The minutes to the planning meeting have now been uploaded onto the website. They can be accessed there or simply click on the link below.

Minutes – planning 27.04.21


Dear All,

Please be advised that the Ridlington Parish Council meeting which was due to be held on Wednesday, May 19th has now been changed to next week Tuesday, May 4th and will be held at 7:30 pm via the ZOOM APP.

To access the Agenda for this meeting, please click on the following link

RPC Agenda 04.05.21

Please find attached the April Age UK newsletter for Rutland. Just click on the link below to access the latest news.

Rutland News April 21

Please share the attached with friends, neighbours, and anyone else you think might be interested.


Penny Stimpson
Development Worker
AGE UK Leicester Shire & Rutland
Uppingham, LE15 9PY

The Ridlington Parish Council Annual Accounts year ending March 2021 are now available to view on the website.

Should you wish any clarification, please feel free to contact the Clerk, Helen Duckering on email


Members of the public are welcome to attend but will be invited to speak during item 4 of the agenda only and will then be observers.

Notice and Summons to attend Parish Council meeting
Tuesday 27th April 2021 at 6.30 pm via Zoom
All welcome


1.    Welcome

2.    Apologies and approval of absences

3.    To receive declarations of member’s interests and consider dispensations

4.    Public participation

5.    To consider planning application 2021/0330/FUL 6 East Lane, Ridlington. Proposed front and rear extension.



Helen Duckering
Parish Clerk
12th April 2021


This meeting will take place virtually via Zoom. If you would like to join the log in details are below:

Topic: Ridlington Parish Council planning meeting
Time: Apr 27, 2021 6:30 PM London


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 918 7854 7448
Passcode: 790751


Alternatively, the meeting can be accessed by telephone on one of the following numbers:

0203 481 5240

0131 460 1196

0203 051 2874




Please find below the link to the Minutes of the Ridlington Parish Council Planning Meeting that was held on April 1st.

Minutes – planning 01.04.21


Please click on the link below in order to access the recently released update – Rutland Roundup from Rutland County Council.

Church services in the Rutland Water Benefice are recommencing for Easter! There will be a service every Sunday throughout April, commencing with Holy Communion in Ridlington church on Easter Sunday at 9.30am;

Easter Lilies will be placed on the Altar on Easter Sunday 4th April: if you would like to remember a loved one, please let Louise Fox, Margie Wall or Anne Harvey know;

The flower rota will be recommencing when the church re opens in April – any queries, please contact Margie Wall;

We are seeking new members for our Parochial Church Council (PCC). If you are interested in finding out more about the role, please contact any of the current members: Bart Hellyer; Margie Wall; Louise Fox; Richard Thatcher; Andy Hoult; David Harvey; Anne Harvey. This is a great opportunity to be involved in a range of aspects and decision making about the church, including its future development. After 20 years, Maggie Mortell is stepping down (having moved out of the village 4 years ago!) We would like to thank her for her commitment and service and look forward to seeing her at Morning Prayer on Sunday 25th April;

Church cleaning rota: thank you, this month, to: Karen Baines; Anne Harvey; Jacky Morrell. We are due for a ‘Deep Clean’ w/c 29th March and 5th April so if anyone can spare an hour or two, we would be most grateful;

Following suggestions and discussions a new sound system will shortly be provided for the church. Thank you to Graham Madgwick for his advice and support.