A big thank you to all those on the church flower rota for their contributions throughout 2023. You have made our church look very attractive and so welcoming; there is such talent in the village which was very evident at the time of the King’s coronation in May. Your inspired and thoughtful arrangements are much appreciated by the village folk and visitors.

Margie Wall

CHRISTMAS THANK YOUS – to our band of flower arrangers for making the church look so lovely, to Martin for playing, the Ridlington Singers for joining our Carol service, everyone who kindly donated to the village Christmas card scheme supporting the church, village hall and playing field and everyone who joined us in worship over the Christmas period.

As in previous years, we are running a village Christmas card scheme.  The idea is that you send one card to everyone in the village which will be displayed in the church porch and make a donation. The monies donated will be shared between the three village charities – Church, Playing Field and Village Hall.

If you wish to do this, please give the cards and donations to Debra Thatcher at 3 Main Street.

Many thanks,

Season’s Greetings!


As we approach the end of the year, thoughts turn to 2024 village rotas.

If you would like to assist with magazine distribution, unlocking/locking the church, flower arranging, cleaning, setting up for or reading at services, providing refreshments after services, mowing the churchyard, please let Debra know.

Many thanks

Email – debrathatcher@hotmail.com
Tel.: 01572 823910


Take some time out and blow away some cobwebs in the run up to Christmas – join us at the church porch for a short pre-Christmas walk at 10:00am on Wednesday, 20th December.

If interested, please let Debra know.

Tel.: 01572 823 910
email – debrathatcher@hotmail.com



A combination of travel writing, nature and autobiography starts us off this month.

“The Snow Geese” by William Fiennes is beautifully observed and written.  If you want an “escape” in December, this one is for you.

“War Paint” is a biography of Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubinstein – two extraordinary women who forged empires in the beauty business and who led the way in marketing in the 20th century.

Crime writing this month is represented by “Barking Mad” by Leigh Russell, a cosy crime plot which would have benefitted from better proof reading, and by Agatha Christie’s “The Thirteen Problems” – 13 short stories, and our introduction to Miss Marple with her insights into human nature – a good read.


“Follow the Star: Join the Song” – centuries after the angels and shepherds sang,  singing is still central to how many of us celebrate Christmas.  We invite you this Christmas to follow the star, journey to the manger, join the song and come into the presence of Jesus Christ.

Our Carol Service is at 6pm on Sunday, 17th December followed by mulled wine and nibbles.

Our Christmas Day service on Monday 25th December, is at 9:30am.

All welcome.


The last date for Christmas donations in the church porch is Wednesday, 13th December. 

For suggested donations, please consult the Reverse Advent Calendar by clicking on the link below or alternatively you can find it on the church noticeboard.

Reverse-Advent-Calendar 2023

Your generosity throughout 2023 has been wonderful and much appreciated, thank you.