Please find below the link to the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting that was held on Wednesday, February 17th via Zoom.

Draft RPC Minutes 17.02.21

Due to delays caused by winter weather and vehicle breakdowns, we are catching up with collections from last week as well keeping up to date with the current weeks collections, this may mean that both your bins are collected on the same day, or your missed bin may be collected the day after the bin that is due this week.

If your bin is on our farms and lodges round and has not already been collected, it will be emptied at the same time as the bin that is due to be collected this week.

The following areas have been affected by delays, collections are expected to be completed by Friday 19/02, please leave your bin out and it will be collected.

Today’s recycling collections 17 February will go ahead as normal

17 February – Barleythorpe, Braunston, Ridlington and Preston, Exton and Greetham

18 February – Uppingham

19 February – Wing, Glaston, Seaton, Bisbrooke, Lyddington, Thorpe by Water, Caldecott, Stoke Dry, Belton and Wardley.

19 February – Farms and lodges will clear any remaining communal bins not collected.

Please find attached the February Age UK newsletter for Rutland.

Please share the attached with friends, neighbours and whomever you think might be interested.

Please click on the following link to access this month’s newsletter.

Rutland News Feb 21

Many thanks

Penny Stimpson
Development Worker
Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland
13 High Street East
Uppingham, LE15 9PY
Phone 01572 822 171
Mobile: 07715 960167

Please find the following link for the recently released “Rutland Roundup” dated February 12th 2021 from Rutland County Council.


Rutland Roundup – 12 February 2021


Please be informed that the Agenda for the forthcoming Parish Council Meeting to be held via Zoom on Wednesday, February 17th at 7:30 pm is now available to be viewed on the website under….

“Minutes, Agendas & Accounts – 2021 Onward” on the website.



Please find the following link for the recently released “Rutland Roundup” dated February 5th 2021 from Rutland County Council.

Rutland Roundup – 5 February 2021



If you have any articles you would like to include in the monthly Parish Magazine, please email Anne Harvey by the 12th of every month, at the latest.

Thank you.

For information about Ridlington Village and St Mary Magdalene & St Andrew, Ridlington, please visit the website below:

or the village’s own website.


Please be informed that the following two Parish Council meetings will be held

Wednesday, February 17th @ 7:30 pm

Wednesday, May 19th @ 7:30 pm

These meetings will be held via the ZOOM APP unless otherwise advised.

Nearer to the date the Agenda will be made available.

Members of the public are welcome to attend.