Another wide-ranging selection this month introducing me to authors I had not previously read.

The first, “The Human Stain” by Philip Roth is one that I heartedly recommend and I will be on the lookout for others by this author.  It is set in the late 1990’s, in the time of President Clinton’s impeachment hearings and the scandal over Monica Lewinsky and the frenzy of prurience that released.  The story is narrated by Nathan Zuckerman who acts as an observer of the slowly revealing story of Coleman Silk, a retired professor of classics.  I thought the book not only well-written but a fascinating exploration of American morality and its effects.

Another American writer for the second offering of the month – “A Sinclair Lewis Reader – Selected Essays and Other Writings 1904 – 1950”.  You may have heard of him because he topped the Amazon best-selling books list in the aftermath of the 2016 US election with his 1935 dystopian satire “It Can’t Happen Here” detailing life after the election as President of a fascist.  Having turned down the Pulitzer Prize, Lewis became the first American writer to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature “for his vigorous and graphic art of description and his ability to create, with wit and humour, new types of characters” ably demonstrated in this selection of his writings providing critical views of American capitalism and materialism between the wars.  Particular highlights for me were “Gentlemen, This is a Revolution” and “Cheap and Contented Labor”.

This month’s third book, “The White Hotel” by D M Thomas, is not for everyone due to its explicit content and disturbing violence.  It is a multi-layered novel encompassing erotic fantasies, a case history of a patient as told by a young woman to Sigmund Freud and a testament to the Holocaust.  I didn’t find it an easy read but what is one man’s meat is another’s poison – it was shortlisted for the Booker Prize and won the 1981 Cheltenham Prize.

If you are interested in any of the books, please contact Debra Thatcher on 01572 823910 or by email




Zoom rehearsals for ‘Death at the Deanery’ are going with a swing and much merriment – oh so necessary after the gloomy year we have all endured! Our performance of the dastardly Deanery doings will take place at:


Preston Village Hall

Saturday October 9th, 2021
at 7:30pm


So yes, the Ridlington Players are roving down the lane! Make a note in your diaries to share in the thrills and spills of our mystery drama!




Margie Wall
Ridlington Players


The date of the Agatha Christie inspired flower festival has been moved to coincide with the staging of the play so it will now be held on 9th and 10th October, 2021.

More volunteers required.  Please contact Debra Thatcher for more details.

Firstly may I thank all of the people who have contacted me during the last year, offering clothes etc for the homeless. I have had to ask you to be patient as storage facilities have been full and the homeless have been housed in hostels. As they return to the streets the storage space will be eased.

I have been in touch with the Peterborough charity organiser who says that they can now take men’s jackets and sleeping bags. If you have these articles to donate, I will be pleased to receive them. As a greater variety of articles are needed, I will let you know.

I hope you have all kept well and that you are enjoying our gradual return to freedom.  Many thanks for your continued support in helping the homeless.

Margie & Martin Wall
8 East Lane
01572 821397


Your continued generosity is much appreciated.

Collection dates for June are:
Wednesday, 9th and
Wednesday, 23rd June.

The boxes are in the church porch and, in addition to the usual food items, there is a special request for shampoo, shower gel, deodorant and hand soap.

“There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour
dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.”
Henry James

So please join us for that quintessentially English tradition between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm at Chimney Cottage on the following dates:

Wednesday 9th June

Wednesday 11th August

All welcome 😊

Saturday, June 12th at 10:00 am to 12:00 noon

If you have not already volunteered, please let Debra Thatcher know if you would like to attend the inaugural bio blitz in the churchyard.  No previous experience required, just enthusiasm for the natural world.

Please wear suitable clothing and flat shoes because the ground is uneven in places.

Light refreshments will be served.


Ridlington church remains open on Wednesdays and Sundays for private prayer 10am-4pm;

We are still seeking new members and a Treasurer for our Parochial Church Council (PCC). If you are interested in finding out more about the role, please contact any of the current members: Bart Hellyer; Margie Wall; Louise Fox; Richard Thatcher; Andy Hoult; David Harvey; Anne Harvey. This is a great opportunity to be involved in a range of aspects and decision making about the church, including its future development;

Church cleaning rota: thank you, this month, to: Ruth Lees and Anne Harvey;

Church flowers: thank you, this month, to: Jan Powley and Debra Thatcher;

Church coffee mornings have started again – see separate Post.