We have received the sad news that Richard Hill passed away on August 8th after a long illness.

Richard lived in the village for many years at Beckendale Farm on East Lane where he ran an engineering business. He was very active in village affairs and served on the Parish Council and Village Hall Committee for many years including hosting village fundraisers at his home.

Our condolences go out to Tina, James and Paris. Richard’s funeral will be held on Friday, August 26th at 12.30 pm at Great Glen Crematorium, 9 London Road, Great Glen, Leicester, LE8 9DJ.

Tina has asked that should any friends wish to attend to please let Pat Roome on telephone number 01572 821416 know,  as there will be refreshments afterwards in a venue nearby.



The Local Plan provides planning policies for deciding planning applications.

It also identifies how much and where future housing, jobs and other development will take place in the County.

At present the Local Plan comprises three documents which run up to 2026.

For more in-depth information, please click on the links below.

RCC – Local Plan Newsletter



If you would like to be added to the mailing list and be kept informed, please contact  Localplan@rutland.gov.uk

Please find below the link to the Agenda for the upcoming Parish Council Meeting regarding Planning.

RPC Agenda 14.07.22

Alternatively you can access this Agenda on the website under  Minutes, Agenda & Accounts.



Please find below the following links to the Ridlington Parish Council Meeting and the Annual Parish Council Meeting minutes for your information.

Draft RPC Minutes 11.05.22

Ridlington Annual Parish Meeting 2022


Ridlington Parish Council Annual Financial Reports ending 31 March 2022 are now available to view on the website. These can be found under the  heading “Accounts”

They are in a slightly different order to last year, but have the same content.




Events to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee are shaping up nicely for Ridlington. More details will continue to be published and distributed in the run up to the Bank Holiday weekend, but the outline plan is as follows:

For the Queen’s Jubilee on Friday 3rd June at the Village Hall – 7.00pm for 7.30pm start. There will be 4 rounds of 15 questions: The Queen & Royal Family; Great Britain; Our Sporting Nation & Played music with a Royal/GB theme. Teams of 4, but if you can’t make a team up please enter and we will make teams up. Crisps & Nuts for each table but please bring your own drink. A prize for the winning team.

£10 pp to enter all monies will go to the Disaster Emergency Committee-Ukraine Appeal

To enter please contact Dave Roome by May 27th.
Email – davr333@btinternet.com
Telephone – 01572 821416)


Morning Prayer will be held at 9.30am on Sunday 5 June, led by Rev’d Jes Salt. The church will be beautifully decorated with a red, white and blue flower theme, thanks to our wonderful and talented flower ladies.


Sunday 5 June 2pm-4pm. Every family will receive an invitation to our Ridlington Street Party, which will be held on Main Street outside the Village Hall. Please bring your own food, tablecloth and ‘mismatched’ crockery; wear red/white/blue and a crown or tiara. Tea will be served from the Village Hall accompanied by a playlist of music, including the National Anthem and some of the Queen’s favourites tunes. Please note that Main Street will be closed to traffic between East Lane and Church Lane that afternoon (precise details to follow)


Grab your whisk, get out your scales and get baking. Your pudding should be joyful and celebratory, taste good, be made with passion and pride and be ‘fit for a Queen’!

There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes. Entries should be delivered to the Village Hall by 5:00pm on Saturday 4 June and include your name and contact details in a sealed envelope.

We hope to serve and share the entries as ‘deserts’ at the end of the Street Party


Everyone across the UK is being invited to plant trees from October 2021, when the tree planting season begins, through to the end of the Jubilee year in 2022. In Ridlington, we shall be planting a Horse Chestnut sapling grown from a playing field conker by Richard and Debra Thatcher on the Playing Field on Sunday 5 June. If you could offer to help with planting please let us know.


There will be a variety of traditional games for children in the Village Hall grounds and on the pavements during the Street Party afternoon – so fun for all the family!


If you would like any further details or can offer any help either before or on the day, no matter how great or small, please contact Annie Harvey at Chimney Cottage or 07751 079775, 01572 820273 or email acharvey@hotmail.co.uk

The Agendas for the forthcoming Parish Council meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting – both being held on 11th May @ 7:30 pm at the Village Hall – are now available to be viewed on the website.

Alternatively, you can click on the following links

RPC Agenda 11.05.22

RPC Agenda 11.05.22 APM


Members of the Public are welcome to attend these meetings.

Please find the latest edition of the Rutland Roundup Newsletter for April 2022.

Just click on the following link to access the Newsletter.

Rutland Roundup 29 April 2022