I have registered to take part in the ‘End to End’ Land’s End to John O Groats Virtual Run (874 miles) and hope to raise money for Cancer Research and Church Funds. The event started on October 26th and ends up to 12 months later – I am pleased to say that I am making great progress and well ahead of schedule.

If you would like to sponsor me for either of the 2 causes, please email or message me. And a huge thank you for those cheques already received 😊

“I have now clocked up 600 miles (approx. 275 left to go) and my position is 559th out of 1,934 starters. I am now fast approaching Loch Lomond and the Trossachs Country Park. This is an amazing way of travelling the length of the country whilst staying local! Please give me a wave when you see me out walking…”

A real mixture this month.

First, is Sophie Heawood’s “The Hungover Games” – not the book that was made into a film.  This is a more modern version of Bridget Jones’ diary, an amusing memoir about what happens when you are more at home on the dance floor than in the kitchen and have an unplanned pregnancy in  your mid-thirties before you have even worked out how to look after yourself, let alone a child.  Emotionally raw – finding love where you would least expect it.  I enjoyed the book.

Next, is fiction – Susan Lewis“Forgotten”, which was billed as a romantic drama.  My personal view is that the descriptions of places and clothes were OTT, that it was longwinded and quite predictable.  Having said that, I was more interested in the subject matter than the characters – can’t go into detail for fear of giving away the plot, you’ll have to read it for yourself.

Keeping the best to last, the deeply moving book by Bart van Es’ “The Cut Out Girl: A Story of War and Family Lost and Found”, which won the Costa Book Award in 2018.  This is the story of a young Jewish girl in Holland during WW2 who hides from the Nazis in the homes of an underground network of foster families, one of them the author’s grandparents.  She was raised as one of their own and then post-war there was a falling out: what was the story?  The author makes contact with Lientje and a remarkable friendship blossoms and is recorded in the book bringing together Lientje’s personal account and the author’s efforts to piece the story together.  I recommend this book.

If you would like to borrow any of the books, please contact Debra Thatcher on 01572 823910 or email debrathatcher@hotmail.com.


Rutland Foodbank has invested monies donated to it,  in purchasing its own (bright orange) van which from this month will be used for collections and deliveries.

Our donations of food and other items will be collected from the church porch on Wednesday, 14th and Wednesday, 28th April.

Please continue to donate generously to support others in our Rutland community – in the past year 1845 people including 800 children have been fed

Items that are requested include:

  • UHT blue milk
  • Tinned carrots
  • Custard
  • Plain crackers
  • Crispbread
  • Shampoo

Please see the following link for further items currently needed: https://rutland.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/donate-food/

Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support.

Debra Thatcher

Church services in the Rutland Water Benefice are recommencing for Easter! There will be a service every Sunday throughout April, commencing with Holy Communion in Ridlington church on Easter Sunday at 9.30am;

Easter Lilies will be placed on the Altar on Easter Sunday 4th April: if you would like to remember a loved one, please let Louise Fox, Margie Wall or Anne Harvey know;

The flower rota will be recommencing when the church re opens in April – any queries, please contact Margie Wall;

We are seeking new members for our Parochial Church Council (PCC). If you are interested in finding out more about the role, please contact any of the current members: Bart Hellyer; Margie Wall; Louise Fox; Richard Thatcher; Andy Hoult; David Harvey; Anne Harvey. This is a great opportunity to be involved in a range of aspects and decision making about the church, including its future development. After 20 years, Maggie Mortell is stepping down (having moved out of the village 4 years ago!) We would like to thank her for her commitment and service and look forward to seeing her at Morning Prayer on Sunday 25th April;

Church cleaning rota: thank you, this month, to: Karen Baines; Anne Harvey; Jacky Morrell. We are due for a ‘Deep Clean’ w/c 29th March and 5th April so if anyone can spare an hour or two, we would be most grateful;

Following suggestions and discussions a new sound system will shortly be provided for the church. Thank you to Graham Madgwick for his advice and support.


Inspired by Winter Watch?

Fancy having a go at bird spotting, bat counting, “fishing” for insects, identifying plants? Ridlington is going to be involved with a nature recording project in early June. The idea is for local people to discover and record the wonderful plants and wildlife in Ridlington’s church yard – no previous experience required and open to all, no matter their age. More details to follow…

Members of the public are welcome to attend but will be invited to speak during item 4 of the agenda only and will then be observers.


Notice and Summons to attend Parish Council meeting
Thursday 1st April 2021 at 6.30 pm via Zoom
All welcome

1.    Welcome

2.    Apologies and approval of absences

3.    To receive declarations of member’s interests and consider dispensations

4.    Public participation

5.    To consider planning application 2021/0263/PAD Jubilee Lodge, Brooke Road, Ridlington. Change of use of agricultural barn to residential dwelling.


Helen Duckering
Parish Clerk
29th March 2021


This meeting will take place virtually via Zoom. If you would like to join, the log in details are below:

Topic: Ridlington Parish Council meeting
Time: Apr 1, 2021 06:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 937 8703 7527
Passcode: 950852


Alternatively, the meeting can be accessed by telephone on one of the following numbers:

0203 481 5240
0131 460 1196
0203 051 2874




Please click on the link below in order to access the recently released Rutland Roundup from Rutland County Council.

Please note the article about the part of A6003 between Oakham and Uppingham when Network Rail are due to carry out major repairs to a bridge over the A6003 near Manton. Works are due to start on April 12th.



Dear Reader,

Everyone has been through a lot this past year, and many have had the joy and companionship of a furry four-legged friend who has joined them on their moments of exercise out in the lovely countryside.

But unfortunately, the downside and consequence of this, is that there is now excessive amounts of dog excrement left behind. Regrettably, it has been reported that there is, in particular, an abundance of uncollected dog poop in the Ridlington Playing Field and along the village lanes. We all know that the majority collect their dog’s “little package” but it is those few who don’t that are creating this unhygienic and unsightly mess.

Therefore the Trustees of the Ridlington Playing Field would like to kindly and politely remind dog owners to take their responsibilities seriously and pick up after their dogs.

Please help us to keep our playing field and village safe and clean. Remember to take your dog’s poo bag with you at all times. You can deposit the waste in the black waste bin provided in the Playing Fields.

Dog fouling is not only unsightly and unpleasant, it can be harmful to people and other animals. Did You Know… Dog waste can carry parasites such as ringworms, salmonella and tapeworms. Dog waste has also been known to contain E coli and other harmful bacteria.

So with this in mind and in light of the current circumstances, we would respectfully ask that you clean up the “little package” your four-legged furry companion leaves and dispose of it responsibly.