The Ridlington Singers were due to hold an informal concert on Friday, September 16th in the Church.

This has now been cancelled as a mark of respect of the passing of Her Majesty the Queen.

We will therefore reschedule the concert to another day and will inform you of the new date shortly.

Thank you.




The church has some building works coming up in the next two years – take off the inappropriate plaster where the damp is getting in and make good.

Needless to say we are looking for grant funding but this opportunity has arisen through the church’s insurers – they have a draw with a prize of £1,000.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could secure this for Ridlington?

To do your bit, please can you use the link below and vote for Ridlington Parochial Church Council, an exempt charity.


Thanks in anticipation,
Debra Thatcher

As the days begin to shorten, would you like to meet friends, and enjoy taking part in or learn a new skill?

If so, why don’t you join a new ‘Knit and Natter’ group at Chimney Cottage, Ridlington, from October through to the spring. No experience necessary. No need to book in advance. Just turn up on the day. Sessions include tea/coffee/biscuits/cake and a guaranteed friendly welcome.

So, whether you’re a complete beginner or an expert knitter/crocheter/sewer, come along for a cuppa and a chat and to meet other local people.

Sessions – Mondays 11:00 – 12.30, commencing Monday 10 October 2022.

Contact Annie Harvey for further details:

Tel: 01572 820273
Mob: 07751 079775

Following the announcement of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II a book of condolence will be made available in Ridlington Church from 9th September to the day after the funeral.

For those wishing to light a candle in remembrance, tea lights will be made available. Please do not leave burning candles unattended.

Please join us for a special church service on Sunday, 11th September 2022 at 9:30am – all welcome.


Ridlington PCC

8th September 2022

Care about the countryside?  Concerned about our marine environment?  Want to know more about everyday environmental issues and what small practical steps each of us can take to make a difference?

Join us at Ridlington church for a lively discussion with Bishop John on the afternoon of Saturday, 8th October.

Not the best known of his works but A.L. Rowse’s “Bosworth Field and the War of the Roses”, published in 1966, continued his successful writing career.  He was renowned for his “academic boldness” – some of his conclusions on the events leading to the War of the Roses and his account of the reigns of the late Medieval English Kings would be challenged these days – but it was interesting enough particularly as his second great passion, Shakespeare, is reflected in a chapter on the history plays.

More blood and gore but not of the historical type – Simon Brett’s “Blood at the Bookies” is a well written whodunnit which I enjoyed.

The third book for this month is another in the Hamish Macbeth mysteries by M.C. Beaton “Death of a Macho Man” – well plotted and written as usual but not one of my favourites.

Debra Thatcher

Two more successful fundraising events were held over the summer.

The first was a very entertaining and thought-provoking talk by Richard Thatcher (complete with court wig and gown) on his life at the Criminal Bar.  Nearly forty people from the village and further afield attended the talk in the church and relished the opportunity to ask questions with £180.68 being raised in donations.


A similar event was held in August – the church hosted the church visits group of Rutland U3A (University of the Third Age) who listened to a talk by Debra Thatcher on the history of the church, its architecture and artefacts before refreshments were served. £69 was donated to church funds.


Our thanks go to both speakers.


With the cost-of-living crisis affecting every household it is even more important to support the work of the Food Bank if you are able: all donations are gratefully received.

These items are requested: UHT milk (blue or green), sponge puddings and custard; pot noodles; tinned carrots; sugar; toothbrushes; ladies’ toiletries; shaving gel and pump hand soap.