Results of the Playing Field Questionnaire that was circulated in the latter part of last year are now available to read on the website. We would like to thank  Suzanne Baines again for all her hard work in the design, compilation, distribution and collation of all the documentation and to all of you who responded.

The analysis of the questionnaire together with the annual ROSPA Safety Inspection Report will be discussed at our first Action Group meeting towards the end of September. Date and time to be confirmed. The outcome of these discussions and the priorities and future plans will be taken forward by the Trustees and dedicated Action Groups. Please do let us know if you would like to be involved. We are in the process of setting up a Trustees email address which we will put on the website very soon.

The Field
We would like to thank Russell and Dawn once again for gathering the hay from the field. We know that so many of you missed the field as it was and are aware that leaving the grass to grow curtailed your enjoyment and regular activities. We thank you for bearing with us over the last 18 months and with the decisions that we made as a result of the ongoing pandemic. Your feedback has been greatly appreciated and noted and we will ensure that regular mowing and maintenance of the field will be resuming as we go forwards.

We are however, planning to let the periphery of the field continue to re-wild as we know from your feedback that this gives pleasure to so many in the village as well as helping nature to flourish. The new saplings are growing well within this area too.

We would like to thank Karen and Richard Baines as they continue to do a stirling job as volunteers within the playing field especially in the wooded areas around the periphery of the field. They and their team have worked so hard in clearing away so much dead wood and debris and have now created a path through the trees and bushes leading from where the wood starts on the far right hand side of the field (just above where the play area is) and going forwards towards the entrances to Green Lane. Richard has also removed all the barbed wire on that side bordering onto Green Lane. Your support continues to be invaluable. To see the improvements and what the Playing Field looks like now we’ve taken a few photos. 

The Play Area
A second lorry load of bark was recently delivered and spread. Thank you Simon. Appropriate signage remains in place.

The Sue Lane Memorial Bench has been washed and treated and now sits on the concrete base by the play area.

The new bench on the opposite side of the field is proving very popular and being well used also.

Cricket Club
There have been no home games this summer. We are in the process of liaising with representatives of the club to clarify their future plans.

Cricket Pavillion
We are aware that the existing cricket pavilion is no longer suitable or fit for purpose. Discussions are to take place to determine what actions are required now and in the future.

Bird Boxes
We have received a donation for bird boxes with the stipulation that they are made locally. Ideas welcome.

Football Pitch
Thanks goes to Mitch Pilkington for mowing the football field earlier in the summer. New football nets are due to be ordered shortly as the existing nets are shredded and torn.

Peter Richards is taking this forward and was very much enthused by the interest expressed via the questionnaires. The area itself is now weed free due to the hard work of members of the group.

Dog Poo Bins
These are proving very popular and we endeavour to empty them regularly.

Mariane and Ruth enjoyed meeting with the High Sheriff David Wood and his wife Jeffy on their recent visit to the village. We enjoyed our stroll around the field together and the mutual exchange of information was most appreciated.

You will have noticed from time to time we have taken the decision to lock the main gate to the field following the advice of our local police when there has been an increased risk of unauthorised groups driving in and gathering illegally on green spaces in our locality. Thank you for your understanding. Thankfully we have the small gate just a little further down the road.

Thank you all for your ongoing support. It is greatly welcomed and appreciated.

Ridlington Playing Field Trustees


Did you know you can raise FREE donations for Ridlington Playing Fields EVERY time you shop online? 4,000 shops and sites will donate to us when you use #easyfundraising to shop with them at no extra cost to you. Please take a moment to sign up and support us!



Here is an update from the Trustees of the Ridlington Playing Field.

For those who may not be aware the village playing field on Top Road is held in Trust for the village by a small body of Trustees currently; Julie Hoult, Mariane Gilkes, Simon Powell and Ruth Lees. The Trustees have a legal responsibility to manage the playing field in the best way they see fit for the benefit of the villagers and a body of Trustees has been doing this since the playing fields were gifted in trust in 1946.

