Baines’ is re-opening from Tuesday June 16th 2020 onwards.

Initially we will be open for 5 days only. The days and timings are:

Tuesday to Saturday from 8:30 am – 2:00 pm.

We will be reviewing our product offering week-by-week and anticipate that there may be regular changes, as we adapt and evolve to ensure all government guidelines are followed. Please therefore stay updated through our website –

We will be working on SKELETON staff. Freshly baked bread, our range of cakes and filled rolls,  although reduced (but still plenty of choice!) will also be available daily.

There will be a ONE in, ONE out policy in place. Contactless payments will be the preferred method of payment.

We look forward to welcoming you all back and would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding!

Richard, Karen & Kate Baines


Please read below a letter we have received from Mr. Chauhan informing us of the new online network – NHS Citizens’ Panel.

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Did you know that the local NHS organisations have launched a new online network, NHS Citizens’ Panel for people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR), to help people stay connected and  participate and share  views about their local healthcare service?

I am hoping that you can assist us to spread the word.  People we talk to are telling us about the great job that Parish Councils are doing at this difficult time – sharing articles, posting information on websites and also putting information on their notice boards to keep their local community informed.  We are also experiencing this for ourselves.

I would be grateful if you could display the attached poster  and use the attached article on your website and in any local newsletters/community magazines.  If you use any social media – a mention about the Citizens’ Panel would be great.

Citizen Panel Poster FINAL 21MAy2020 v2 Rutland

Citizens Panel article 150520 final (2)Ridlington

Should you need any further tools to support with promoting the Citizens’ Panel through social media such as Facebook, twitter or your internet, or you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

To find out more about the Citizens’ Panel and join yourself visit

Thank you for helping and supporting your local NHS.

Kind regards
Shelpa Chauhan
Mobile: 07826 934328

from a letter dated 29 May 2020



If you would like your prescription collecting, please ensure that you let me know by phone (823910) or by email (  We have to give the pharmacy 72 hours’ notice of the proposed collection.  The prescriptions from Uppingham are collected on a Friday.



The Next Collection Date

First, a huge thank you to everyone who has given items for the food bank collection in the church porch.  David and Anne Harvey kindly delivered the items earlier this week.  In future, Rutland County Council working with Voluntary Action Rutland will collect the items to support social distancing and limit journeys to the Food Bank.  They have supplied us with two boxes to use – they can be found on the left hand side of the church porch: they are smaller than our usual collection box but will be easier for them to collect, so please use the smaller boxes first.  We are waiting for confirmation of the next collection date but understand that it might be Wednesday, 20th May.

Items requested include:
Tinned carrots, Tinned potatoes, Smash, Jams/spreads (not homemade), Sponge puddings, Small bags of sugar (500g), Tins of meat, Tinned meat pies, Tins of custard, Full cream UHT milk, Toilet rolls, UHT juice, Small jars of coffee, Children’s toothbrushes and toothpaste.

If you are unable to access the collection point and would like someone to collect an item from you please contact me ( or 823910).  Alternatively, if you would like to donate money, you can pay direct by bank transfer to:

Account name: Rutland Foodbank

Sort code: 20-45-77

Account number: 70782629

Every donation makes a difference, so please continue to donate to help meet the increasing demands being made on the Foodbank.

Debra Thatcher

Notice and Summons to attend Parish Council meeting
Wednesday 13th May 2020 at 7.30 pm via Zoom
All welcome


