Please read this important letter from the Rutland Health & Social Care Policy Consortium.


Monday, October 5, 2020

Dear Rutland Resident

Every household in Rutland will receive a brochure from Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) urging us to agree to the closure of acute and obstetric services at Leicester General Hospital, and the Birthing Centre at Melton Mowbray. It is important that you reply with your own views, but please read the following carefully before you finally decide how to reply, otherwise Rutland may lose a great deal because of a lack of public information.

We are concerned by key proposals which could disadvantage Rutland:

New plans issued on 1st September propose removal of approximately 500 acute and maternity beds from Leicester General Hospital and Melton Birthing Centre. Future services and beds to replace those removed will be based at Glenfield Hospital and the Leicester Royal Infirmary (LRI). The plans admit that 100% of Rutlanders will be disadvantaged by these proposals because of reduced accessibility. Travel times will be increased, public transport and parking may be more difficult. They also say that they are planning to reduce their acute workload by 20%, so if Rutlanders go elsewhere that is helpful. This could mean going to Cambridge or Oxford for specialist treatment.

These plans only look two years ahead, yet were prepared over a period of seven years. However, this did not involve enough people who understand Rutland’s distinct needs. There is substantial housing development and our population is growing. The proportion of elderly and the very elderly is growing much more rapidly than elsewhere reaching 35% of our population by 2035. Also the plans take no account of rural poverty.

National and local policy is to move services closer to home and many Rutlanders can support that. CCGs know that hospital and community services are interdependent and a national requirement exists, that alternative provision must be offered before they close beds. None has been offered so far. CCGs have a duty (under S.14T of the Health and Social Care Act 2012) to reduce health inequalities for communities. They have to improve access to services and health outcomes achieved. These current proposals appear to fly in the face of these duties. They can be seen as a conscious decision to reduce services for Rutlanders.

Rutlanders need local services and beds to prevent unnecessary admissions to LRI and Glenfield as well as local beds to enable speedy discharge from major hospitals back to local services. Local services can include out-patient services such as diagnostics, dialysis, chemo, urgent care, which can all be based successfully in the community. Many Rutlanders support services focused on a hub, preferably based upon Rutland Memorial Hospital or an equivalent provision. If this were cut, it would be a serious loss to existing provision. The information that is available makes it clear that the success of the proposals on offer are dependent on undertaking more care in the community yet the current consultation is silent on community services and the future use of Rutland Memorial Hospital. Until we understand what services will be available to us here in Rutland we are unable to support the reconfiguration of Leicester Hospitals.

This consultation document has been issued after proposals for acute and maternity services, which disadvantage Rutland, are already well advanced. However planning started in 2013 to develop a community strategy that is not yet finished. Some Rutland people were so frustrated at their lack of involvement that 100 of them took the bull by the horns in 2019 and prepared a Rutland Health Plan. It was received favourably by the CCG CEO and an official Rutland Health Plan was promised for January 2020. We are still waiting. The current consultation document contains proposals for developing community services for Leicester City on the vacated LGH site. There is absolutely no reason why Rutland cannot be treated in the same way. It has more to lose than any other community across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland if the current plans remain unmodified.

Strong rumours continue that Rutland Memorial’s future is uncertain and nothing clear has been said. If all acute and maternity beds at Leicester General and Melton are closed without local alternatives being offered in advance of a decision to close Leicester General, then Rutland could become a ‘Health Desert’. It is not surprising, therefore, that people are very concerned there is an unstated hidden agenda to close Rutland Memorial as well as to take away access to acute and specialist services. The local hospital at Ashby was closed 6 years ago but the promised alternative services were still not in place at the beginning of this year and we fear Rutland could experience similar gaps in services.

Questionnaire –
Please do not agree to the closure of Leicester General until you are satisfied the proposals for some alternative services and/or compensations for losses in Rutland are acceptable. CCGs are required to demonstrate they have ‘engaged’ with our local community, and have listened. This is in order to propose changes shaped to meet local needs and avoid negative impacts, most particularly on the most vulnerable. Without this in place, we Rutlanders, especially the elderly and people on low incomes, will be losers.

