Please view the Government advice on volunteering by clicking on the attached link–2/coronavirus-how-to-help-safely


Thank you.

Dave Johnson

Rutland County Council would like to keep you updated about their response to COVID-19. Please share it with friends and family who may find it helpful.

Please click the below link to keep updated.

Thank you.

Martin Bryers would like to give them a complimentary Sourdough loaf each week that is if they would like one of course!

Please contact him on:

Mobile – 07765873253
Email –


The Farm Shop

The Farm Shop remains open for telephone orders and collections only, but is now closed to customers. This is to protect both customers and staff, and to enable them to continue to offer a service as best they can, but as safely as possible. So if you wish to purchase items from the Farm Shop, please do not turn up without having pre-ordered.

Orders are taken over the phone, with a member of staff walking round telling you what is in stock in whichever sections you are interested in, and filling a trolley with your shopping, ready for you to collect.

Payment is made over the phone. We have been offering a delivery service, but this has now come to an end simply because we do not have the capacity (vehicles/drivers/refrigeration) to meet the demand, and we want to focus the energies of our staff on serving as many of you as possible.

So we are requesting that customers collect, or share collections with other neighbours. On arrival at Gates, items will be put straight into the boot of your car so no contact is necessary.

The Garden Centre

The Garden centre itself is closed to the public, but items can be ordered over the phone, as above for collection. This includes plants, seeds, gardening tools, pots, etc as well as greeting cards, gifts, children’s puzzels and toys, outdoor games, books, small garden furniture, etc. If anyone is wishing to buy larger items, for example BBQs, large garden furniture, etc this can still be delivered.

We have some information about plants etc on our website, but if you are looking for anything else, just ring us and you will be put through to someone in the relevant department.

To Place and Order, please contact us on:

Tel.:  01664 454 309
Email –


Fruit and Vegetable Orders

Not sure if everyone is aware but Faulkner’s,  the fruit and veg stall on the market in Oakham and Uppingham,  is running a new service whereby you can email an order in to them, they will make it up, give you a call or text with collection time.

Payment can be via BACS, card or cash.  I’ve sent in an order and will see how it goes tomorrow.

His email address is:

And its Nigel who is organising it.


Rutland County Council and NHS set this scheme up asking that each village has a co-ordinator to organise the collection of prescriptions in such a way as to minimise visits to the pharmacy. On that basis, unless there is an emergency, I would suggest that we have one collection a week from each of Uppingham and Oakham surgeries.

Alison is kindly going to Oakham today – March 26th
Richard is collecting from Uppingham today – March 26th.

The idea of the scheme is that villagers let me know by email ( or by phone 01572 823910 that they have ordered a prescription. For the purposes of the paperwork, I need to log with the Council on a daily basis the following:

Full Name:
Surgery from which ordered:

I do not need to know what ailment is being treated nor what the medicines are. For those people of an age where they need to pay for prescriptions they must obtain a pre-payment certificate from the NHS – details can be found on their website using the following link –

Please remember to order prescriptions at least 72 hours before the prescription is required.

We will need a volunteer each week to undertake the collection and delivery/deliveries once back in the village. I need to advise the surgery who is attending, when and for whom they are collecting.

In addition, I then need confirmation once the delivery/deliveries has/have been made as the Council want a full log to be kept.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me

Thank you


Further to today’s Parish and Town Council briefing call, please find below the requested information.

1. Information on bus changes:

2. Guidance regarding takeaways: Takeaway and delivery facilities should remain open and operational. This means people can continue to enter premises to access takeaway services, including delivery drivers. Businesses are encouraged to take orders online or by telephone, and businesses should not provide seating areas, indoors and outdoors, for customers to consume food and drink on. Ordering in advance is strongly encouraged to avoid waiting in, as per Public Health England guidelines. Planning regulation has been changed to enable restaurants, cafés and pubs which do not currently offer delivery and hot food takeaway to do so. People must not consume food or drinks on site at restaurants, cafés or pubs whilst waiting for takeaway food. Those venues offering takeaway or delivery services must not include alcoholic beverages in this list if their license does not already permit. and information on businesses still operating during this period: and

3. Information on the deferral of Council Tax Payments:

4. To provide information on the parish and town medicine collection activities in your Parish and Town’s please email  further information and clarification about this will also be provided in tonight’s Parish and Town Council Briefing.


Holly Bremner | Head of Communications

Given the current COVID-19 Crisis Karen Baines from Baines Bakery has offered a delivery Service for certain products. This service is not exclusively for the most vulnerable but for anyone to take advantage of. You can order what you like from the list below by using either of the emails or by ringing or texting the supplied mobile number.

What is available


Or ring/text Karen:  07813377070


1.5kg FLOUR:






RYE £2.15


EGGS £3.00/DOZ

Limited availability:

2 litre MILK- SEMI-SKIMMED £2.00

2 litre MILK – FULL FAT £2.00

FRESH (as we use)
We suggest you divide into 10g bits, cling film and freeze.
Defrost before using it.
The loaves will taste even more yummy!

MILK AND MORE are delivering milk with shorter dates. 4-5 days.