  1. Welcome
  2. Public participation
  3. To receive declarations of member’s interests and consider dispensations
  4. Apologies and approval of absences
  5. To approve the adoption of revised Standing Orders (Covid-19 April 2020)
  6. To approve the cancellation of Ridlington Parish Council Annual Parish Council meeting
  7. To approve the minutes of last meeting held on 19th February 2020
  8. Matters Arising from the last meeting not listed separately in this agenda.
  9. Clerk’s report – for information only
  10. Correspondence
    a. Letter to Cllr. Thatcher from NALC clarifying making grants for charitable purposes.
  11.   To approve the renewal of annual membership of LRALC – £130.61
  12.   To approve asset register following valuation of village assets.
  13.   To approve renewal of Parish Insurance policy
  14.   Ridlington Covid-19 support
  15.   Updating Land Registry entries
  16.   Complaints re. noise from bird scarers located close to village
  17.   Complaints of 20 vehicles parked on road at mouth of Park Farm
  18.   Finance:
    a.    To approve current financial summary 31.03.20
    b.    To authorise accounts for payment since last meeting
    – Clerk’s salary April & May £196.45 x 2
    – HMRC (Q4) £136.60
    – A V Wainwright Surveyor £300
    – RCC (street lighting) £113.17
    c.    To approve payments:
    – LRALC £130.61
    – Zoom (H Duckering) £143.88
    d.    To receive the Internal Auditors Report
    e.    To approve Annual Governance Statement 2019/20
    f.     To approve Accounting Statements 2019/20
    g.    To approve Certificate of Exemption – AGAR 2019/20
  19.   Planning
    a.     To approve minutes of Planning meeting held 9th March 2020
    b.    Planning decisions received since last meeting
  20.   To agree dates of Parish Council meetings 2020/21


Helen Duckering
Parish Clerk
5th May 2020

This meeting will take place virtually via Zoom. If you would like to join the log in details are below:

Helen Duckering is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Ridlington Parish Council meeting
Time: ‪May 13, 2020 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 924 9950 9499
Password: 300504
One tap mobile
‪+13462487799,,92499509499#,,1#,300504# US (Houston)
‪+16699006833,,92499509499#,,1#,300504# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
‪+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
‪+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
‪+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
‪+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
‪+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
‪+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 924 9950 9499
Password: 300504
Find your local number: ‪

Members of the public will be invited to speak during item 2 of the agenda only and will then be observers.



SSAFA would like to share an authentic VE Day recipe for scones. You may like to have a try of this for tomorrow’s “Tea in the Afternoon”?



  • 12 Tablespoons Self-Raising Flour
  • 2 Tablespoons Butter
  • 4 Tablespoons Sugar
  • 8 Tablespoons Grated Carrot
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
  • Vanilla Flavouring


  1. Let the butter come to room temperature so that it is soft, then mix with the sugar. Add the grated carrot in stages along with six drops of vanilla extract;
  2. Next, add the flour and baking powder in stages. As you mix, the carrots will release their moisture and bind the mixture together. Make sure all the flour is mixed in thoroughly;
  3. Break off into pieces, roll in your palm and pat down. Sprinkle sugar on the top. Pop the scones on a baking tray and bake for 20 minutes at Gas Mark 6/200C;
  4. When the scones are golden brown on top, remove them from the oven;
  5. Leave them to cool completely and serve with jam and cream.


Debra Thatcher

The coronavirus outbreak means that there will be no street party in Ridlington, as was being planned.

However, we can still be sure to mark the occasion in our community, whilst in lockdown, and make sure that we remain both socially distanced and safe.

There will be a ringing of the church bells at 11am to signal the 2 minutes silence.

Please read the flier below, which outlines events to partake in throughout the day, both nationally, locally and in our own homes and gardens.

Keep safe.
Anne Harvey

Hi Everyone,

I have many passions in life, as well as life itself of course;  and one of those passions is Sourdough.   There has never been a period where so much time can be given to the things you enjoy doing and I embrace that opportunity in spite of the terrible challenges we find ourselves facing.

I wanted to share with you the many benefits of Sourdough and the gut-friendly advantages it renders to our well-being and overall health.

Sourdough is a culture of yeasts and beneficial bacteria that occur naturally in bread flour and dough. The yeasts are more varied and less concentrated than baker’s yeast, so they raise the dough more slowly. The lactic acid bacteria (LAB) also require many hours of fermentation to work their wonders.

Real sourdough is very simple, as befits a method that’s thousands of years old. You take some starter, refresh it with several times its own weight of fresh flour and water and let this ferment for some hours until the yeast population has grown. You use most of this dough to make bread by adding more flour, water and salt, and keep a little bit back as your starter for the next batch of bread.

