A BIG Thank You to ….

  1. The Wombles of Ridlington for the litter pick – 17 bags of rubbish!
  2. The households participating in The Big Plastic Count as one of our silver Eco Church award projects.
  3. The church spring cleaners and bulb planters and
  4. The Easter flower arrangers.


Please pass details of flora and fauna sightings in the churchyard to Jacky Morrell for her monthly nature notes which are displayed in the church.

The next collection is on Wednesday, 24th April.

The annual meeting including elections and reports will be held at the church on Sunday, 12th May at 10:45.  Vacancies – Church Warden x2, Secretary, PCC members.


Mentioned many times in the Bible, the white lily symbolises purity, rebirth, new  beginnings and hope and is most often associated with the resurrection of Jesus Christ as observed at Easter. It is also associated as a symbol of gratitude and of remembrance.

If you would like to give a donation towards the Lilies in the Church at Easter, please pass your donations on to Louise Fox.

Thank you.



Three books I enjoyed and would recommend.

Gill Paul’s “The Affair”.  Set in 1961 in Italy during the filming of “Cleopatra”.  An excellent plot with well drawn characters, a story of love and betrayal with the glamour of Taylor and Burton.

Leigh Russell’s “Rachel’s Story” – a dystopian future following world war, pandemic and food shortages.  Makes us contemplate our own world and demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit.

Finally, a Lindsay Gordon mystery by V.L. McDermid “Booked for Murder” – set in London’s publishing world an award winning author is executed in the same manner as her latest (unpublished) novel…



The Big Plastic Count will be held between March 11th – 17th. This is part of our Eco Church accreditation.

Why not join in on the National count of every piece of plastic you throw away or re-cycle.

Please let Debra know if you want to participate.


This month’s walk will take place on  Saturday, 16th March.

If you would like to join, we will be meeting in the church porch at 10:30. Light refreshments to follow.

Please let Debra know if you can attend.

Thank you.



Not sure what to do with the Leap Year day – 29th February?

Why not join us for a short walk followed by light refreshments.  Meet in the church porch at 10:00.




I enjoyed all three books this month.

The first, “The Queen of Last Hopes”, an historical novel written by Susan Higginbotham based on the story of Margaret of Anjou, wife of Henry VI.

The second, a good thriller, Robert Godard’s “One False Move”, a real page turner

and last but not least, “Trace” by multi-award winning Patricia Cornwell.