We have just a few Veg boxes left for delivery next Wednesday, April 8th, if anyone would like one, £15.00. They offer a nice selection of fresh fruit and veg.

Bread is also available to order; we have White Sourdough made only from organic white flour, or Country Sourdough which is a blend of white and wholemeal or organic flour and all are made only from flour water and salt.

Orders need to be placed before Monday morning please.

Call or email: 07765 873253 / martin.bryers@btinternet.com

Bread and veg copy




Just in case the villagers of Ridlington are not aware, Welland Vale Nursery are also offering home delivery for plants, seed, compost and other garden items.

Welland Vale’s special service will allow you to shop from the safety of your home or during the limited contact currently in place. Free delivery over £25 within a 20 mile radius.

You may wish to browse their website using the attached link for more information and to see in more detail their home delivery service offering.


Happy Gardening!
Janet Horwood


Pot plant doorstep delivery service to Ridlington Village Hall

Ridlington has a garden club and many of those living in the village are keen gardeners.

Gardening also gets us all out into the fresh air and is a great way of getting healthy daily exercise.

The Peach family are friends of Dawn and Russell’s on Main Street and run a plant Nursery selling pot bedding, Perennials, Cyclamen and Daffodils.

Due to the current situation they are unable to sell their plants to garden centres. In order to find an alternative outlet for them (you may have read about the problems facing such businesses) they have decided to offer a doorstep delivery service to all those wishing to brighten up their gardens whilst in isolation.

Their glasshouses are full of spring plants and it would be a great shame to see them all go to waste! If you are a budding gardener, please get in touch with them (see below) and place your order!

All plants and prices are detailed in the attachment with prices per tray. https://www.ridlingtonparishcouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Peach-Price-List.pdf

If you would like to place an order please send an email to chris.peach@btconnect.com detailing the plants you would like. They will then send over to you details of the total cost of the order along with an order number and bank details for you to complete a BACS transfer. Please reference your order number when making the transfer.

They will be making a delivery to Ridlington soon, so if you would like to purchase plants, please do let them know as soon as possible.

We will be arranging to have the plants delivered to Ridlington Village Hall where they will be available for you to pick up.

Social distancing will be in place for  picking up the plants.

Details of the date of delivery  and the time period they will be available to pick up at the Village Hall will be made available once some orders have been made.

Please remember only pre-ordered plants will be delivered.

** Note that they will be giving a 2% donation to the NHS for every plant sold** 

For photos of the plants, please visit their Facebook page – J T Peach & Son Farm and Nursery. https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Agriculture/J-T-Peach-Son-Farm-and-Nursery-1827575220607567/

The Peach Family
J.T Peach & Son Farm and Nursery


Kind regards
Dawn and Russell

For those that use Facebook in the village, here is a message from Martin Bryers,

I have created a group on Facebook for more social information and wondered how best to circulate – it is open to Ridlington residents.

It’s more informal and social rather than the Street Reps or PCC website.  Take a look https://www.facebook.com/groups/921612974937425/

This way you can stay up-to-date with what we are doing.


Thank you

Here is a message from Rutland County Council

The Safety of our Waste Operatives

We have received a number of enquiries from residents asking how we are ensuring the safety of our bin crews.

We are extremely grateful to our contractors, Biffa, and to their crews, who continue to work tirelessly to collect our waste, even in difficult circumstances.

We are in daily contact with Biffa to keep operational working practices under review.

They have implemented some changes to reduce the amount of time crews spend together inside vehicle cabins and to promote social distancing wherever possible.

Refuse crews are key workers. By the very nature of the work they do, it is not possible to implement social distancing in full or at all times.

National stocks of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are also extremely stretched because of high demand and the need to equip frontline health and care workers. This is something we are working very hard to overcome.

Kerbside Waste

With residents being at home it is inevitable there will be an increase in household waste.

We are working extremely hard to keep refuse collections running as normal, under incredibly difficult circumstances, and cannot currently accept extra waste or side waste. Due to staffing and the need to reduce the risk of transmitting coronavirus (COVID-19), we can only collect waste that is contained inside bins.

We are kindly asking people to please think carefully about what they’re throwing away and consider what items they are putting out for recycling.

For example, could any items be re-used in some way? Is it something that can be stored safely until services return to normal? We know this isn’t easy but we are doing everything we can to maintain our normal collection schedule and are grateful for any help and support you can give us to do this.

Thank you


Due too the amount of orders we are having to fulfil, we will only be able to offer two sizes of boxes for pre-order. This is due to logistically not being able to cope with the amount of orders we are receiving. We do not have the staff, time or space to cope with picking every person’s individual order requirements. We needed to simplify this process. I hope you can understand this.