IT IS AN IMPORTANT TIME TO MAKE YOUR VIEWS KNOWN – Our MP (Alicia Kearns), County & Parish Councillors and the Press will receive information from the CCGs, so it is important that they understand our expectations of healthcare in Rutland, please make your views known. We will be saying that we want a package of integrated health services as developed by over 100 Rutlanders in September 2019 and written up as “A Health Plan for Rutland”. We will stress that we cannot accept closure of acute services until the alternatives are set out and clear costings are presented.

We are a group of local residents, knowledgeable about Health and Social Care both as consumers and professionally. We are very concerned for the future Health and Social Care provision for Rutlanders, especially as our community ages. We study National Health Policy and how it is applied locally. We are particularly worried by what we identify as repeated breaches of legal and policy requirements.

The views expressed here also reflect and present the views of a group of 100 Rutlanders who attended a consultation event in September 2019 which informed the report ‘A Health Plan for Rutland’. Our thanks are due to those people for coming to the event and for their valuable input.

Our members are:-
Jennifer Fenelon (Chair), Christine Stanesby, Janet Seden, Kathy Reynolds, Judy Worthington and Miles Williamson-Noble. The core membership is advised by specialist contributors and expert consultants.

We can be contacted at
The ‘Health Plan for Rutland’ can also be obtained by emailing

Final Dear Rutland Resident Open Letter-1


Temporary Road Closure Notice – Brooke Road, Parish of Ridlington CP Order 2020

The Highways Team have a Carriageway Patching program upcoming across the County.

Please find attached the Notice and accompanying plans in respect of the Temporary Road Closures in your area in Rutland. The program will take place on October 16th 2020 for one day.

During the date and duration specified above all vehicles will be prohibited from proceeding along the length of road known as Brooke Road from Brooke Road to the Ridlington 30mph signs.

The alternative route during the closure will be via the following streets: Brooke Road, Preston Road, Ridlington Road, Uppingham Road, Oakham Road, South Street, Brooke Road, Oakham Road and Ridlington Road with a reciprocal route.

Only one site will be worked on at a time, ensuring there are no clashes between overlapping diversion routes.

For more detailed information, please click on the following link  TRO-20-101 Notice   to access the document from Rutland County Council District Council or contact Mr. B. Rush, Network Co-Ordinator, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP or telephone 01572 722 577.

Please find below the link to the minutes of the meeting which was held via Zoom on Wednesday, September 16th 2020.


Draft RPC Minutes 16.09.20



For those of you who wish to continue to have a good “social” workout, come join us for these two events. Social distancing and hygiene guidelines will be strictly maintained.

The next walk will take place on Wednesday 2nd September starting at 2:00 pm outside the Village Hall. Again, there will be 6 places available, in the first instance, so please contact Anne Harvey at if you would like to come along.

Our Ridlington Running Group has also re-commenced (we think it was socially distanced anyway!) As previously, we meet at the Playing Field at 9:00 am each Saturday morning. If you are interested, please contact Shelagh Paige.

Due to the popularity of the Community Medicines Collection Scheme which has now ceased, Uppingham Surgery have set up a volunteer delivery service which came in to effect on 10th August.

Deliveries to Ridlington are scheduled for Wednesdays.  Please order your prescriptions in the usual way and, if you wish to use the service, please request it when ordering.

Uppingham surgery’s email address is


The Latest Situation
As of 23rd July 2020 297,146 people have tested positive for Coronavirus in the UK. This includes both hospital testing data (pillar 1) and community testing data (pillar 2)

The total number of confirmed cases in Rutland as of 9am Thursday 23rd is 98.

There have been 23 COVID-19 related deaths recorded up to 10th July.

Testing numbers in the county are high but the rate of positive tests low. The results will be carefully monitored as travel increases, to and from the county, and the schools return in September.

More detailed information can be found on


Rutland Case Mapping
The government is now publishing more detailed information showing a breakdown of COVID-19 cases at a local level.

Rutland is divided into 5 geographical areas.

More detailed information can be found online at :

We all need to remain cautious and vigilant and to follow the guidance that has helped people stay safe especially as we head into the summer holiday period.  More information can be found at:


Rutland’s Local Outbreak Plan  – this details:

  • Previous Spread of Covid-19
  • Early Identification and Proactive management of any local outbreaks
  • Coordinating efforts with local partners and agencies
  • Ensuring the public, businesses and stakeholders are aware of the plan and how it is applied.
  • Can be read in full on the Local Outbreak Plan Section of The Rutland
  • County Council Website.


