This is to inform you that, following confirmation from the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), Avian Influenza (bird flu) has been identified in the wild bird population in Rutland.

An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone currently applies to everyone who keeps poultry or captive birds in England. Anyone who keeps poultry or birds must adhere to strict biosecurity requirements, whether they have commercial flocks or just a few birds in a garden flock.

The prevention zone means bird keepers across the country must:

  • Ensure the areas where birds are kept are unattractive to wild birds, for example by netting ponds, and by removing wild bird food sources
  • Feed and water your birds in enclosed areas to discourage wild birds
  • Minimise movement in and out of bird enclosures
  • Clean and disinfect footwear and keep areas where birds live clean and tidy
  • Reduce any existing contamination by cleansing and disinfecting concrete areas, and fencing off wet or boggy areas

Further information about Defra’s biosecurity requirements can be found on the  GOV.UK

If anyone suspects disease in their flock or finds dead wild birds such as wild ducks, wild geese, swans, gulls or birds of prey, they must report this to Defra.

You can contact Defra’s helpline by calling: 03459 33 55 77

Public Health England advises that the risk to public health from avian influenza is very low.

As a precaution, people should avoid contact with sick, dying or dead poultry or wild birds, avoid contact with surfaces contaminated with bird faeces and avoid untreated feathers.

Further updates on avian influenza in England can be found online at:

You can assist in promoting awareness of Avian Flu and the above Prevention Zone measures by adding this information to your website and including it in newsletters.

Posters provided by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) can be downloaded via the link below. Printed copies will be sent to all Parish Councils via internal mail this week.


Thank you,
Mat Waik | Strategic Communications Advisor
Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland. LE15 6HP
t: 01572 758 328 | m: 07973 855 469 | e:

As we come to the end of 2017, we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone for your continued generosity, for your willingness, time, energy and support. We also wish to thank you all for your donations towards the Church, including the Church Roof Fund, and for doing what is best for our community. We pray that everyone has a blessed Christmas with Faith and Love, and a New Year filled with Health and Happiness!



The end of my second year as Chairman of the Parish Council.
When I took over the role 2015 I believed that a more modern approach was needed to get the word out about what the Council were doing for the Village. I think this is now beginning to happen.
The website is up and running and due to be populated by the other committees in the Village. It has taken an extremely large amount of work to get it to this stage with the design, financing and conformity to the Transparency act. We are all volunteers and have had to learn new skills and deal with the frustration of doing things twice following a let down by 2Commune the original website provider. None of the original material on 2Commune site was transferable.
The new independent site has been operational since August last year.

The precept has been lower this year as last years increase, the money for compliance of the Transparency Act, has been refunded by the Government. We have our laptop and scanner, monies now also reimbursed. In the future, Rutland Council will devolve more responsibilities to Parish councils in order for themselves to save money such as grass cutting and highway repairs etc.

With regard to the precept charged to households in this Village, the amount is substantially lower than the majority of similar sized Villages. We have room for increase to finance the paid Clerks position.

We have been able to give grants to the Church and the defibrillator, which could help save the life of any one of us.

I must say that most of our dealings with the RCC have been fruitful. We have attended Forum meetings which have on the whole been beneficial.
As you are aware the street lighting has been replaced. This was done to ultimately save money.
The Parish Council have not contributed to the cost of these lights, but will be responsible for the electricity bills which I have been informed will be lower than previously as the bulbs are LED.

Achievements this year:

  • The setting up of a Parish Council and Village website.
  • Compilation of advice for delivery to each home entitled, Unauthorised repairs and development in Conservation and Article 4 Villages
  • Repairs to the Highways in Village
  • Cutting back of the dangerous corner is now much better after years of inaction.
  • Successful refund of all our set up costs for Transparency Act compliance
  • Nullifying the 1990 lease of the VH to the committee due to expire in 2020.
  • Two councillors attended a presentation entitled Charitable Trusts and their relationship with Parish Councils
  • Commenced stage one of getting paid clerk

My thanks go to the following people and committees:

Village Hall Committee, for the excellent way that volunteers look after our Village Hall. The extraordinary lengths that the committee went to in an effort to gauge the views of the Village and to address those views.
Councillors on the Parish Council for volunteering their time in attending meetings, their input and energy dealing with issues arising. More recently thanks to those Councillors who helped me at a time of personal difficulties.
The Parochial Church Council and the Playing Fields Association for their voluntary work in looking after these assets for the Village.
Especially Chris Lees our retired Clerk who did such a sterling job for over 4 years.

Finally, Thank you everyone who has attend these meetings as it shows you care about your Village. This is a beautiful place to live, which needs our protection and we will do our best to protect it and the inhabitants.