The north bank is still developing well with abundant yellow rattle, which is now forming large seed pods.

Traditionally, farmers used the sound of the seeds rattling in the seed pods to know when to cut their hay, so we will cut the banks and the front of the churchyard again in the late summer.

Meanwhile, the grave yard is still being mowed regularly.


Thank you to Ridlington residents who already support the church throughout the year. This generosity is hugely appreciated, enabling the church to be a living community asset – not just for Sunday services and major gatherings, festivals and celebrations, but also a hub for the Foodbank, Choir, Community Orchard and Wildflower Garden…

However, as a result of Covid 19 and the inability of the church to hold services, gatherings and fund-raising events, we are now struggling to pay routine bills and meet other financial obligations.

Recently, you will have received a leaflet titled ‘Coffee Break’ from all the members of the PCC. If you feel you can help in this way i.e. dedicating the cost of your ‘coffee break’ to aid church funds – or even consider making a one-off payment – we would be immensely grateful.

Thank you for your consideration.

Louise Fox; Anne and David Harvey; Bart Hellyer; Andy Hoult; Maggie Mortell; Richard Thatcher; Margie Wall.


We are currently looking at ways to safely reintroduce our book recycling and exchange over the coming months.

It is anticipated that we might find safe storage for the books, catalogue and index them and then offer a delivery service to any requesting household.

Upon their return, the books can be quarantined.

Watch this space for future details…. and thanks to Debra for her ongoing work in this area.

From Sunday 5th July, 2020, our lovely church St Mary Magdalene and St Andrew’s will be opened for private prayer from 10am – 4pm on Sundays and Wednesdays. 

  • Details about church services can be found on the Rutland Water Benefice website. You can download the order of service and readings from there too;
  • Join the Rutland Water Benefice Facebook group and the Sunday service Watch party, or see the videos that make up the Watch party on Facebook, or see the service on The Rutland Water Benefice YouTube channel;

To join the distribution list for weekly readings and other information from church, please email

“Let’s pray that God will support and bless us, our families and our communities as we try to enjoy what we can in this fast-changing situation.”

Ministry Team:
Pippa 01780 721286

John 01780 460735

Jenni 07507 442539

Church Warden:
David 07802 579095

Oakham Foodbank have been delighted with the number of items that have been donated during lockdown and have asked if people can continue to be generous to help them support the 550 households already in receipt of assistance.  In addition, it is thought that the number of households to be supported will increase in the next few weeks as the furlough scheme comes to an end and sadly some businesses make redundancies.

We will have our next collection from the Church porch on 15th July and the next one after that will be on 29th July.

Items that are desperately needed are:

  • Long-life sponge puddings;
  • Smash-type potato; and
  • Disposable razors.

We are told that the warehouse is well stocked with baked beans, pasta and cereal so, if you are able to give, please choose items off the list above.

Many thanks,

Debra Thatcher

From Monday 15th June, churches may be open for private prayer, subject to risk assessment; appropriate cleaning and supervision; availability of hand sanitiser; advisory notices; non-access to hymn/additional spaces/prayer books etc… St Mary Magdalene and St Andrew’s Church will be opened shortly with further notice to be given. All cleaning/checks are currently being undertaken by David Harvey (Church warden) and Anne Harvey (PCC Secretary). If you would like to assist with the cleaning and/or daily checks please contact either of the above.

  • Details about church services can be found on the Rutland Water Benefice website. You can download the order of service and readings from there too;
  • Join the Rutland Water Benefice Facebook group and the Sunday service Watch party, or see the videos that make up the Watch party on Facebook, or see the service on The Rutland Water Benefice YouTube channel;

To join the distribution list for weekly readings and other information from church, please email

Let’s pray that God will support and bless us, our families and our communities as we try to enjoy what we can in this fast-changing situation.

Pippa 01780 721286

John 01780 460735 

Jenni 07507 442539

As you will remember, last autumn a group of volunteers cut the grass on the north bank of the churchyard and a number of wildflower seeds were sown.  The seeds purchased were chosen for either their ability to reduce the strength of the grass or to prosper in the tricky conditions – heavy clay soil, shade in the winter.

We are pleased to say that many of the yellow rattle (Rhinanthus minor) seeds have germinated.  This is vital in establishing a wildflower area because as their roots develop they seek out the roots of plants growing nearby, especially grasses.  Once contact is made the yellow rattle draws water and nutrients from them, suppressing the growth of grasses by as much as 60%.  In the resulting space, other wildflowers have room to grow.  We hope that this will not only look attractive but will increase the biodiversity in the churchyard which already supports a fantastic array of different species.  We know that yellow rattle flowers are pollinated by large bees, especially bumblebees, and are followed by large seed pods.

Traditionally, farmers used the sound of the seeds rattling in the seed pods to know when to cut their hay, so we will cut the bank again in the late summer.  If you would like to be involved in this project or other environmental projects at the church please contact Debra Thatcher.

The June edition of the Rutland Water Benefice Magazine has now been uploaded onto the Ridlington website. It can be found as a sub heading under  the “Church General Info”.

Please forward or print the relevant pages for anyone you think might be interested in accessing a copy.

The Magazine is also available to view by clicking on the link on the front page of the Rutland Water Benefice website itself.

The link to this is –


Thank you
Anne Harvey