(There is no need to fuss over and ‘feed’ your starter regularly: we’re talking fermentation here, not pet-care.!  Established starters will keep undisturbed in the fridge for days, weeks or months between bakes.)

Time is crucial. When the sourdough is allowed to ferment slowly over several hours, it is able to transform the main ingredient – flour – in ways that together justify sourdough bread’s claim to be the best.

Here’s a summary of the many benefits of sourdough Bread:

    • Sourdough LAB (lactic acid bacteria) can modify the bits of gliadin and glutenin protein in wheat flour that are toxic to people with coeliac disease (CD) and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity. This doesn’t mean CD sufferers can eat all (or even any) sourdough bread. It does however mean that there is a time-honoured method for making wheat flour more digestible and that we urgently need to know which types of bread on sale in the shops deploy this to real effect.
    • LAB (including those commonly found in sourdough bread) produce beneficial compounds: antioxidants, the cancer-preventive peptide lunasin,  and anti-allergenic substances, some of which may help in the treatment of auto-immune diseases. Interestingly, these by-products seem able to survive heating, suggesting that baked sourdough bread may have ‘probiotic’ potential by stimulating immune responses in the gut.
    • Bread, especially if made with unrefined flour, is a significant source of dietary minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. But a slice of fast-made wholemeal may be nutritious only in theory if its contents pass straight through the body without being absorbed. The main culprit here is phytic acid, present in the bran layers of cereals, which ‘locks up’ the important minerals. Several hours of fermentation with sourdough is sufficient to neutralise phytic acid and make the minerals more bioavailable.
    • Problematic protein fragments are not the only thing in bread that we might want to reduce to a minimum.  Acrylamide, a suspected carcinogen, can be found in bread crusts. Long fermentation, typical of sourdough systems, can reduce levels of the amino-acid asparagine that is a precursor of acrylamide formation.
    • Bread is often avoided by those affected by weight-gain and metabolic syndrome – rightly, perhaps, in the case of industrial white loaves with a high glycaemic index (GI). But sourdough LAB produce organic acids that, under the heat of baking, cause interactions that reduce starch availability. The lowest GI breads are whole-grain sourdoughs.

(Note: The bullet points are extracts taken from studies done over fifteen years and written by Andrew Whitley, a well-known and much respected expert in the field of baking bread.)

That’s a pretty compelling list of benefits even if we ignore the fact that bread-related metabolic complaints have proliferated just as the time taken to ferment most commercial bread has reduced. It’s this interplay of time and commercial advantage that should make us ask searching questions of some of the ‘sourdough’ breads now on offer.

Signs that your sourdough is real:

  • if the bakery keeps its own sourdough starter (if it doesn’t, it must be using dried sourdough powder)
  • the bread is made from scratch on the premises (i.e. is not ‘half-baked’somewhere else and then re-heated)
  • the baker knows what sourdough is and is happy to discuss the process and the time it takes
  • the bread has no added baker’s yeast – or any additives, though this is hard to establish since the most problematic enzyme additives are classed as ‘processing aids’ and don’t have to be declared on the label
  • it tastes good and is easy on the digestion

Since there is no legal definition of sourdough, despite the Real Bread Campaign’s call for one, it is quite possible to give this name to a bread made with a dried sourdough powder or ‘pre-mix’ and raised quickly with baker’s yeast.

Such bread may be shaped and presented in a winsome ‘boule’.  It may even have a hint of flavour.  But it’s unlikely to deliver on any of the benefits listed above unless lactic acid bacteria have fermented the dough for several hours. It’s even possible that ‘sourdough’ is being used as an opportunistic descriptor of ordinary bread in the hope of selling more, rather as the label ‘organic’ would be used by unscrupulous greengrocers in the days before that trade was properly regulated.

Could you please place orders for bread by the end of the day on Monday for delivery Wednesday with Fruit/Veg boxes. Please call or email – 07765 873253 – 

Many thanks