We hope that you will join us at the village Carol Service being held this Sunday evening at 6:00 pm.

Due to the COVID pandemic please:

  • Do not attend if you are exhibiting any COVID symptoms;
  • Take a lateral flow test (kits available at the back of the church) and only attend if you have a negative result;
  • Wear a mask unless leading the service, giving a reading, or performing;
  • Use the hand sanitiser on arrival;
  • Sit in family/household “bubbles”;
  • Wear warm clothes because although the heating will be on, the door will be open.

Thank You
Debra Thatcher


Despite the current concerns regarding COVID, there remain a number of people in the village who have expressed that they would still like the evening to go ahead.

We will of course be applying the current hygiene recommendations. Sanitisers will be available, windows will be open and masks will be worn where appropriate.

There will be a chimenea lit on the front lawn of the Village Hall for those wishing to enjoy a drink with some warmth outside.

Village Hall Trustees


For emergency use in case of Cardiac Arrest, the defibrillator is located in the BT phone box on Main Street.

It was connected in 2013 and funded by donations from village residents and the Karen Ball Fund. Annual costs average about £200 of which £100 is covered by the Parish council. A sudden unexpected increase in maintenance costs has now depleted our reserves and we need to raise more to cover future expenses.

Our target is £500 to cover the next 5 years expenditure and allow a small surplus. More details will be available in January.

If you are new to the village we are happy to give a short introduction on how it operates. Please e-mail Mike Horwood –  mike.horwood2@btinternet.com


Please find below the link for the December 2021 Age UK newsletter for Rutland.

Rutland News December 21

Please share the newsletter with friends, neighbours, and anyone else you think might be interested.

If you have any questions, please let us know. Many thanks

Penny & Yvonne

Penny Stimpson & Yvonne Rawlings
Development Workers
Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland
13 High Street East
LE15 9PY

Penny:-  Phone: 01572 822 171 or Mobile: 07715 960 167
Yvonne:-  Phone: 01572 823 942 or Mobile : 07738 820 910
Email: Yvonne.rawlings@ageukleics.org.uk


At the Coffee Morning on December 3rd a £123.50 was raised for the Hall funds.

A big thank you to all those who attended, baked a cake or made a donation. The next Coffee Morning will be held in the spring and a date for this event will be forthcoming.

Pat Roome

Life returns slowly to a sort of normal which means that the streets are once again home for many people. Lockdown de-cluttering helped to build up store of clothing and camping items, but these are now being depleted once more. My Peterborough contact has been in touch with a list of the present requirements, and she has also stressed how grateful the organisation is for the donations they receive from Ridlington.

There are many calls on us for help from many different directions I know, but if you can spare any of the listed items, they will be gratefully received and put to very good use.

Thank you for your continued support.

2-PERSON TENTS (not pop-up as these are not weatherproof and they blow away)


Men’s jeans 30” – 32” waist
M/L joggers or similar
Winter/waterproof coats M/L
New/unused boxers medium
New/ unused socks
Neither duvets nor pillows can be accepted I’m afraid


Margie & Martin Wall
8 East Lane
Mobile – 07928378668
Tel.:  01572 821397


Probably best known for his book “Atonement” Ian McEwen won the Booker Prize in 1998 for “Amsterdam” – a fast paced novel, well planned and executed, although I found the ending predictable.  He also wrote “The Innocent”, a mid Cold War espionage drama.  Some scenes/chapters will not be to everyone’s liking – graphic detail of sex and violence.

Also, this month, “The Black Violin”, a translation of Maxence Fermine’s second novel, dealing with the trials and tribulations of finding inspiration for music – the perfect opera.  Critics are divided over the book – some decry its simplicity, but I enjoyed it although found the occasional typo took the shine off my enjoyment.

Books are available to borrow from the back of the church.  If you would like to buy any, please make a donation to church funds.

Many thanks,
Debra Thatcher.

Ridlington Village Hall


Friday December 17th
7.00 pm till 11.00 pm

After a few years of not having the “BAR” open,  the Village Hall will host a Social Night on Friday 17th December, a chance to come along for as long as you want, meet with friends and make new ones. Children very welcome. The bar will be open from 7.00 pm to 11.00 pm.

There will be a good selection of bottled Ales/Lager/Cider & Red & White Wine each at £3.00 per glass. Children’s soft drinks free. Enjoy complimentary nibbles and crisps. The event is licensed.

No need to buy a ticket but it would be nice to know if you may be coming.

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please don’t hesitate to contact

Pat & Dave Roome
Tel.:  01572 821416
Email – davr333@btinternet.com