anticipate that our Walking Group will resume on Wednesday 7 July, leaving at 2:00 pm from outside the Village Hall.

If you are interested in organising or taking part – or would just like more information, please contact Anne or David Harvey on Tel: 01572 820273.

We will always comply with current Government Guidelines in relation to Covid-19 restrictions.