Oakham Foodbank have been delighted with the number of items that have been donated during lockdown and have asked if people can continue to be generous to help them support the 550 households already in receipt of assistance.  In addition, it is thought that the number of households to be supported will increase in the next few weeks as the furlough scheme comes to an end and sadly some businesses make redundancies.

We will have our next collection from the Church porch on 15th July and the next one after that will be on 29th July.

Items that are desperately needed are:

  • Long-life sponge puddings;
  • Smash-type potato; and
  • Disposable razors.

We are told that the warehouse is well stocked with baked beans, pasta and cereal so, if you are able to give, please choose items off the list above.

Many thanks,

Debra Thatcher

Notice and Summons to attend Parish Council Planning meeting
Thursday 2nd July 2020 at 8:00 pm via Zoom
All welcome


Members of the public are welcome to attend as observers and to speak on any matter on this agenda under Item 1.



1.     Public Participation

2.     To receive apologies and approval of absences

3.     To receive declarations of member’s interests and consider dispensations

4.     To consider Planning Application 2020/0585/FUL Retrospective change
of use of 2 no. barns from agricultural use to commercial use (B1(c) and B8). The Barns Ridlington Park Farm, Holygate Road, Ridlington, Rutland LE15 9AR

5.     To consider Planning Application 2020/0634/CAT Crown raise 1 No.
Horse Chestnut tree (T1) by entrance over drive to 4m and to give 1m
clearance from building.

Crown raise 1 No. Lime tree (T2) to 2m, remove dead branch, clear
epicormic growth in lowest 5m of crown, raise over road to 5m.

Reduce 1 No. Crab Apple tree (T3) back to the boundary.

Crown raise 1 No. Pink Horse Chestnut tree (T4) to 3.5m and remove
rogue lower limbs. 1 No. Oak tree (T5) Remove low branches by raised
beds and remove deadwood and reduce failed branch by 2m.

Hollygate House, 6 Holygate Road, Ridlington LE15 9AR


Helen Duckering – Parish Clerk
25th June 2020

This meeting will take place virtually via Zoom. If you would like to join the log in details are below:

Topic: Ridlington Parish Council Planning Meeting
Time: Jul 2, 2020 08:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 923 1893 6315
Password: 893337

Alternatively, the meeting can be accessed by telephone on one of the following numbers:

+44 203 481 5240
+44 131 460 1196
+44 203 051 2874

Members of the public will be invited to speak during item 1 of the agenda only and will then be observers. 


From Monday 15th June, churches may be open for private prayer, subject to risk assessment; appropriate cleaning and supervision; availability of hand sanitiser; advisory notices; non-access to hymn/additional spaces/prayer books etc… St Mary Magdalene and St Andrew’s Church will be opened shortly with further notice to be given. All cleaning/checks are currently being undertaken by David Harvey (Church warden) and Anne Harvey (PCC Secretary). If you would like to assist with the cleaning and/or daily checks please contact either of the above.

  • Details about church services can be found on the Rutland Water Benefice website. You can download the order of service and readings from there too;
  • Join the Rutland Water Benefice Facebook group and the Sunday service Watch party, or see the videos that make up the Watch party on Facebook, or see the service on The Rutland Water Benefice YouTube channel;

To join the distribution list for weekly readings and other information from church, please email rectorrwb@gmail.com

Let’s pray that God will support and bless us, our families and our communities as we try to enjoy what we can in this fast-changing situation.

Pippa 01780 721286

John 01780 460735

Jenni 07507 442539

Our monthly walks will recommence on Wednesday 1st July starting at 2pm outside the Village Hall as we are now able to exercise with up to 6 people and I am happy to prepare an appropriate risk assessment for the event.

There will be 6 places available, in the first instance, so please contact Anne Harvey at acharvey@hotmail.co.uk if you would like to come along.

If there are more, then I suggest we have 2 groups with staggered start times and perhaps have 2 walks planned – one longer/one shorter…both starting from the Village Hall, as usual.

The activity will be safely organised with both risk assessment and social distancing measures in place.

