The latest request for the Peterborough homeless is for sleeping bags, small tents and yoga mats. Also needed are joggers, lounge/PJ trousers S/M/L & jeans size 30 – 32 waist. Trainers with good wear left in them would also be very welcome.

Many thanks for your continued help, it is very much appreciated.

Margie & Martin Wall
8 East Lane, Ridlington
Tel.: 07928378668/01572 821397

Please find the minutes to the meeting which was held on Wednesday, July 7th at 7:00 pm below by clicking on the link.



A huge thanks are due to the 9 volunteers who enthusiastically embarked on the bio blitz of the churchyard on 12th June – Chris and Marta, Jacky and John, Jenny, Liz, Shelagh and Richard and Debra.

Full details of the survey results will be published in due course, and we hope to put together some information for visitors which will be displayed in the church porch.  Who would have thought that the churchyard contains over 60 different plants and that’s without counting the trees!

“I did it! ….. All 874 miles now under my belt and a very impressive t-shirt and medal to prove it! But more importantly, thank you so much for sponsoring me and supporting both Church Funds and Cancer Research; this really spurred me on and I have been heartened by your generosity. So far, thanks to you, I have raised £620, with more donations ‘pledged’.

If you would still like to donate by cheque or cash, please drop off at Chimney Cottage, or via Just Giving:

Anne Harvey is fundraising for St Mary Magdalene & St Andrews Church Ridlington.
Anne Harvey is fundraising for Cancer Research UK.


With my heartfelt thanks,
Anne Harvey

Many, many thanks to all who continue to contribute to this worthwhile charity.

The Wednesday collection dates for July will be Wednesday 7th and 21st  and the collection boxes are available in the church porch.

Special requests have been made for UHT milk, cheese crackers/crisp breads, sugar, noodles, washing up liquid and shampoo.


We are still seeking new members and a Treasurer for our Parochial Church Council (PCC).

If you are interested in finding out more about the role, please contact any of the current members: Bart Hellyer; Margie Wall; Louise Fox; Richard Thatcher; Andy Hoult; David Harvey; Anne Harvey. This is a great opportunity to be involved in a range of aspects and decision making about the church, including its future development;

Church cleaning rota: thank you, this month, to: Karen Baines; Jacky Morrell and Anne Harvey;

Church flowers: thank you, this month, to: Jacky Morrell and Mary Richardson;

Churchyard mowing: thank you in July to Dave Johnson and David Harvey.

Due to the uncertainty of the ongoing pandemic, the government regulations and inability to fundraise, the Trustees of the playing field took the responsible decision at the beginning of the year to allow the grass to grow as we did last year with the gathering of hay towards the end of July. We are fortunate in being able to ensure regular mowing of the paths through the field and around the play area. We would appreciate your views as to the way forward regarding the grass cutting of the field and would like to thank you all for your ongoing support and understanding especially during these extraordinary times we are living through. We are planning to have the grass cut on the top 5-a-side football pitch very soon

For the current government guidelines to be followed when using the Children’s Play Area as it is now open, please go to:

The Trustees endeavour to spend any monies received by the charity wisely including the money received from the government last year knowing that this fund may need to keep the upkeep and maintenance of the playing field and play area going for some time yet. The annual financial outgoings include the water rates for the cricket pavilion, the annual safety inspection report and the insurance for the playing field and play area as well as the grass cutting and maintenance of surrounds and necessary signage. The Treasurer’s report will be accompanying the annual report on the website shortly.

Items recently purchased as required by our inspection report include two new bucket seats for the toddler’s swings, cricket nets, two new slab bases for the benches, two lorry loads of bark for the play area and gentle pigeon spikes to dissuade the pigeons from sitting on the top rails and contaminating the swings!

More saplings offered to us from ‘The Woodland Trust’ have been planted adding to the ones that are doing well from last year.

Commemorative solid brass pet plaques for the new bench can be ordered for you from the trustees for £20.00.  All proceeds to go to The Ridlington Playing Field Charity.

Our next Trustees meeting is on 14th July and we are always open to suggestions as to what you would like, any help you can give, or any issues you would like to raise.

Thank you.

Ruth (Lees) on behalf of The Trustees of Ridlington Playing Field.
Email: or drop a note in to Post Cottage, 5, Top Road, Ridlington
Tel 01572 821440


The Playing Field Trustees would like to thank you all very much for responding to our questionnaire, which was sent out to you late last year,  on your views for using the lovely space of the Playing Fields.

30 out of the 84 households responded and the results can be found on the link below. A copy of the questionnaire is also available to see again.

Should you have further thoughts or suggestions, we would welcome this, so do please feel free to continue to let us know by either email or dropping a note in to Ruth Lees at Post Cottage.

We will be discussing the analysis of these results at our next meeting which will be held on Wednesday, July 14th 2021.

Whilst writing, we would also like to let you know that two benches have been placed on the Playing Field. One of the benches has small plaques on it in remembrance of our cherished four-legged friends. Should anyone wish to add their pet’s name, this can be arranged for a small fee. Please contact anyone of the Trustees should you wish to do this.

We hope you will come and enjoy being out in the tranquility of the countryside.

Thank you once again for your valued input and our apologies for the delay in getting these results published.

Please click on the links below to access the original questionnaire and the results/findings.

Questionnaire – Playing Field

Playing field questionnaire 2021 results


Ruth Lees
Playing Field Trustees