Ditch the plastic and reduce food miles!

Fresh milk deliveries in glass reusable bottles on Monday and Thursday mornings by Ferneley’s based on the Rutland/Leicestershire border – see their website:  https://ferneleysicecream.co.uk/

Pasteurised but not homogenised – 75 pence/pint and £1.30/litre.

If you are interested in supporting this local business, please contact them direct.


Please find the minutes to the RPC meeting that was held on Wednesday, November 16th.

Please click on the link below to access the minutes.

Draft RPC Minutes 16.11.22

Alternatively, these can be accessed on the website under the heading “Minutes, Agendas & Accounts”.

If you are having difficulty accessing this document, please do let us know.

Thank you.

Is it too early to mention Christmas yet?

This is just a reminder that we run a community charity Christmas card scheme. Sending your Festive Greetings along with a donation will help to keep the much needed village funds going. The monies donated will be shared between the Church, Playing Field and Village Hall.

Your cards will be pinned up in the porch of the Church for all to have the opportunity to read your message.

Please give your cards and donations to either Debra Thatcher, Ruth Lees and Pat Roome.


The Food Bank is issuing a “reverse” Advent Calendar this year. This will help those  who wish to donate see what they need, thereby allowing the volunteers to pack and deliver the boxes in time for the Festive Season.

The next collection date from the Church Porch is on Wednesday, 30th November.

Please find below the link to view their website for the “reverse” Advent Calendar…


Please continue to give generously – the Food Bank will be under increasing pressure during the winter months.

Thank you
Debra Thatcher


Please find below the link for the Agenda for the forthcoming RPC meeting to be held on Wednesday, November 16th @ 7:30pm in the Village Hall. All members of the public welcome.

RPC Agenda 16.11.22

Alternatively this can also be found under the Minutes, Agendas and Accounts on the website.




The next Village Hall coffee morning will be on Friday, November 11th from 10:30 – 12:00 noon.

As this event falls on Remembrance Day, a Poppy Appeal box will be available for those who wish to donate to this very worthy cause.

We look forward to seeing you there.


Village Hall Trustees




The Village Hall’s North facing roof was in need of urgent repair and planning permission was granted to replace the current Collyweston tiles with imitation Collyweston.

This work has now been completed and has included the replacement of the rear extension roof, which was not in keeping with the rest of the building. This work will now ensure that we stay dry for the foreseeable future.


Upcoming dates to put in your diary are:
November 11th – 10:30-12:00 noon – Coffee Morning
December 16th – 19:00 – 23:00 – Social Evening

We look forward to welcoming you,



The Ridlington Singers’ concert which took place last month was a resounding success!

The audience were entertained by a varied programme of items from Elgar to Simon and Garfunkel, and from Chicago to Gilbert and Sullivan. Starring and highly entertaining performances were given by Margie Wall and Richard Thatcher as well as a stunning solo by Caz Dibble singing ‘Summertime and the Living is Easy.’ And this all made possible by our choirmaster extraordinaire, Martin Wall!




Donations totalling £365 were made and to be shared between the Church and the British Red Cross Ukrainian Crisis Appeal. Thank you to all who attended and made such a wonderful evening.




And dare we say it: now we start to prepare for Christmas!