Please see the rota at the back of the magazine for January’s pattern of services across the Rutland Water Benefice. St Mary Magdalene and St Andrew’s, Ridlington remains open for private prayer on Sundays and Wednesdays 10am – 4pm;

You can still access the weekly services on YouTube or Facebook;

Church flowers: A huge thank you to those who decorated the church for Christmas this year, including: Karen Baines; Louise Fox; Anne Harvey; Sue Hatcher; Jane Moubray; Jan Powley; Pat Roome; Liz Simpson and Debra Thatcher;

Church cleaning rota: thank you, this month, to: Karen Baines and Anne Harvey.


Due to the growing numbers of people accessing the Food bank we have been advised that an additional collection will be made from the church porch on Wednesday, 30th December. 

We have been asked to provide items  store cupboard items to help re-stack the shelves such as:

UHT milk;

Long-life juice;

Tinned peas;

Tinned carrots;

Fray Bentos pies; and

Microwaveable steam puddings.

Thank you for all you have given to the Food Bank this year.  Please continue to donate generously.


Hello all,

Just a quick reminder that we are holding our Doorstep Carols and hamper raffle tomorrow evening at 6pm.

If you haven’t got your tickets yet (£1 for a strip of 5) please place donations in an envelope with your name and address and deliver to either Louise Fox, Margie Wall, or myself, Anne Harvey. Tickets will be allocated and confirmed by Wednesday.

Thank you for donations to go into the hampers and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow, in fine voice and with your warm clothes and festive fayre!

Best wishes,
Anne, Louise and Margie

WHEN? Wednesday, December 16th, 6pm

WHERE? Your doorsteps! Or why don’t you come along to Main Street? (Remember to stay in your household bubble, social distancing and the rule of 6. Don’t forget warm clothes, and some festive food and drink!)

HOW? Sing along with the radio! Tune in to RADIO NORTHAMPTON on 104.2 FM, 103.6 FM

Download your carol sheet and find out more at:

REMEMBER! The Christmas Hamper raffle and more prizes…


Contact Louise Fox, Anne Harvey, Margie Wall for tickets.

I would like to thank everyone for their generosity in donating to the Food Bank collections this year and a special thanks to all who gave items for the Christmas appeal which was collected from the village church on 2nd December.  I know that all the items will be greatly appreciated and will make a huge difference to the recipients.

We will continue to have monthly collections in the New Year and I think this will be in the first week of each month, so we need to start thinking about the January collection at this stage.  The Food Bank has indicated that it is running low on a number of staple items such as UHT milk and juice. Other items requested are:-

  • Fray Bentos (or similar) meat, chicken and cheese pies;
  • Tinned fruit;
  • Sponge puddings;
  • Tinned peas; and
  • Tinned carrots.

Please continue to give generously because there are more and more calls for assistance.

Debra Thatcher

An update from Anne Harvey

I have registered to take part in the ‘End to End’ Lands End to John O’Groats Virtual Run (874 miles) and hope to raise money for Cancer Research and Church Funds. The event starts on October 26th and ends up to 12 months later. I would be delighted if you would sponsor and support me!

Thank you to those of you who have pledged your support 😊 . I will shortly be setting up Fundraising tabs on Facebook, JustGiving OR you can write a cheque, pay into a bank account – whichever is easiest for you. I am just grateful FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT, so thank you.

Currently, I’m still running/walking through Cornwall but, by the time you read this, I aim to have covered 100 miles! See you in Devon!

We have received wonderful support in these last few weeks and I delivered 8 bags of donations in October and I now have 8 more bags! Thank you for your thoughtful contributions.

I have been in touch with the charity organiser who says that the storage facilities are full at the moment. A second lockdown has produced a surge in donations. As a result, I will not be taking donations for the time being as I have very little storage space.

There will be an article in the January Parish magazine updating you on the situation and hopefully I will be able to take delivery of your donations.

Tracey, one of the co-founders of the charity has asked me to thank you for your kindness and says that they really appreciate all that we are doing to help.

Many thanks for your support in helping the homeless

Margie & Martin Wall
8 East Lane
Mobile – 07928378668
Tel.: 01572 821397

In order to make Christmas Goody Bags, the following items are kindly requested: Chocolate Oranges/mints/Matchmakers; chutney; jam; chocolate log; gold coins/figures; Christmas napkins; Pringles; snacks; small games e.g. Snap; colouring pencils/sharpeners etc…

Please see the following link for items currently needed: