Monday 19th June 2023 – 10:00 am

Grounds of Oakham Castle,
Market Place, Oakham, LE15 6DR


A brief flag raising ceremony to mark the start of the week leading up to Armed Forces Day is taking place in the grounds of Oakham Castle on Monday 19th June. This year the flag will be raised by personnel from 1 Military Working Dogs Regiment based at St George’s Barracks.

This annual event in the Rutland calendar follows the success of the first ever national Armed Forces Day in 2009. Traditionally the Armed Forces Flag is raised on Government buildings and landmarks at 10.30 am at the start of the week leading up to Armed Forces Day itself, which this year is the 24th June.

Please arrive at Oakham Castle at 10:00 am to enable us to gather before the short ceremony starts at 10.20 am.

There is no need to confirm your attendance; this event is open for all members of the community to attend.

Due to the event taking place outside, parking will not be permitted in the Castle Grounds

Parish Invitation – AFD Flag Raising

The For Rutland Grand Bottle Tombola
Sunday 4th June 2023
at The Rutland Showground


Dear Friends & Neighbours,

We are looking for donations of bottles of any type from lemonade to Lambrini, shampoo to champagne or beer to bubble bath for our Tombola.

Why? – For Rutland raises funds for Citizens Advice Rutland (Reg Charity No 1107907) to pay for Specialist Advisers who provide non-medical advice to people of all ages living with long-term health conditions in Rutland and the surrounding community.

Since June 2014 when For Rutland was formed our Specialist Advisers have returned on average £1m per year in grants, debt write-offs and benefit funding to those living with conditions such as cancer, dementia, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and mental illness.

Without this specialist knowledge available on our High Street, we believe many people would not be able to gain access to the support they need.  By donating your bottles to For Rutland, you are helping to keep this vital service in our community.


Please leave any  bottles or donation with Liz Simpson at New House, Main Street  or in their greenhouse.

Bottles and donations can also be left at the following village locations

Before Tuesday 30th May
Barrowden Community Shop
Cottesmore Post Office & Shop
Edith Weston Village Store
Ketton Post Office & Shop
Market Overton Store
Barbara’s Store Empingham
The Fox at North Luffenham
The Blue Ball at Braunston

Please make any cheques payable to: ‘For Rutland’

Also you can drop off at :
John Porters Dry Cleaning in Oakham
Nelsons Butchers Shop in Uppingham





Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board
5-Year Joint Forward Plan


Organisations in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are working on a five-year plan for health and care services. The NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB), which includes our NHS Trusts (University Hospitals of Leicester and Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust), is responsible for the development and delivery of the Plan over the next 5 years – 2023/24 to 2027/28.

With the support of a range of stakeholders, we have drafted a 5-Year Joint Forward Plan. We have used insights and experiences of patients, carers, staff, clinicians, service users, voluntary, community and social enterprises and the public received over the last few years, to provide us with 5-Year Joint Forward Plan a good understanding of what matters most to local people.  This information has been used to shape and influence our plan, to ensure that we improve the health and wellbeing of our local people.

We have also produced a summary slide presentation outlining the key aspects of the plan that will practically transform the delivery of NHS care to improve performance and outcomes, reduce inequity in health and healthcare, and achieve financial sustainability.

Your views

We would now like to engage on the draft 5-Year Joint Forward Plan as part of our commitment to working with people and communities.

  • Visit our website where you will find the draft 5 Year Joint Forward Plan and the link to a short survey.
  • Email your comments to
  • Write to the ICB at Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board, Strategy and Planning Team, Room G30, Pen Lloyd Building, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicester, LE3 8TB.

The engagement closes on Wednesday 7 June 2023.  All the feedback will be brought together into a Report of Findings, which we will publish and use to influence the next version of the 5-Year Joint Forward Plan.

We look forward to hearing your feedback.


Yours sincerely

Andy Williams                                    David Sissling,
Chief Executive                                   Chair
LLR Leicester Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board

Rutland County Council

For the Area of


1.    An election is to be held for 6 Councillors for the said Parish.

2.    Nomination papers must be delivered to the RETURNING OFFICER, RUTLAND COUNTY COUNCIL, CATMOSE, OAKHAM, RUTLAND  LE15 6HP between the hours of 10am and 4pm on any working day after the date of this notice, but not later than 4pm on Thursday, 25 May 2023.

3.    Nomination papers may be obtained from the offices of the  RETURNING OFFICER, RUTLAND COUNTY COUNCIL, CATMOSE, OAKHAM  LE15 6HP, during the times stated above.

4.    If an election is contested, the poll will take place on Thursday, 22 June 2023.

5.    Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 12 midnight on Tuesday, 6 June 2023. Applications can be made online:

6.    Applications, amendments or cancellations of postal or postal proxy votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at RUTLAND COUNTY COUNCIL, CATMOSE, OAKHAM, LE15 6HP by 5pm on the Wednesday, 7 June 2023.

7.    Applications for a Voter Authority Certificate or an Anonymous Elector’s Document valid for this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Wednesday 14th June 2023.  Applications for a Voter Authority Certificate can be made online at

8.    Applications to vote by proxy except on the grounds of a medical emergency must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at RUTLAND COUNTY COUNCIL, CATMOSE, OAKHAM, LE15 6HP by 5pm on Wednesday, 14 June 2023.

9.    Applications to vote by emergency proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at RUTLAND COUNTY COUNCIL, CATMOSE, OAKHAM, LE15 6HP by 5pm on Thursday, 22 June 2023.


Dated: Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Notice of Election – Ridlington – 22 June 2023


Thank you to all who attended the Parish Council Meeting yesterday.

Please find the minutes to the meeting by just clicking on the link to access it.

Ridlington Annual Parish Meeting 2023

They can also be found under the heading  “Minutes, Agendas and Accounts” on the website.


Hello all!

An update for Sunday!

Firstly, Thank You for all offers of help.

  • David and Henry are going to put up gazebos at 10:30 am on Sunday morning (other help welcomed!)
    Also help putting out chairs/tables needed at the same time!
    I have bunting and flags which we could put up on Friday/Saturday/weather dependent!

If you would like to help serve tea/coffee and/or clear up, that would be amazing- thanks for all the offers so far.

  • Jacky, Janet and Ali are providing and delivering games.
  • Tim is taking photographs – time will be 3:00 pm for a whole village photo…
  • Keith is doing a painting.
  • Jackie is putting everything on the website.
  • The quiz is going ahead.
  • I am collecting road closure cones on Friday and returning Tuesday.
    Main Street will be closed from 11:00 – 17:00 hrs on Sunday May 7th.
    Insurance and risk assessment sorted.
  • Jo Fairley is doing the altar flowers.
  • We are doing a letter drop as a final gentle reminder.
  • Dave Roome will  be providing music.
  • Sue has donated 2 mugs for crown/tiara prizes.

All we need now is DRY WEATHER.

41 folk have RSVP so far

So, we’re all set….

We can not confirm a village sign/gate/tree yet, but will move ahead on these after the event. Martin has sent through details of a village sign at circa £4000.

Well done one and all – see you on Sunday

Annie xx

Please find below a Notice and accompanying plan in respect of the Temporary Road Closure in the above areas in Rutland which will come into effect on 15/05/2023 to 16/05/2023.


TTRO-23-56 Preston Road, Ridlington


Kind regards
Rutland County Council
Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
t: 01572 758297 (x8297) |

Please find below the link to the minutes for the Extraordinary RPC meeting which was held on Tuesday, April 25th at 7:00 pm in the Village Hall.

Draft RPC Minutes 25.04.23

These can also be accessed on the website under the heading – “Minutes, Agendas and Accounts”.