Demand remains high so every donation makes a huge difference -please continue to be generous.

The next collection will be on Wednesday 20th April.

Microwaveable rice sachets, sugar, instant coffee, UHT milk, pasta sauces, long-life juice, pot noodles and deodorants requested.

SOS – Calling for Volunteers !!

Saturday morning 24th April and Sunday morning 25th April 2022


The Playing Field Trustees wish to set up a working group and so are seeking volunteers to help prepare the field for the summer months.

The work envisaged includes:

  • Clearing the remaining debris from the site where the old shipping containers were located.
  • Removing the old and worn out football nets and replacing them with new. (already in possession) (Dave Richardson to oversee)
  • Clear remaining debris in the wooded area to clear the way for the “Nature Paths”. ( Karen and Richard to oversee)
  • Tidying up and preparing the Petanque Area
  • Trimming back some of the front and side hedge growth

We have already organised new wire netting to be installed where required as soon as possible to ensure and protect our pets from running out into the road.

We have in mind Saturday and Sunday the 24th and 25th April and would really really appreciate any help you are able to give.

Thanking you in anticipation
Ruth, Julie, Simon and Chris


Please call Ruth if you are able to help on 01572 821440 and which day/time to suit. If you can’t make this weekend don’t worry as I’m sure we will be coming up with more dates in the near future!

Charles Veal of Main Street,  Ridlington, sadly passed away after a long period of ill health on Sunday 27 March 2022.

A private funeral for family and close friends only, will be held in Peterborough on Thursday 28 April.

The cortège will be leaving the village at 1.15 pm and villagers are welcome to gather near the house and along the road as a mark of respect and a last farewell. This gesture will be much appreciated by the family.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Charles’ widow Barbara, his son, daughter and their respective families. May he rest in peace.


Thanks to everyone who volunteered during the week commencing 13th March.

It’s a shame that we have to undertake the task each year but the effort is worth it.


Please feel free to borrow the books from the church or, if you would like to keep one, please make a donation. Donated books and payment to be passed to Debra Thatcher.


A mixed bag of books for April – placed on the small table so that they are easy to locate.

First, a biography of cricket umpire, Dickie Bird. It is the updated edition and sold well on publication. As befits this gentle man his story is very gently told. I found it of interest although not the hugest fan of cricket.

Secondly, a copy of the script of the 2009 play “Enron”, based on the huge financial scandal. Some of the language in the script will be seen as challenging to some.

Lastly this month, “Porterhouse Blue” by Tom Sharpe, which was dramatised some years ago with David Jason playing the porter at the college. This was a re-read for me and, although I found it amusing a word of warning – it reflects the language and thoughts of the time it was written.

Postcards also available to purchase in the church.



The old shipping containers that made up the cricket pavilion have now been removed and the site that they stood on will be tidied up in due course.

Thanks to Chris Lees for erecting the new Bird Boxes the money for which was donated by a Ridlington resident for that purpose and our thanks go to her.

Thanks go to Karen and Richard Baines who continue their hard work in clearing through the wooded areas. They have worked so so hard in creating a pathway through all the undergrowth which we will all be able to enjoy.

The main field will be mowed regularly this year. The outer areas will be allowed to rewild together with the new growth of the saplings planted over the last two years.

There will be further updates in the next Parish Magazine and on the village website.

Thank You
Trustees of Ridlington Playing Field


Events to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee are shaping up nicely for Ridlington. More details will be published in the run up to the Bank Holiday weekend, but the outline plan is as follows:

Church Service – Morning Prayer will be held at 9.30am on Sunday 5 June, led by Graham Madgwick

Church Flowers – the church will be beautifully decorated with a red, white and blue flower theme

Street party Sunday 5 June 2-4pm – this will be held on Main Street outside the Village Hall. Bring your own food, tablecloth and ‘mismatched’ crockery; wear red/white/ blue and a crown or tiara. Tea will be served from the Village Hall along with music, including the National Anthem and some of the Queen’s favourites tunes

·      ‘Bake a cake/pudding for the Queen’ competition – with 1st/2nd/3rd prizes

·      Plant a tree for the Jubilee

·      Traditional games for children

Posters and Invitations will be delivered to all households. If you would like any further details or can offer any help either before or on the day, no matter how great or small, please contact Anne Harvey at Chimney Cottage or 07751 079775 or


We are close to achieving bronze award status.  We need to undertake some additional work in the area of “lifestyle” and are considering ideas such as 50/50 clothes  sales, a village free cycle.  For more information, please contact Debra Thatcher.