The coronavirus outbreak meant that there was not quite the street party in Ridlington, that was being planned. However, Ridlington residents still made sure to mark the occasion in the community, whilst in lockdown, whilst remaining both socially distanced and safe.

There was a ringing of the church bells at 11am to signal the 2 minutes silence, followed by a ‘stay at home tea party’ at 4pm and ‘toast your neighbours’ at 6pm.  Homes were decorated beautifully and everyone enjoyed the day.

Click here ….   to see some of the photos taken around the village.


During Covid 19 the collection box can be found in the church porch. We have now signed up to the RCC scheme, so Voluntary Action Rutland (VAR) are now collecting from the church to reduce the number of people visiting the Foodbank.

Thank you for your generosity and…please, please keep your donations coming.

Items needed at the moment include: coffee; dried potato; jam; small bags of sugar; tinned potatoes; small sponge puddings; UHT milk; tins of custard; shaving gel; washing up liquid; non-bio washing capsules; toilet roll; baby food for 7months+

Alternatively, you can make a donation to The Trussell Trust.

More information can be found at

Due to the circumstances with regard to the current Coronavirus measures in place, it is not possible to circulate The Rutland Water Benefice Magazine in a Hard Copy format.
Therefore an electronic version has now been made available and can be accessed on the Benefice Magazine Page of the site by clicking HERE.

If you are aware of anyone in your village or neighbourhood who is unable to access the internet or does not have the means to read it on a tablet, iPad or iPhone, please kindly print off a copy or the relevant pages they would like to read.

We will continue to bring you news every month from around the different parishes.

Thank you.









Here below please find information on the latest church news.

  • Details about church services can be found on the Rutland Water Benefice website. You can download the order of service and readings from there too;
  • Join the Rutland Water Benefice Facebook group and the Sunday service Watch party, or see the videos that make up the Watch party on Facebook, or see the service on The Rutland Water Benefice YouTube channel;

To join the distribution list for weekly readings and other information from church, please email

The magazine will be sent directly to all on this list. And please get in touch if you would like to access services etc…

Let’s pray that God will support and bless us, our families and our communities as we try to enjoy what we can in this fast-changing situation.

Pippa 01780 721286

John 01780 460735

Jenni 07507 442539

Many Ridlington residents are spending time in their gardens during lockdown and making the most of the opportunity to get them in tip top condition for an Open Gardens to be held in aid of Dove Cottage next year. Dove Cottage will be able to provide volunteers to provide tea and cake.  This event will be a follow on from us hosting their Carol Service this Christmas

Dear Churchwardens, PCC secretaries and all,

I hope you are able to enjoy the sunshine that we have had and find some good amidst our current restrictions.

Here are some snippets of news from around the Benefice this week; do please send me items to share for next weekend. It’s great that people are finding creative ways to care for their neighbours. Have you begun to wonder how society could change for the better as a result of our shared challenges? Have you found people want to talk about significant things? Although today is a day off for me, I wore a clerical collar when going shopping today and people queuing to shop and at the till talked about how they wanted churches open to pray in and more.

For Sunday here is a service of morning prayer, plus the readings to accompany this, a short reflection on the gospel reading from John and intercessions written by Jenni. These could be used at home on your own, but for the adventurous we are trying something I’d never heard of a week ago: we are holding a Facebook Watch Party. Those who have joined Facebook and The Rutland Water Benefice group can log on to Facebook, at 9.30am on Sunday morning, to watch a video of the service, together with Jenni leading the intercessions and John’s talk too. Doing this together I’m told we are able to contribute to the Party by typing in comments, so can share requests for prayer etc. Joining is far more straightforward than I’d thought, so why not be brave and try to do so . . . .

And do let me know if doing what we can online is helpful for you. How you are trying to support those who do not access online material?

May God bless us, our communities and world, now and always,

Email –


We want to help to make sure that no one in our local community has to go hungry, and we need your help to make this happen.

Your gift of food can make a real difference. Your food donations are absolutely vital to give everyone referred to the Rutland Foodbank a balanced and nutritious three day supply of food.

If you are happy to drop off food donations, please see “Place in the box” at the back of the church. THANK YOU!

We were thanked for our latest delivery to the Foodbank in Oakham and advised that the following items are requested: 

  • UHT milk
  • Longlife orange juice
  • Tinned tuna and
  • Microwaveable sponge puddings

For further information, please see:

Flowers in teh Church

We were all saddened to hear of the death of Terry Raybould, a popular figure in the village, who lived on Hannah’s Field. Since moving to Ridlington, Terry soon became a familiar face and quickly joined in many social events. As well as his kind and affable nature, he will be remembered for his artistic talent. Terry loved art and painting and his work was exhibited locally, including the Rutland Open Art Exhibition, where his piece ‘Ridlington Gardens’ (Oil) was highly commended.

A funeral service is to be held on January 19th at the parish church of St Mary Magdalene & St Andrew, Ridlington. Members of the village would like to express their condolences to Terry’s family.