Fancy a walk one May evening to make the most of the light evenings and to celebrate late spring?

Let Debra know on telephone number – 01572 823 910  if this would be of interest to you and what evening would work best for you.



The cost of living crisis is tough.  Please continue to donate generously to the local Food Bank the collection boxes are in the church porch.

Church cleaning: Annie Harvey, Ruth Lees; Karen Baines
Church flowers: Jo Fairley; Kath Partridge; Jan Powley
Front of House Rota: Annie and David Harvey; Richard and Debra Thatcher; Ruth Lees; Louise and Steven Fox

A huge thank you to everyone involved in the lovely service – cleaning, reading, playing,  preaching and serving refreshments.  Thoroughly enjoyed by the large congregation.

Our Easter Service was a very happy occasion made even more joyous by the very beautiful flower displays which adorned our church. Many thanks to the team of ladies who produced such lovely arrangements which reflected the joy of this very special church festival. Margie Wall.

Sunday, 28th May at 11:00 at the church when reports will be formally presented – all welcome.  Vacancies for Church Warden, Secretary and PCC members.


As is customary on the first Sunday of the month there will be a church service at 9:30 on Sunday, 6th May. However, rather than the customary Morning Prayer service there will be a Special Commemorative service marking the King’s Coronation – all welcome to this short service.

On the Bank Holiday Monday morning the village will be visited by a band of bell ringers who are going to celebrate the Coronation by ringing the four church bells for about 20 minutes.  The Bell Ringers’ Guild is hoping to ring at every tower in Rutland over the course of the Coronation weekend and prior to this village on Monday they will ring in Ayston.  They are expected around mid-morning.

Also, on Bank Holiday Monday from 10:00 we are participating in the Big Help Out, giving people an opportunity to volunteer to do something within their community.  A huge thank you to the various villagers who have already offered an hour or a couple of hours of their time to tackle a multitude of tasks – a list of tasks will be in the church porch.  If you are not able to help in the day but are happy to take on one or more of the tasks please mark the list to that effect.  Light refreshments will be available in the morning.


Hello all!

An update for Sunday!

Firstly, Thank You for all offers of help.

  • David and Henry are going to put up gazebos at 10:30 am on Sunday morning (other help welcomed!)
    Also help putting out chairs/tables needed at the same time!
    I have bunting and flags which we could put up on Friday/Saturday/weather dependent!

If you would like to help serve tea/coffee and/or clear up, that would be amazing- thanks for all the offers so far.

  • Jacky, Janet and Ali are providing and delivering games.
  • Tim is taking photographs – time will be 3:00 pm for a whole village photo…
  • Keith is doing a painting.
  • Jackie is putting everything on the website.
  • The quiz is going ahead.
  • I am collecting road closure cones on Friday and returning Tuesday.
    Main Street will be closed from 11:00 – 17:00 hrs on Sunday May 7th.
    Insurance and risk assessment sorted.
  • Jo Fairley is doing the altar flowers.
  • We are doing a letter drop as a final gentle reminder.
  • Dave Roome will  be providing music.
  • Sue has donated 2 mugs for crown/tiara prizes.

All we need now is DRY WEATHER.

41 folk have RSVP so far

So, we’re all set….

We can not confirm a village sign/gate/tree yet, but will move ahead on these after the event. Martin has sent through details of a village sign at circa £4000.

Well done one and all – see you on Sunday

Annie xx

Preston Village Hall, Thursday 11th May, 6.30 – 7.30pm


An informative and practical mini-workshop to introduce you to some simple yet powerful breathing techniques.

Consciously changing the way you breathe can significantly improve your health. In particular it helps to:

Reduce anxiety and stress (almost magically for many people)
Reduce blood pressure
Improve sleep
Improve digestion
Balance mood / energy
Increase mental focus

The workshop will give you the tools and knowledge to improve your own breathing. By understanding some of the science, you will learn what effects the way you breathe has on your body and why conscious breathing is so important for your health.

To be as accessible as possible, this event is by donation; just pay at the end an amount you feel you can afford, and which reflects the value you have got from the workshop.

I have attached a flyer should you wish to print this information out or wish to share it with others.

Breathwork workshop flyer – P. Rubinstein

If you’d like to attend, please contact me to reserve a place.
Polly Rubinstein

T: 07803 184113

Please help Ridlington Playing Field by signing up to support us for FREE on #easyfundraising.

Did you know you can raise donations whenever you shop online with over 7,000 brands including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Argos, M&S and more. Plus, once you’ve raised your first £5, easyfundraising will double it! Sign up today – it will make a BIG difference to us this year.

All you need to do is click on the links below to read more about how to go about signing up and helping us to raise much needed funds for the Playing Field.

Thank you for your support.
Trustees of Ridlington Playing Field

Please find below a Notice and accompanying plan in respect of the Temporary Road Closure in the above areas in Rutland which will come into effect on 15/05/2023 to 16/05/2023.


TTRO-23-56 Preston Road, Ridlington


Kind regards
Rutland County Council
Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
t: 01572 758297 (x8297) |