Over the past months the government has been encouraging people to use lateral flow tests twice weekly.

Rutland County Council have made the “New” style kits available and our Rector, Pippa Madgwick has asked each of the 10 churches in the Benefice, whether they would like to make some of these test kits available in the churches.

For this reason, we have received a large box of test kits which are now available for everyone to use. They have been placed on the bench at the back of the Church St. Mary Magdalene and St. Andrew, please feel free to take one.

The old style test kits required the swab to be swished around the tonsils and up one nostril whilst the new style kits don’t require the swab to be swished around the tonsils but require both nostrils to be tested.  Each test kit contains full and easy to follow instructions for use and supplies details of how to register the test results and how to dispose of the test kits once used.

Even if experiencing no symptoms we are encouraged to test twice a week.

Please test to keep our community safe.

Thank you
Debra Thatcher





The Agenda for this meeting to be held on November 17th in the Village Hall is now available.  Please click on the link below to view…

RPC Agenda 17.11.21



Church cleaning rota: – thank you, this month, to: Mary Aldridge; Karen Baines; Suzanne Baines; Louise Fox; Anne Harvey; Ruth Lees;

Church flowers: – thank you, this month, to: Anne Harvey; Pat Roome;

Front of House Rota (new): – Anne/David Harvey; Margie/Martin Wall; Ruth Lees;

Vacancies: – there is still a vacancy for a Church Warden and also for new members to join the PCC. A heartfelt thank you to Bart Hellyer who has retired after many years dedicated service to the church (and much appreciation for being the perfect host at meetings!) If you are interested, please contact Pippa Madgwick or Jes Salt.

We have received a thank you letter from the Help For Heroes Team and we would like to share this with you. Please click on the link to view HFH Thank You ltr

Thank you once again for your support at the event.


Dave & Pat Roome


Following a very successful collection of items for the Food Bank at our Harvest Festival may I remind everyone of the importance of continuing to donate.

As we head into the winter months especially with the impact of the end of the universal credit uplift and furlough coupled with rising energy costs it is now even more critical.

Items requested include tinned goods – potatoes, carrots, fruit and meat pies.

The collection dates for November are 10th and 24th.

Thank you for your continued support.
Debra Thatcher


Here are two from one of my favourite modern day authors – Sebastian Faulks.

The first “Engleby” is narrated by a 1970’s student.  I couldn’t put it down when I read it first some years ago – a good read, but slightly disturbing.

The second “A Week in December” was perhaps not as good as it could have been – set in a week in December in 2007 recounting the lives of seven characters living in London and how they interlink.

Two non-fiction books as well:

“Gardening Tips” by Steve Brookes – I might pursue his tip to prevent slugs eating hostas and

”Contract Bridge for Beginners” – not a game I play so cannot comment.

Please feel free to borrow any of the books at the back of the church. If you would like to buy one, please make a donation.

Debra Thatcher


Our Remembrance Service will be held at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene & St. Andrew on Sunday 14th November at 9.30am, led by Revd Jes Salt.

All welcome.