Update on Operation Shield
There have been 364 calls registered through the crisis helpline.

From 3rd August 2020, the Crisis Line number will be automatically forwarded to the Adult Duty Line.


Continuation of free parking
RCC will continue suspending parking charges in all Council car parks throughout the summer.

NB. All on-street parking restrictions remain in place IN BOTH Oakham and Uppingham.


Restricted Library Services
Oakham Library is now offering a reduced collection and drop off service for books and DVD’s.

Planning is now underway for the introduction of a new Home Library delivery and collection service from 10th August. This service will take the place of the normal Mobile Library Service.

Registered library users can order books and DVD’s online via the Rutland Libraries website. (  OR over the phone by calling: 01572 722918

Items will be held in storage for 72 hours before they can be loaned back out again.

Reduced opening hours will apply to Oakham library – 09:30am – 2:00pm Monday , Wednesday and Friday and 09:30am to 1:00pm Saturday.

There will be no browsing, reading or computer services at this time and visitors will be asked to wear a mask inside the library and to observe social distancing rules at all times.

(This includes a limit on the number of people allowed into the library building at any one time).

Plans for community libraries in Uppingham Ketton and Ryall to open one day a week after 7th August will follow in due course.


Gyms and Leisure Facilities
Managers of Catmose Gym are reviewing the latest government guidance with a view to allowing access to the gym, a range of classes and indoor sport from 25th July.

The public swimming pools remain closed.


Rutland Registry Office
This has now been reopened for weddings civil partnership and birth registration services

Appointments to discuss weddings and civil partnerships can be made by calling: 01572 758370 or emailing:

Appointments for registering a birth can be made by calling: 01572 758380.


Castle and Museum Service
Plans are in place to reopen Oakham Castle for visitors and small wedding bookings from August 21st.

The Castle gift shop will only be able to accept card transactions. NO CASH.


Outdoor Play Areas
Can now be reopened AS LONG AS all activity is consistent with government guidance on health, hygiene and social distancing.

Further information can be accessed at:

A decision with regard to the Ridlington Play Area will be published shortly. At present it remains closed whist discussions continue regarding the difficulties in meeting the government directives.


Local Authority Discretionary Grant Fund Policy:
Is available to view online at:


Medical Collection Scheme
This will cease from 1st August in line with the end of shielding. Plans are in place to reinstate this should a local outbreak/lockdown occur.


Reporting of Grounds Maintenance Issues
Such as fly tipping, graffiti, damaged road signs and problems with vegetation etc. remains very much welcomed by reporting online, through the website: or via the FixMyStreet app.

Please see below a letter from the Practice Manager – Vicki Abbott at Uppingham Surgery.


“Dear Volunteer,

Volunteer drivers required

We would firstly like to thank you for your support and dedication to both the practice and our patients over the last 4 months during these unprecedented times.

We recognise as a practice that there is a real need to support our more vulnerable or those with increased needs in our community and that this must continue regardless of when lockdown eases across the nation.

With this in mind, the practice has taken the steps to purchase a vehicle to operate a weekly prescription delivery service. We are seeking volunteer drivers to help us with providing this service. We are ideally looking for 1 day a week (11am – 3pm) from individuals with designated areas to deliver to.

If this is something you would be interested in doing please let us know.

Once again thank you for volunteering your time, it is has been invaluable to us all.

With thanks,

Yours faithfully,

Vicki Abbott
Practice Manager”

Attached letter

It would be good if you could let us know as soon as possible if any of you are interested, or if you are planning on ceasing your current schemes.


From Sunday 5th July, 2020, our lovely church St Mary Magdalene and St Andrew’s will be opened for private prayer from 10am – 4pm on Sundays and Wednesdays. 

  • Details about church services can be found on the Rutland Water Benefice website. You can download the order of service and readings from there too;
  • Join the Rutland Water Benefice Facebook group and the Sunday service Watch party, or see the videos that make up the Watch party on Facebook, or see the service on The Rutland Water Benefice YouTube channel;

To join the distribution list for weekly readings and other information from church, please email

“Let’s pray that God will support and bless us, our families and our communities as we try to enjoy what we can in this fast-changing situation.”

Ministry Team:
Pippa 01780 721286

John 01780 460735

Jenni 07507 442539

Church Warden:
David 07802 579095