Next collection from the Foodbank is on Wednesday, 24th April.

Your continued generosity is much appreciated.


There is a dead Sycamore Tree on the Village Green that has succumbed to Sooty Bark Disease.

Many Sycamores live with this fungal infection without problems but it is believed that the hot weather of the previous summer weakened this tree’s natural resistance allowing it to be taken over.

Before it weakens further and becomes a hazard the tree will be taken down on Wednesday 10th April.

We have appointed a professional arborist (Tommy Plumber) to safely remove it and he has advised that members of the public should keep clear whilst the work is being completed and the tree has been taken away as close contact with the spores, when disturbed, can cause breathing issues.

Thank you for your understanding.

The Parish Council

This month’s walk will be an earlier start of 09:30. We will be leaving from Ridlington Church porch on Saturday, 20th April.

Light refreshments will be served afterwards, so if you would like to join, please let Debra know.

A BIG Thank You to ….

  1. The Wombles of Ridlington for the litter pick – 17 bags of rubbish!
  2. The households participating in The Big Plastic Count as one of our silver Eco Church award projects.
  3. The church spring cleaners and bulb planters and
  4. The Easter flower arrangers.


Please pass details of flora and fauna sightings in the churchyard to Jacky Morrell for her monthly nature notes which are displayed in the church.

The next collection is on Wednesday, 24th April.

The annual meeting including elections and reports will be held at the church on Sunday, 12th May at 10:45.  Vacancies – Church Warden x2, Secretary, PCC members.


‘Remembrance, Recognition & Reconciliation’
World War 2 Bomber Command and the
International Bomber Command Centre

Thursday 18th April 7.00 pm at
Ridlington Village Hall
25 Main Street, Ridlington, LE15 9AU


A one hour illustrated talk by Retired Air Vice Marshall Paul Robinson,

Paul flew Harriers in Germany in the Cold War and served in a number of senior appointments at home and abroad including RAF Wittering before settling in Lincolnshire. He volunteered at the Lincolnshire Bomber Command Memorial Trust Centre in 2012 of which he is a Trustee.

58,000 young men and women of Bomber Command – 60% of total RAF losses were killed taking the war to Nazi Germany. Their sacrifice is now remembered at Lincoln’s International Bomber Command Centre.

Paul will outline Bomber Command’s history and discuss its impact during the Second World War, highlighting the skill, achievements and heroism of its air and ground crews. And how important it is for the nation to have a fitting memorial to commemorate their sacrifice, and recognise the suffering experienced by both sides of the conflict. He will  then describe the Trust’s project and answer any questions.

Tickets £10 pp  includes a glass of wine & nibbles, all money goes to the Trust.

To book a place or for any other information, please contact David Roome 01572 821416  or by email


Please find the latest update from Rutland County Council concerning Bin collections, Roadworks and closures, Information gathering on the winter flooding and the latest situation on the Catmose Sports Centre.

Please click on the link to read more in depth on the above –

Quantity of bark/organic matter available on site of decommissioned play area.

The Trustees are offering it out to villagers on a self collect barrow load basis with voluntary donations to be paid online directly to the Playing Field account which is

Ridlington Cricket Field and Recreation
Sort code: 20-63-66
Account number: 00745332

This is classed as a Business Account.


A Date for your Diaries!

The evening of Friday, May 17th 2024

Quiz Night Fundraising Event to be held at Preston Village Hall as before to include food and nibbles. Always great fun!


Pet Remembrance Plaque

If anyone would like to buy a remembrance plaque for their pet to be displayed on benches on the playing field (cost £20.00), please contact the Trustees via email at

or phone Ruth on tel.: 01572 821 440


Thank you
The Trustees