The recently released statistics show that in 2022 our local Food Bank supported 264 households, including 150 with children.

Please continue to give generously – special request made for UHT milk, tinned meat, pies, rice puddings and fruit and also toiletries – shampoo, shower gel and household items – loo roll, washing up liquid.

Our next collection from the church porch is on Wednesday, 14th June.


Join us on Saturday morning, June 10th at 10:00 am to assist in this year’s  “Churches Count on Nature” – will we have ladybirds in the churchyard?

Please let Debra know if you can spare some time to assist in the count or come along if you are just curious to see what we find.

The full list will be added to the nature notes on the stand at the back of the church.

tel.: 823910


Church cleaning:  Jacky Morrell; Julie Hoult
Church flowers:  Jan Powley; Sue Hatcher; Annie Harvey
Front of House Rota:  Annie and David Harvey; Louise and Steven Fox; Richard and Debra Thatcher; Ruth Lees



A huge thank you to everyone who rolled up their sleeves and got stuck in with various jobs in the church and churchyard – a proper spring clean.  All the better for being serenaded by the band of bell ringers ringing to mark the Coronation.



Our thanks to Rev Jes Salt for leading our Rogation Service and also to Dawn and Russell for bringing a ewe and two lambs to the service – we have some good photographs!


It was a joy to re-read “The Diary of a Provincial Lady” by E.M.Delafield written in weekly instalments in Time and Tide magazine. A quiet humour pervades all four books contained in the volume and encapsulates provincial living in the 1930s and at the start of WW2. Life lessons for all us – remaining cheerful in the face of adversity, being anxious not to offend – and amusing descriptions of social relationships – “our vicar” and “our vicar’s wife” regularly referenced without mention of their names.

Best known for “Cider with Rosie” Laurie Lee also wrote essays, some of which are gathered together in “I Can’t Stay Long”.  Divided into sections, starting with reflections on his rural childhood in Gloucestershire, moving onto visits to Aberfan a year after the tragedy and travel writing, long before the advent of package holidays.

Just enough clues to work out what might have happened – was it an accident, suicide pact or murder?  –“Elephants Can Remember” by Agatha Christie, a recommended read.


Six teams tested their knowledge at the Coronation Quiz held in the village hall as part of the Coronation celebrations. A good spread of questions resulted in a cliff hanger finish, resulting in Karen & Richard Baines’ team winning by 1 point! The played music round was very popular with military marching bands seeing some ‘air trombone playing ‘ and lots of table thumping.

A total of £270 was raised for Ukraine Red Cross Appeal.





Forthcoming events to be held in the Village Hall will be:

  • Coffee Mornings – 10.30 to 12.00
    Friday 9th June; Friday 4th August; Friday 6th October; Friday 1st December
  • Team Quiz – 3rd November
  • Social Night – 15th December


Everyone welcome!

The sun shone and Ridlington celebrated the Coronation in style with a street party on Main Street. Residents – donned in red, white, blue and gold – tucked into Coronation Quiche, Coronation Chicken and many other delicious treats, which they shared with friends and neighbours.

A huge thank you to everyone who made this memorable occasion possible!

Tim Brindley has taken some wonderful photographs, one of which will be chosen for Keith Aldridge to use as inspiration for a painting to commemorate the event…

Tim has kindly made a collage of a selection of the photographs taken on the day. If you should wish to take a closer look at the photos please click on the link to access the photo. If you encounter any problems, please let us know.

Congratulations to John Morrell and Mary Aldridge, winners of the Crown/Tiara competition!

Annie Harvey

The For Rutland Grand Bottle Tombola
Sunday 4th June 2023
at The Rutland Showground


Dear Friends & Neighbours,

We are looking for donations of bottles of any type from lemonade to Lambrini, shampoo to champagne or beer to bubble bath for our Tombola.

Why? – For Rutland raises funds for Citizens Advice Rutland (Reg Charity No 1107907) to pay for Specialist Advisers who provide non-medical advice to people of all ages living with long-term health conditions in Rutland and the surrounding community.

Since June 2014 when For Rutland was formed our Specialist Advisers have returned on average £1m per year in grants, debt write-offs and benefit funding to those living with conditions such as cancer, dementia, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and mental illness.

Without this specialist knowledge available on our High Street, we believe many people would not be able to gain access to the support they need.  By donating your bottles to For Rutland, you are helping to keep this vital service in our community.


Please leave any  bottles or donation with Liz Simpson at New House, Main Street  or in their greenhouse.

Bottles and donations can also be left at the following village locations

Before Tuesday 30th May
Barrowden Community Shop
Cottesmore Post Office & Shop
Edith Weston Village Store
Ketton Post Office & Shop
Market Overton Store
Barbara’s Store Empingham
The Fox at North Luffenham
The Blue Ball at Braunston

Please make any cheques payable to: ‘For Rutland’

Also you can drop off at :
John Porters Dry Cleaning in Oakham
Nelsons Butchers Shop in Uppingham





Don’t forget the next Village Hall Coffee Morning will be held on Friday, June 9th from 10:30: 12:00.

All welcome.