Further items have been added to the small storage area which can be delivered on request.  They are as follows:

The Dalai Lama’s  – “My Land and My People” – first published in 1962 and still in print today.  The story of the Dalai Lama’s early life in humble surroundings, his training as a monk in Tibetan Buddhism and his escape to India to lead the Tibetan government in exile following the bloody subjugation of his people by the Chinese government.

Kevin Danaher’s –  “In Ireland Long Ago” – one for social historians or folk with Irish family roots wanting to know more about life in Ireland pre WW2.  An easy read set out under a number of headings including “Thatch and Whitewash” about vernacular architecture and “Our Daily Bread” on traditional bread types.  A charming book.

Bernadine Evaristo’s – “Girl, Woman, Other” – joint winner of the Booker Prize in 2019, shortlisted for the Women’s Prize for Fiction in 2020 and still on the Sunday Times bestsellers list – a novel “written” by twelve very different characters on an entwined journey.  A five-star read.

Antonio Iturbe’s  – “The Librarian of Auschwitz” – “A book is like a trapdoor that leads to a secret attic.  You can open it and go inside.  And your world is different.” “Books are extremely dangerous; they make people think” – just two quotations from the International best-selling novel based on the true story of Dita Kraus who risked her life to keep the magic of books alive during the Holocaust.  A must read.

Contact Debra Thatcher if you would like delivery – 01572 823910 or debrathatcher@hotmail.com

Please find below the link to the minutes of the Parish Council meeting that was held via Zoom on Wednesday, November 18th.

Draft RPC Minutes 18.11.20




Not only will 2nd December mark the end of this lockdown period but our Food Bank donations will be collected on that day.  It is the last scheduled collection for this year so please continue to give generously – last year’s Christmas collection was amazing and your kindness was much appreciated.

The collection point is the church porch and particular items have been requested to ensure that all beneficiaries have a Christmas goodie bag.

The items requested cover:

  • Chocolate oranges/Matchmakers/After Dinner Mints
  • Children’s chocolate e.g. gold coins
  • Fudge or similar treats
  • Small jars of chutney and jam (not home-made)
  • Small panettone and chocolate logs
  • Christmas paper napkins
  • Pringles/Cheese biscuits/Snacks
  • Small colouring books/colouring pencils/sharpeners/children’s playing card games.

I would like to thank the kind person who delivered to us an envelope containing money – this has been spent on a number of the goodies listed above which will be added to our donations this week.

Debra Thatcher

Here is a message from Penny Stimpson of Age UK in Uppingham.

The November Newsletter from AGE UK and our EngAGE Magazine are now available. Please click on the links and  share the attached with all those you think might be interested. Thank you.

The November Newsletter – Rutland News November 2020
The EngAGE Magazine – EngAGE Winter 2020

Penny Stimpson
Development Worker
Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland
13 High Street East
Uppingham, LE15 9PY
Phone 01572 822 171
Mobile: 07715 960167

Hello Everyone,

Here is an update for you from Rutland County Council regarding “Clinically Extremely Vulnerable” persons, for your information.

Thank you,
Dave Johnson.


“I’m getting in touch from the Covid-19 volunteer support team at Rutland County Council. This lockdown is different to last time and we also want to share the differences and the national support available.

Clinically Extremely Vulnerable:
As part of the current lockdown the government has written to everybody who they are classing as ‘Clinically Extremely Vulnerable’ (CEV), they are encouraged to go out for exercise, but to limit contact with other people and avoid visiting shops and pharmacies if at all possible. For support they are guided to ask a friend, family member, carer or a volunteer to help with medicine collections and other support. For medicines if none of these are available, then CEV are eligible for free medicines delivery from their pharmacy and should call confirming they are CEV and need their medicines delivered.

The CEV are also eligible for priority online supermarket deliveries, which they can register for following the details on the letter from the government (via the government website). For those who do not have online access, they should ask family and friends for help to register, or can call the RCC Crisis Line (01572 729603) for support with this or any other concerns that they have as a result of the current restrictions.

Support for medicine, food collections and befriending service are also available from the NHS Responders programme (8am – 8pm, 7 days a week, call 0808 1963646).”


