A message from Ali Wainwright of the Rutland FoodBank.


Good morning all,

I’m pleased to attach this year’s Reverse Advent Calendar. This include suggestions for what you might donate in the period leading up to Christmas. You will notice that we have suggested more core items this year rather than treats. Our increased activity during the year coupled with an understandable decrease in donations due to the impact of the cost of living increases means that we need to keep our shelves stocked and so we are asking for the core items to help us do that.

Please will you share the Calendar  with family & friends, every packet and can helps us. Please note we are not expecting anyone to donate the full calendar, rather that you team up with your family & friends or a local group to collect between you. Please click on the link to access the calendar.

Reverse-Advent-Calendar 2023

We’d appreciate your donations reaching us by early December so we have time to distribute them in good time for Christmas. Due to the wonderful support across the county we are still able to pack and deliver a 7-day emergency food & toiletries parcel. In the coming weeks we’ll be adding seasonal foods and small treats to the bags to hopefully bring a little joy to our clients.

Some Statistics
This year we have already received 456 referrals (as at 27th October). This is a 13% increase in referrals compared with the same period last year. We are supporting 218 households across Rutland compared with 186 in the same period that year. Just over 30% of all the referrals are new households i.e. they have not needed help from the foodbank before.

As the nights get darker and the weather cooler we know that there will be more households struggling and having to make difficult choices to eat or heat so we are expecting to be busy. Our wonderful volunteers (as always) are ready to respond and help those who are struggling across Rutland.

Thank you and all those who you link with for your ongoing support. Together we create a strong and supportive community network, truly Multum in Parvo (Much in Little)

As always, if you have any comments or questions please do get in touch.

Kind regards,
Ali Wainwright
Chair of Trustees, Rutland Foodbank
36 Melton Road, Oakham,
LE15 6AY

We are pleased to receive donations Mon-Fri 10.00-12.00
Tel 07582 783363


Our annual donation to the Smalls for All charity has been made and grateful thanks are extended to all the kind donors


Our church was beautifully decorated for the harvest festivals and thanks are due to all the talented arrangers as well as to those who donated extra items for the Food Bank collection.  The next collection is on 1st November. 

Details of the Christmas wish list will be circulated once available.

Further Covid-19 and flu Vaccination services coming to Rutland


More mobile Covid-19 and flu vaccination clinics are coming to villages around Rutland as part of the Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland’s Integrated Care Board’s (LLRICB) autumn vaccination programme to ensure the most vulnerable have access to the vaccines before winter.

Mobile vaccination clinics operate on a walk-in basis and no appointment is needed, if you are an eligible adult come along to one of the clinics outlined below. Please note that all residents attending a clinic will now be asked to wear a face mask. To check if you are eligible for the current vaccination programme and for further information about all vaccination clinics available across LLR please go to: https://leicesterleicestershireandrutland.icb.nhs.uk/your-health/vaccinations/.

There are now also specialist vaccination clinics available for children aged from 6 months to 12 and over, for more information about these clinics and to check your child’s eligibility please go to: Seasonal Covid-19 vaccines now available for all eligible children in Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland – LLR ICB

Upcoming Mobile Vaccination Clinics in Rutland:

Thursday 2nd November

  • Greetham Community Centre, Greetham, (LE15 7NG), 9am – 12pm
  • The Olive Branch Pub, Clipsham, (LE15 7SH), 1pm – 2pm
  • Jackson Stops Inn, Stretton, (LE15 7RA), 2.15pm – 3pm
  • The Herb Nursery, Thistleton, (LE15 7RE), 3.15pm – 4pm

Friday 3rd November

  • Ketton Library, Ketton, (PE9 3TE), 9.30am – 11.30am
  • Edith Weston Village Hall, Edith Weston, (LE15 8HE), 12pm – 2pm
  • North Luffenham Green near allotments, (LE15 8FH), 2.15pm – 3pm
  • The Boot Inn, South Luffenham, (LE15 8NX), 3.15pm – 4pm

Monday 6th November,

  • Catmose House Car Park (LE15 6HP), 12noon – 7pm

Friday 10th November

  • Uppingham Market Place, (LE15 9QH), 10am – 4pm

Friday 17th November

  • Uppingham Market Place, (LE15 9QH), 10am – 4pm


As well as these drop-in sessions there are also other ways for eligible people to get their vaccinations. You can book appointments for the seasonal Covid-19 and flu vaccinations using the National Booking Service website. Please note that you may have to travel to the appointments booked over the national booking service and will have to provide your own transport.

To help people that are unable to travel to a vaccination clinic a free resident transport service is now available. The service has been set up to provide eligible residents in Leicestershire and Rutland the opportunity to get vaccinated this autumn by helping them to get to and from a vaccination clinic if they live remotely or have no other means of transportation. To check your eligibility please call: 01530 512456. The service is open Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm. Please note the service provider will check your eligibility and will book you into a suitable Covid-19 and flu clinic. The service will arrange for people to be taken to and from their appointment, all at no cost.

Please find below the link to the Agenda for the RPC meeting to be held on Wednesday, November 8th at 6:00 pm.

RPC Agenda 08.11.23


The Village Hall Quiz night which was scheduled for Friday, November 3rd  has been cancelled due to a shortfall of participants available on this date.

Dave Roome

Dear Fellow Villagers

As you may be aware the Ridlington playground area now has equipment that is upwards of 15 years old and as such, despite remedial works is naturally deteriorating to a point where it is becoming no longer fit for purpose.

The Trustees have been advised by RoSPA that we should consider decommissioning the area before the end of its operating life and in line with our insurance responsibilities and more importantly our duty of care to its users, regrettably, the Trustees have taken the decision that the play area, in its current format, will be dismantled with immediate effect.

If there is sufficient interest in the village to replace this facility, we would be delighted to speak with anyone who would like to form a working party and would be prepared to lead fund raising and project manage this option, obviously with the support and input from the Trustees.

Kind Regards,

Ruth, Julie, Adele and Simon
Email:  playingfieldtrustees@yahoo.com

The subject of a question on a recent University Challenge programme, Agatha Christie’s “The ABC Murders” pits Hercule Poirot’s grey cells against those of a serial killer – cleverly plotted.

“The Rules of Engagement” by Anita Brookner is well written – two old school friends with different backgrounds meet after a number of years – were their high hopes met?

The historical novel “Pandora” by Susan Stokes-Chapman set in Georgian London mixes Greek myth with mystery – secrets are slowly revealed.

The first of the West Country Mysteries by Rebecca Tope “A Dirty Death” deals with the demise of farmer Guy Beardon – accident or murder?

Saturday, November 11th 2023 
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm


Tea, coffee, cakes and more 

Fundraising for the

Pledges of edibles and help would be gratefully received

More details to follow.
Jackie, Jo & Shelagh – 07592 590 541