Some people who need it the most are missing out and I cannot miss anyone out who needs something. The serving of customers has to be quicker for social distancing and a way of getting round the pricing picking and contacting every customer has to be quicker.

To help you understand this, over the last week we had to fulfil over 500 orders. The Team struggled to fulfil this and I myself (Nigel) wasn’t happy with some of the service we offered to everyone.

I know this will be an inconvenience to some of you and I’m sorry.

The stall will still be available to collect any boxed orders received. At this moment in time we will still be trading as normal on the market for groceries as well as providing our pre-order box service. But in the event of markets potentially closing this will also provide me with a way I could possibly deliver or have collection points at designated areas.

Please don’t forget to add your telephone number on any orders placed by email.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Email: bfandsonsorders@yahoo.com

Here are the two box options available for you.

Box 1  –  £20
1.5kg potatoes, 3 onions, 5 carrots, 1 broccoli, parsnips, cabbage, leek, 4 tomatoes, ½ cucumber, 1 lettuce, 1 spring onion, 1 lemon, 1 raspberry*, 1 strawberry*,4 apples, 4 bananas, 5 clementines, 1bunch grapes.

* 2 berries will be provided subject to availability, i.e. raspberry may be replaced by blueberries

Box 2 –  £35
2.5 kg potatoes, 10 carrots, 1 broccoli, 1 cauliflower, 2 parsnips large, swede medium, 3 leeks, 6 onions, 1 cabbage, 6 tomatoes, 2 peppers mixed, 1 cucumber, 1 lettuce, 1 spring onion, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, 5 bananas, 5 apples, 4 pears, 5 clementines, 2 oranges, 1 lemon, 1 strawberry*, 1 raspberry*, grapes, melon or pineapple, plums.

For those who don’t know us, Diana my wife was born in Ridlington and has lived in Ridlington all of her life, I have lived here for almost 50 years and Daniel my son was born here too.

In the spirit of supporting our village where we can, especially those unable or unwilling to go out of the village,  I would like to offer the following:-

Daniel and his wife Claire, who both currently live in Ridlington, run a local village pub/restaurant and tea room in Foxton; that was at least until it was forced to temporarily close earlier this week.!  They are however supporting that local village community with the delivery of a weekly Fruit/Veg box, especially those who are finding it difficult to get out and about.  It is very simple insofar as they take orders by telephone or email on a Monday and with the help of their local supplier, make up the veg/fruit boxes and deliver them on Wednesday.

Mobile – 07765873 253
Email – martin.bryers@btinternet.com

They would like to extend this community support to the residents of Ridlington village.  The produce is high quality Class A produce as used in their restaurant and offers a great selection and variety of fresh fruit and veg each week delivered right to your door..

In addition to this I would also like to offer the facility of freshly baked artisan bread.  Daniel is a qualified chef and I have been baking sourdough bread for many years.  Daniel and I bake bread each week for his restaurant and tea room in a traditional stone bread oven and would like to take advantage of that to offer a weekly supply of Sourdough, or a non-sourdough French style tin loaf made with pâte fermentée (A portion of dough made ahead of time and left to ferment, usually overnight and at a cool temperature to enhance the flavour) to anyone in Ridlington who might like to take advantage.  The standard Sourdough loaves are approx 900g in weight and offer a sizeable, highly nutritious, gut friendly bread made from only three ingredients, Stone ground organic flour, water and pink Himalayan salt.  A sourdough starter made of rye flour is used as the natural wild yeast required to raise the dough.  There are two sourdough loaves, one is a white sourdough made from white organic flour and the other is a country sourdough made with a blend of white and wholewheat flour.

As Sourdough takes up to 36 hours to produce I would propose that anyone wishing to place an order would do so by Monday lunchtime, we would then bake on Wednesday morning and deliver around the village later in the day.

All deliveries would be made with sensitivity and keeping in mind the need for social distancing.  Payment can be made on a cash on delivery basis.

Veg/Fruit boxes are £15.00 each and the loaves are £3.95 each.

I have attached for your convenience an image of a recent Fruit/Veg box and a bake from last week of Rye based sourdough boules and French tin loaves made with pâte fermentée.

If you would like more information or would like to place an order for delivery next Wednesday, please let me know.  You can call or email.   Would you also kindly pass this onto your local neighbours..?

Many thanks and stay safe.


Martin Bryers
Mobile – 07765873 253

Covid-19 Update

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Local stakeholder information – Rutland

We are writing to inform you today the Chief Medical Officer confirmed that 14,543 patients have been positively laboratory tested for Covid-19 infection in the UK.

One of these cases is a resident of Rutland.

We are about to inform residents through the local media, our website, our social channels and through Your Rutland.

Please find attached the official stakeholder briefing.

Rutland County Council

Stakeholder briefing – Rutland 27.3.20