Please could you let me know as soon as possible, if you would like to book a place and I will start planning. Many thanks, 

Anne Harvey

For May and June the decision was made to only produce an electronic version of the magazine. The magazine can be found on the Rutland Water Benefice website. Just click on the link to the magazine towards the bottom of the home page or go directly to                                                https://www.rutlandwaterbenefice.info/magazine/ 

For July we are once again printing a paper version. The challenge is going to be getting the magazine to every household, as some of the normal delivery people are too vulnerable to feel they can do this safely. If you can help, do contact your magazine rep (Anne Harvey) or your churchwarden (David Harvey). We hope to carry on with printed magazine unless another lockdown or other events makes delivery impossible.

  • Thank you to magazine editor (Alice Hill), the printers (Spiegl’s), contributors, magazine distributors and advertisers for their adaptability as we seek creative solutions in our changing context. Also, a big thank you to Jackie Ike for ensuring the magazine can also be found on the Ridlington Parish Council website (link below);
  • A huge thank you to everyone involved in the Covid 19 Street Reps Group, which was started at the beginning of the crisis. Volunteers have been called upon for shopping, advice, chats etc… and we are grateful to you all for keeping this scheme going;
  • Thank you, too, to those co ordinating the prescription collection, in particular Debra Thatcher, Alison and Octavia. This has proved to be a very efficient and invaluable service;
  • Thanks to Karen and Richard Baines for the ordering and delivering of flour and yeast which have kept so many of us going throughout the pandemic. We wish them well in the reopening of their business (details on the Ridlington Parish Council website);
  • Also, thank you to Martin Bryers for his deliveries of vegetable/fruit boxes and artisan bread;
  • And finally, thank you to all those of you who have so generously donated to the Rutland Foodbank, throughout, always thinking of how you can help others in need.

As you will remember, last autumn a group of volunteers cut the grass on the north bank of the churchyard and a number of wildflower seeds were sown.  The seeds purchased were chosen for either their ability to reduce the strength of the grass or to prosper in the tricky conditions – heavy clay soil, shade in the winter.

We are pleased to say that many of the yellow rattle (Rhinanthus minor) seeds have germinated.  This is vital in establishing a wildflower area because as their roots develop they seek out the roots of plants growing nearby, especially grasses.  Once contact is made the yellow rattle draws water and nutrients from them, suppressing the growth of grasses by as much as 60%.  In the resulting space, other wildflowers have room to grow.  We hope that this will not only look attractive but will increase the biodiversity in the churchyard which already supports a fantastic array of different species.  We know that yellow rattle flowers are pollinated by large bees, especially bumblebees, and are followed by large seed pods.

Traditionally, farmers used the sound of the seeds rattling in the seed pods to know when to cut their hay, so we will cut the bank again in the late summer.  If you would like to be involved in this project or other environmental projects at the church please contact Debra Thatcher.

Update on Operation Shield
More than 300 calls to the RCC Crisis Helpline
31% which led to referrals
49% which led to food parcels

Government guidance on shielding can be found at:  http://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19


Rutland Urgent Care Centre
The out-of-hours primary care service at Rutland Memorial Hospital is now open at weekends and bank holidays from 9am until 7pm for NON- COVID and NON-SUSPECTED COVID patients. Patients can access the service via NHS111.


Accessing Dental Services
From Monday 8th June a phased resumption of services will occur in line with national guidance. The situation will be updated on the RCC website as the situation evolves. In the meantime the advice is to phone your dental practice between the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday for information/advice. Alternatively phone NHS111 in the evenings after 5pm, on weekends and bank holidays for information/advice.


North Luffenham Recycling Centre
The site was reopened for essential waste on 19 May 2020.

Essential waste is any waste that cannot be stored safely at home or disposed of through other legitimate routes.