The Trustees really appreciate the enthusiasm of many villagers to engage in the upkeep and enhancement of the field and appreciate the feedback you have given through the survey. To ensure that these collaborations achieve maximum benefit and comply with the legal responsibilities and the conditions therein of the Trustees, we plan to invite villagers to join an Action Group to drive the future sustainability of the playing field, under the direction of the Trustees.

We have had some volunteers already and would welcome further interest from any other villagers keen to participate. Please email Ruth Lees in the first instance –

Thank you.


The Playing Field Trustees


A Ridlington Parish Council meeting will be held next Wednesday, September 22nd @ 7:30 pm at Ridlington Village Hall.

Members of the Public are all welcome to attend.

Please click on the attached link to access the Agenda for this meeting.

RPC Agenda 22.09.21


The next Food Bank collection will be on Wednesday, September 15th.

Please continue to donate generously to this worthwhile charity.

The village collection point is in the church porch and items requested include: UHT milk; tinned goods – potatoes, carrots, fruit, and meat pies; noodles; long-life sponge puddings; porridge; cereal bars; crackers and cheese biscuits.

Thank you.

You are warmly welcomed to give thanks at our Harvest Festival again this year and we look forward to seeing you:


All welcome at this annual service of Thanksgiving.

Reviving the collection made in the autumn of 2019 why not ….

Join us by saying “Pants to Poverty” in the afternoon (from 2.30 pm onwards) on Wednesday, 22nd September at 3 Main Street, Ridlington.

We are collecting on behalf of Smalls for All providing underwear for adults and children in need in Africa and the UK. New pants (still in the packaging) – ladies sizes 8-14, children’s ages 3-15, men’s XS – L (black being the preferred colour). New or gently worn laundered bras.

Please ring Debra Thatcher 01572 823910 or

email: if you want to make a donation.

Dear Villagers,

There will be several events during the GREAT BIG GREEN WEEK which is being held from Sunday, September 19th – 26th 2021 around the County of Rutland.

Please click on the following link to see the different events and and the contacts for each of the events, should you wish to participate in or donate towards.

gbgw schedule of events 21

Thank you


In celebration of the Great Big Green Week – have a bit of fun and raise awareness of our bus network

When: Saturday 25th September

Where: A bus stop in your town or village (RCC permission granted)

Prize to be won: afternoon tea for 4 at the Falcon Hotel, Uppingham for the winning bus stop as chosen by the judging panel.


  1. Bus stops/station to be decorated on the day ready for judging on Saturday afternoon (time tbc when entrants are known and so a route will be sorted with specific times allocated; to finish at the Oakham Bus Station which is being decorated by the Rutland Youth Council).
  2. Bus stops/station must be returned to original state (all decorations removed) by 09:00 Monday 27th September.
  3. Any attachments/decorations must be temporary – for example no use of paint, Cellotape or other fixings that cause damage.
  4. Decorations to be used which won’t place bus stop/station users at risk.
  5. No interference or damage to the stop or station.


All rubbish and decorations must be cleared away at the end of the activity.  Please take care there is no littering as a result of well – intentioned decorating.

Public Access

  1. Be aware/mindful of other bus stop/station users wanting to maintain social distancing.
  2. Do not obstruct or restrict access for anyone wanting to use the bus stop/station or access information inside.

Risk Management

  1. Team leader to be nominated for each team who will be responsible for undertaking a dynamic risk assessment upon arrival at the site and ensuring all volunteers are aware of the guidance below and any additional stop specific risks and necessary mitigating actions.
  2. Ground level only when decorating bus stops – no use of steps/ladders.
  3. Pavement side only to be used when decorating the stops (i.e. not working in the carriage way/road).
  4. Only decorate areas which can be accessed and viewed safely.


Notification of entries to by Wednesday 22nd September; judging route will be emailed on Friday 24th September.

bus stop decorating