I learnt such a lot about the early days of the East India Company by reading the biography of James Achilles Kirkpatrick “White Mughals” by William Dalrymple – well researched and written, a fascinating insight into crossing cultures.

Two this month from C.S.Forester – “The Happy Return”, another enjoyable Hornblower adventure novel and “The Gun” set in the Peninsular War.

Last but not least, one of my favourite Agatha Christie novels –  “Five Little Pigs” – if your mother had been convicted of murder would you want to know if she was guilty.  Carla Lemarchant asks Poirot to investigate the five witnesses at the trial.


The Ridlington Singers will present an informal concert on Saturday 23rd September at 7.30 in Ridlington Church.

The programme will include music from My Fair Lady, HMS Pinafore and Les Miserables.

Free admission, and donations to Ridlington Church.

Refreshments will follow, served in the Village Hall.



Please see below:

Notice and Summons to attend Parish Council meeting Wednesday 13th September 7.00pm at Ridlington Village Hall
All members of the public are welcome.

The Agenda for this meeting is attached as a PDF below. Click this link to open the PDF

For a change, we will be meeting at the church porch on a Sunday – 5pm, 17th September.

If interested, please let Debra know.


This Saturday, September 9th, Tim Brindley is taking on the cycling challenge as part of the Ride and Stride fundraising event organised by Rutland Historic Churches Preservation Trust.

Please support Tim and the charity which has kindly made grants to our village church by sponsoring Tim.  He has set up a secure means of donating through Just Giving  – https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/tim-brindley

Thank you.

We shall be sorry to see Jes leave the Benefice at the end of September.  Not only has he been a member of Ridlington Singers but he has helped us set up our annual pet service and to start a new tradition of Songs of Praise in the church.

Jes and his wife Jane are moving to look after three parishes in Bedfordshire which will mean they are living closer to Jane’s grandson.

Donations for the leaving gift to our church treasurer, Dawn Ross, or to our church warden, Debra Thatcher by the 10th September, please.

A hearty thank you to the 12 strong work party who undertook our annual strim and rake of the churchyard.

Afterwards we joined together in a bring and share ploughman’s lunch – very well deserved after all the hard work.

A thank you also to those who have volunteered to “meet and greet” participants in the Rutland Historic Churches Preservation Trust’s fundraiser “Ride and Stride” on Saturday, 9th September.

The next collection from the church porch will be on  6th September. 

Please continue to give generously – our help is needed.

Thank you.