The subject of a question on a recent University Challenge programme, Agatha Christie’s “The ABC Murders” pits Hercule Poirot’s grey cells against those of a serial killer – cleverly plotted.

“The Rules of Engagement” by Anita Brookner is well written – two old school friends with different backgrounds meet after a number of years – were their high hopes met?

The historical novel “Pandora” by Susan Stokes-Chapman set in Georgian London mixes Greek myth with mystery – secrets are slowly revealed.

The first of the West Country Mysteries by Rebecca Tope “A Dirty Death” deals with the demise of farmer Guy Beardon – accident or murder?

The Coronation Group Photo and Painting were on display at the Village Hall Coffee Morning yesterday, October 6th.  It was an opportunity for everyone to look at them more closely and to remember the great time we all had.

For those who missed this opportunity, the Photo and Painting are now on display in the Church should you wish to view them in your own time and at leisure.

If you should wish to have a copy of the group photograph, please complete your details on the form provided which is alongside the photograph in the church by Monday, October 9th, this would be greatly appreciated.

Frame-ready quality prints of the painting, in a range of sizes up to full size, are available with prices starting at £8.00. Please contact Keith Aldridge for further details. –

Many thanks,


This month’s walk will take place on Saturday, October 21st which coincides with the UK’s National ‘Apple Day’! 

Come join us to see how many fruits and berries there are in our local hedgerows. We will leave from the Church Porch at 3:00 pm.

Light refreshments, including Ridlington produced apple juice, will be served afterwards.

If interested, please let Debra know.

The Ridlington Singers will present an informal concert on Saturday, October 14th 2023 at 7:30 pm in Ridlington Church.

The programme will include music from My Fair Lady, HMS Pinafore and Les Miserables.

Free admission, and donations to Ridlington Church.

Refreshments will follow, served in the Village Hall.

What a great day!  Ride and Stride was such a success – we had 38 visitors to the church, each enjoying a warm welcome and the chance to partake of refreshments before once again setting out on their travels.

Thanks are due to the many volunteers who manned the church and provided refreshments.

A special thank you to Tim Brindley who undertook a cycling challenge on behalf of the charity.

Please join us on Sunday, 1st October at 6:00 pm for our traditional harvest festival.

Light refreshments will be available after the service.

Extra donations for the FOOD BANK, please – the monthly collection is due on 4th October.

Cars, fashion, books, music and TV programmes on Friday, 6th October at 7:30 pm at the village hall.

A light hearted quiz as a fundraiser for the church (£10 per person).  Teams of four, nibbles to be provided, bring your own drinks.

Please let Debra know if you are interested.

Unfortunately the Ridlington Singers Concert due to be held this Saturday, September 23rd has been POSTPONED.

A new date will be published soon.

Our apologies for this late cancelation.