Please find below the link to the minutes taken on May 15th 2024 for the

Annual Parish Meeting and Ridlington Parish Council Meeting

Ridlington Annual Parish Meeting 2024

Draft RPC Minutes 15.05.24


These can also be found on the website under the heading – Minutes, Agendas and Accounts.


Please find below the links for the

Agenda for the Annual Parish Council Meeting – RPC Agenda 15.05.24 APM

Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting – RPC Agenda 15.05.24

These can also be viewed on the website under the heading of Minutes, Agendas and Accounts

The Ridlington community was saddened to hear of the passing of Bart Hellyer who has lived in Rutland for the past 40 years at Rowells Lodge. Bart became a paraplegic during his university years and used a wheelchair thereafter. In spite of his disability he lived a full and active life, dedicating much of his time to the local community; he served as the High Sheriff of Rutland from 2012 to 2013, gaining valuable insights into county life and since 2013, held the prestigious position of Deputy Lieutenant for Rutland.

Bart participated in most of our village events, including attending the late Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee celebration street party and the King’s Coronation last year on May 7th 2023 – he can be seen on the photograph now hanging in the Village Hall.

In Ridlington, we shall all remember Bart with affection, admiration and respect – a remarkable man in honour of whom Oakham Town Council is flying the flag at half-mast.

A private family funeral service and burial in St Mary Magdalene and St. Andrews Church, Ridlington will take place on Friday, May 3rd at 11:00.

A Memorial Service will be held in Uppingham Parish Church on Monday, May 20th at 14:00 followed by refreshments at The Falcon in Uppingham.

Hello Everybody,

Just a note to firstly thank you so very sincerely for all your kindness and support during this very difficult time.

We now have a date for Bart’s Memorial Service. The Service will be held in Uppingham Parish Church on Monday, May 20th at 14:00 followed by refreshments at The Falcon in Uppingham.

We are holding a private family funeral service and burial in St Mary Magdalene and St. Andrews Church, Ridlington which will take place on Friday, May 3rd at 11:00.


Thank you once again.

Love Nicki





His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland, Dr Sarah Furness,

invites you and your family to

The unveiling of the statue of Her Late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

Sunday April 21st
2pm at Oakham Library Gardens

Corgis and well-behaved dogs also welcome!

12 noon – 4pm there will be food stalls and a mini funfair on Oakham Market Place.

Please click on the link  Statue Unveiling Invitation to view the Official Invitation.

For further information about the day, please visit the Lord Lieutenants website –


There is a dead Sycamore Tree on the Village Green that has succumbed to Sooty Bark Disease.

Many Sycamores live with this fungal infection without problems but it is believed that the hot weather of the previous summer weakened this tree’s natural resistance allowing it to be taken over.

Before it weakens further and becomes a hazard the tree will be taken down on Wednesday 10th April.

We have appointed a professional arborist (Tommy Plumber) to safely remove it and he has advised that members of the public should keep clear whilst the work is being completed and the tree has been taken away as close contact with the spores, when disturbed, can cause breathing issues.

Thank you for your understanding.

The Parish Council

Please find the latest update from Rutland County Council concerning Bin collections, Roadworks and closures, Information gathering on the winter flooding and the latest situation on the Catmose Sports Centre.

Please click on the link to read more in depth on the above –

Following the last update in July 2023, we would like to remind you that a defibrillator is a life-saving machine that gives the heart an electric shock in some cases of cardiac arrest. This is called defibrillation and can save lives. For every minute that passes without defibrillation, the chances of survival decrease by 14%.

So you can see why it is so important to maintain the defibrillator in a village such as ours and why donations from residents are vital, in addition to the annual contribution from the Parish Council.

Since July 2023, a new set of electrode pads has been purchased and installed in the old telephone box on Main Street , Ridlington – they need to be renewed every two years. Further donations are still required to keep our reserve fund at a level sufficient to cover both anticipated and unexpected costs.

Without an adequate reserve fund, there is always the risk that the whole scheme will have to be abandoned, leaving the village without essential cover for local residents needing emergency assistance.

The dedicated bank account with Lloyds for donations is in an account name of
Ridlington Defibrillator
Sort Code – 30-95-47
Account number: 15679168

We are proposing to have another free session at the Village Hall from Martin Fagan, who is the National Secretary of Community Heartbeat. He will explain the system and demonstrate the correct method of using the defibrillator and applying CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation).

This session has always proved to be very helpful as a refresher for those who have already attended a session and as an introduction for those who have never attended a session.

Before arranging a date with Martin, we need to have an idea of the numbers who would like to attend. If you are interested, please contact one of us as soon as possible.

Peter Richards at
Mike Horwood at

Thank you.