Rutland County Council
Customer Service Centre:
Tel.:  01572 722 577


Visitor Parking Information & Map:  http://www.rutland.gov.uk/customer_services/visitor_parking.aspx

Email Enquiries: enquiries@rutland.gov.uk

Council Website: http://www.rutland.gov.uk

Visiting Rutland? http://www.discover-rutland.co.uk

Ridlington Parish Council

Notice and Summons to attend Parish Council meeting
Wednesday 18th November 2020 at 7.30 pm via Zoom
All welcome


1.    Welcome

2.    Apologies and approval of absences

3.    To receive declarations of member’s interests and consider dispensations

4.    Public participation

5.    To approve the minutes of last meeting held on 16th September 2020

6.    Matters Arising from the last meeting held on 16th September 2020 not listed separately in this agenda.

7.    Clerk’s report – for information only

8.    Correspondence

9.    Future development of the Parish Council website

10. Village traffic survey

11. Grass verges – maintenance and cutting

12. To adopt revised grant application policy

13. To consider grant application from Ridlington Church Parochial Council

14. Painting of former telephone box

15. Finance:

a.    To approve current financial summary

b.    To authorise accounts for payment since last meeting:

Clerk’s salary November £201.48
Ionos £19.32 website domain renewal
D Mitcheson £150 website maintenance contract

c.    To approve payments:

d.    Payments received: CIL £257.87 planning application 2019/1356/FUL

e.    To approve precept request 2021/22

16.   Planning

a.    Planning decisions received since last meeting

b.    To consider planning application 2020/1073/CAT The Elms, 23 Main Street. T1: Norway Maple in front garden facing Main Street. Lift crown to 3m level. Reduce crown top by 3m and re-shape. T2: Common Ash: remove 2 off pollard stems (one to each side) and reduce top of crown by 5m.

c.    To consider planning application 2020/1189/PTA 1 Church Lane. Tree species – Sycamore, T1 on sketch plan. Remove left branch, photograph DH8

17.   To agree meeting dates for 2021

Helen Duckering
Parish Clerk
11th November 2020


This meeting will take place virtually via Zoom. If you would like to join the log in details are below:

Topic: Ridlington Parish Council Meeting
Time: Nov 18, 2020 07:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 977 3555 3985

Passcode: 334303

Alternatively, the meeting can be accessed by telephone on one of the following numbers:

0203 481 5240
0131 460 1196
0203 051 2874

Members of the public will be invited to speak during item 4 of the agenda only and will then be observers.




Hello Everyone,

A quick update for you concerning the current Covid-19 lockdown.

I have been in touch with the Rutland County Council Covid-19 section updating their website with details of our Village contacts.

The County is not running the prescription collection scheme at this time. Our own Village Street Reps scheme for neighbourhood help in Ridlington is currently low key.

The scheme is still available, but only for those that find themselves with no other options such as friends, family or delivery slots. We will intensify our efforts if the lock down measures increase. The supply of food and essential items are more widely available and we are in a much better position than in March for such things.

For your information we currently have a positive case within the Village.

If anyone has received a recent letter from the NHS as they are deemed to be clinically extremely vulnerable, then please do not hesitate in getting in touch if you need help.

As always, please respect the measures and please use the Street Reps scheme if you find you have no other option, we will do everything we can to help you.

Thank you,
Dave Johnson.

Remembrance Sunday

There will be an Act of Remembrance outside the church at 9.30am this Sunday, 8th November, led by the Rev’d Jenni Duffy. Although circumstances are different this year because of the current lockdown, we shall still be able to commemorate those who gave everything for a freedom they would never know.
The shortened service will include The Last Post followed by 2 minutes silence, the Reveille and Kohima Epitaph, followed by prayers and a blessing.


Remembrance Day 

At 11am on Wednesday 11th November, the church bells will be rung to mark the beginning and end of a 2-minute silence, along with the nation.



If you happen to be out walking at that time, you might like to stop on the green opposite the Village Hall on Main Street to commemorate those soldiers who lost their lives in the Great War. It is also an opportunity to show appreciation for those who have lost their lives in the 2nd World War and more recent conflicts.