Another walk followed by a picnic is planned for Friday, 25th August – meet at the church porch at 6:30pm. 

If interested, please let Debra know.


In June a couple visiting family graves commented that [their relatives] would have loved the wildflowers and grasses in the churchyard!

They are not the only ones – our annual bio-blitz results demonstrate that the churchyard management plan is increasing bio-diversity.  A full list of all we saw forms part of the Nature Notes on the display stand at the back of the church.


Church cleaning: Karen Baines; Jackie Ike
Church flowers: Annie Harvey; Pat Roome
Front of House Rota: Richard and Debra Thatcher; Ruth Lees; Louise and Steven Fox


Volunteers needed for the annual strim and rake of the churchyard on Sunday, 13th August at 11:00.  We hope it will take a couple of hours and we can then join together in our traditional ploughman’s lunch.


Volunteers also needed to participate in or to “meet and greet” participants in the Rutland Historic Churches Preservation Trust’s fundraiser on Saturday, 9th September. If you are able to volunteer for either or both events, please let Debra know.


Volunteers needed to open their gardens and to assist on the day with parking, ticket sales, and refreshments.  Please let Debra know if you can help.


Thank you very much indeed for your continued generosity.

The up-to-date list of requested items is on the boxes in the church porch.

Next collection – 9th August.

SONGS OF PRAISE – Sunday, 30th July at 4:00 pm


Is there a hymn that means a lot to you?  One you always like to sing?  Nominate your favourite for our Songs of Praise service on 30th July at 4:00 pm to be led by Rev Jes Salt.

The nomination sheet is in the church porch or alternatively you can email Debra –


The village defibrillator was installed in 2013 in the decommissioned telephone box on Main Street, the costs being covered by a donation from the Karen Ball Fund of £1000 and by donations from village residents of £1385.

There are renewal costs for the battery and pads, plus an annual emergency phone line charge. Since 2013, further voluntary donations have been made and the Parish Council has contributed £100 each year.

It is important to retain a reserve fund for the regular outgoings and also for any unexpected expenses. The defibrillator is an essential asset for Ridlington and can save lives.

If you feel able to support the scheme and contribute towards the reserve fund, there is a dedicated bank account with Lloyds. The account name is Ridlington Defibrillator, sort code 30-95-47 and account number 15679168.

Access to the defibrillator requires a code to unlock the yellow cabinet inside the telephone box. The code is C159X.

Further information about the village defibrillator can be found at

Or you can contact:

Peter Richards at      or
Mike Horwood at

Do you stand on one foot while brushing your teeth?  Dr Michael Mosley says that doing so improves balance and reduces the risk of injury.  For this and many other simple changes to transform your life read his book “Just One Thing” based on the Radio 4 programme.  Informative, interesting and entertaining.

Two twentieth century classics – “A Town Like Alice” by Nevil Shute, based on a true story although relocated from Sumatra to Malaya, the theme of this well written book is never lose heart. I enjoyed reading this one and also Albert Camus’ “The Outsider”, although when reading this I could not help thinking of themes for exam questions – being outside society, refusal to hide true feelings (or lack of them) etc.

To complete this month’s set – another police procedural.  If this had been written by MC Beaton it would have been called death of an accountant but this is by Alex Gray, one of her Detective William Lorimer series based in Glasgow, entitled “The Riverman”. The body count grows…

After enjoyable evening walks at Hambleton and Braunston another evening walk is planned for July.

If interested, please let Debra know –