Thank you this month for:

Church Cleaning: Karen Baines; Anne Harvey; Debra Thatcher

Church Flowers: Georgina van Smirren; Maggie Wilson; Margie Wall

Front of House: Steve and Louise Fox,; Anne & David Harvey; Ruth Lees




A Service of Thanksgiving and Holy Communion held on the first Sunday of the period of mourning for Her Majesty was well attended – our grateful thanks are extended to Rev’d Jes Salt for such a moving service which gave us an opportunity to reflect on the life of dedication of our late Queen and for thanksgiving for her long life.

Join us at the church at 2:30pm on Saturday, 8th October for a lively and informative talk on environmental matters and the path to Net Zero Carbon by 2030 and for an opportunity to meet with Bishop John, the Bishop of Brixworth, who has particular responsibility for the environment in Peterborough Diocese.  Tea will follow.

This event was well attended and informative.


Don’t forget the closing date for receiving your preloved items is Wednesday, October 13th. Many thanks and look forward to seeing you at Langham where tea, coffee & cakes will await you. Margie Wall.

Our thanks are due to Richard Thatcher for his continued fundraising through his talk on Life at the Criminal Bar – Market Bosworth WI was the audience in September. Nearly £300 raised this year so far.

Don’t forget that lots of books are available in the Church – or contact Debra Thatcher.

Due to unforeseen circumstances Knit and Natter which was going to take place this morning is postponed until next week Monday, October 17th 11:00 – 12:30. The time and venue remain unchanged.

Please pass on this message to anyone you know who was thinking of attending. Thank you.

Please accept my sincere apologies for this short notice.

Anne Harvey


The Ridlington Singers invite you to join them at an informal concert on Saturday, October 15th, at 7.30pm in Ridlington Church. (The original date for the concert was cancelled out of a mark of respect of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen).

A cornucopia of music from Elgar to Simon & Garfunkel with Gilbert & Sullivan & Irving Berlin thrown in too.

Free admission, but donations welcomed for the British Red Cross Ukrainian Crisis Appeal, and Ridlington Church.

We look forward to seeing you there for an enjoyable evening.

Martin Wall

Please find below the link to the Minutes of the RPC meeting that was held on September 26th 2022.

If you wish to access these through the website to read or print, these can be found on the website under Minutes, Agendas and Accounts.

Draft RPC Minutes 26.09.22



Please find below the link to the Agenda for the PCC meeting now to be held on Monday, September 26th @7:30 pm in the Village Hall.

RPC Agenda 26.09.22

Accessories can transform your rigout but needless to say we all need a change from time to time. Following the success of the 50/50 sale in Ridlington Church, Langham and Ridlington are joining forces for a 50/50 accessories sale in Langham Church on Saturday October 15th, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm .  As well as browsing the items on sale you can tuck into coffee and cakes!

Items to donate include: handbags, purses, scarves, belts, shoes, gloves and jewellery.

Please ensure that:
•  Your items are clean and in good condition.
•  Attach a ticket to each piece–this will save us many hours work.
•  Include your name and contact details.
•  Jot down a price if you have one in mind.

If your item sells you will receive 50% of the sale price.

Items for Ridlington sale tables should be delivered to
Margie Wall, 8, East Lane, Ridlington
Debra Thatcher 3, Main Street, Ridlington

The closing date for receiving items is Wednesday October 12th.

The call for us to cut down on waste and to give longer lives to our possessions gets louder every day. Please support this venture and as well as helping a vital cause you will have bags of fun!

Margie Wall 01572 821397
Debra Thatcher 01572 823910
Debbie Sowter 01572 723533 – Langham contact

The Ridlington Parish Council meeting on 21st September 2022 has been CANCELLED due to it falling within the mourning period for HM Queen Elizabeth II.

The rearranged date is now 7.30pm Monday 26th September 2022, at the Village Hall.

All members of the Public are welcome.