Several new safety measures have been introduced at North Luffenham HWRC, in order to maintain social distancing. These include:

  • A maximum of four vehicles unloading on-site at a time, with no more than two persons per vehicle
  • Visitors must stay two metres away from each other and site staff at all times
  • The site closes for 15 minutes at 12.00pm, 2.00pm and 4.00pm each day so that it can be cleaned
  • No trailers can be accepted on-site because of the need to move vehicles in and out as quickly as possible
  • Visitors are asked to pre-sort their waste and separate out materials like metal, wood and plastics before traveling to the site
  • Staff at the site will provide instructions but cannot help to unload or put waste items into containers

Residents have been thanked for their response to the reopening.


Adult Safeguarding Campaign
RCC is asking residents to be vigilant and to call them if they have any concerns at all for the safety of an adult who may be at risk of abuse. To report abuse, go to http://www.rutland.gov.uk/ourdoorisopen or call the Council’s Adult Safeguarding Team on 01572 758341.


National Community Lottery Fund
Small and Medium sized charitable organisations can apply for National Community Lottery Funding of between £300 and £10,000.More info about the fund and how to apply can be found online at:  http://www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/funding/covid-19/learn-about-applying-for-emergency-funding-in-england

Thanking Volunteer
A special video thanking local volunteers can be viewed by following the link.

Rutland Water
A soft reopening has seen a number of changes on site with some  facilities still closed to ensure compliance with government restrictions. Parking only in the designated Anglian Water car parks. Further info and guidance for visitors is published online at http://anglianwaterparks.co.uk/rutland-water



Latest  Situation
Figures explained: Regarding testing figures ‘Public Health England’ only provide a snapshop of the number of Covid-19 cases in an area and no further data. The data for number of deaths is published each Tuesday by ‘The Office for National Statistics’ but is time lagged by approx.11 days. There have been 20 Covid-19 related deaths recorded in Rutland up to week ending 29th May 2020.


Update on High Street reopening
Non essential retailers are now able to open in England from Monday 15th June as long as SOCIAL DISTANCING MEASURES ARE IN PLACE.

In Uppingham and Oakham temporary safety measures are also in place. These are:

  • Installation of signs and floor markings reminding us of social distancing rules.
  • Physical signage along both high streets
  • Free parking for those travelling by car.
  • Additional bike racks in Uppingham
  • A temporary one-way system on High Street Oakham is being finalised.
  • Businesses MUST display a notice to show they are following Government guidance.
  • You must only visit shops with those you live with and practice social distancing at all time.

For up to date information  http://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do


Return to Schools
Primary Schools – At present, wider opening up to Reception and Year one and Year 6 pupils in addition to vulnerable children and children of critical care workers only.

Secondary schools – Catmose College and Casterton College will be opening to Year 10’s next week, Uppingham College the following week and as per Government guidance.


Health & Wellbeing Conversation for Young People
The Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Children Partnership would like to hear from young people between the ages of 11 and 18 to understand how COVID-19 has impacted on them.

The survey can be found on: http://www.Surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HealthandWellbeingConversationforYoungPeopleages11to18

The responses close Sunday 28th June 2010


Places of Worship
From Monday 15 June 2020 places of worship will be permitted to open for individual prayer, in line with social distancing guidelines.


However, places of worship will use their own discretion over when they consider it safe to open. Opening arrangements will be communicated locally.


Although there is no date for their reopening residents can make use of the free e-book and e magazine and audio book service. For more info visit Rutland libraries website at http://rutland.gov.uk/libraries or tel 01572 722918.


Food Bank
A higher demand on the food banks is expected due to free school meals voucher ceasing in the Summer Holidays so contributions continue to be welcome. The lidded box for donations is to be found in the church porch.


Media Releases:

  • Face coverings MUST be worn on public transport.
  • New Electric Bike Scheme launched for Rutland Residents. Anyone over the age of 16 can apply and a short training course will be provided. To apply or for further info tel. 01572 758138 or email transport@rutland.gov.uk
  • Summer Reading Challenge online for children. For more info visit the Rutland Libraries website at http://rutland.gov.uk/libraries or tel 01572 722918
  • Rutland Carers – For help, advice and support tel. 01572 758249. Email: carersteam@rutland.gov.uk