Please find below the link for the Agenda for the forthcoming RPC meeting which will be held on Wednesday, May 10th at 7:30 pm.

These can also be accessed on the website under the heading – “Minutes, Agendas & Accounts”.

All members of the public welcome.

RPC Agenda 10.05.23 APM


You will all be thrilled to hear that Keith has happily agreed to paint a picture to commemorate the Coronation celebrations.

We are proposing that photographs are taken on the day and he will use one of these (that we choose between us) as his inspiration.

The painting will be done after the event and over the summer, then  framed with a dedication and hung in the village hall.  Fantastic!!!

Is there anyone who could take some really good photos on the day?

Thank you Keith and to John for his excellent idea.



Here is an update on our plans for the Coronation!

The outline plan below is progressing well and you will all receive a flyer through your letterbox this week, with final details!

There is one change to be noted following feedback: many people prefer to ‘bring their own’ picnic (as per the Platinum Jubilee) rather than a bring and share. So the Village Lunch 12:00 – 4:00 pm will now be bring your own (and of course you can always share with your party!)

Please let me know how many of you will be attending so we have an idea of numbers.

Also can you let Dave Roome or me know how many you would like to attend and enter the quiz.

All we need now is SUNSHINE!

The outline plan is as follows:

Friday 5 May –  A Royal Quiz
4 rounds of 15 questions of which 1 is played music. Not a long evening, just nibbles and bring your own drink. £10 per head, all proceeds to Ukraine.

R1 Royal Family past and present
R2 Our Sporting Nation
R3 Great Britain, places & people
R4 Played music with Royal / Great Britain themes

Sunday 7 May – Village Share Lunch 12 – 4pm
A lunch based in and around the Village Hall/grounds and street party style down Main Street (temporary road closure to be agreed, as per the Platinum Jubilee)

Details to be announced, but based on everyone bringing their own dish, plus your own crockery and drinks.
Tea/coffee/squash provided

Red/white/blue/gold dress (optional)
Crown/Tiara competition + prizes
Games for adults and children

Other activities to be confirmed and/or finalised include:
A village photograph taken on the day
A piece of artwork to Commemorate the occasion
An ornamental and traditional village sign featuring the village and the coronation
Oak tree planting on the Village Playing Field (date tbc)

Monday 8 May – The Big Help Out
Volunteers are sought for, for any jobs that need doing around the village.
Please contact Debra Thatcher for details.

An organised wet weather plan will be in place!

Please contact me (Annie) if you can offer help of any kind – small or large. This might include serving tea on the day; setting up/clearing away; mowing, if needed; loan of outdoor games equipment; use of a drone for photographs, music playlist or amplifier etc…

This will be a special occasion for our lovely community to take part in and we hope that you will be able to attend. Please look out for detailed plans in the Parish magazine; on the village and church noticeboards; the Parish Council website and the neighbourhood WhatsApp. There will also be flyers delivered to each household.

For seating purposes, it will be helpful to know numbers, so if you are able to join in, please R.S.V.P. to
Annie Harvey
Mob: 07751 079775
Tel: 01572 820273 (no answerphone available!)

Or a note in the letter box!

Warm wishes on behalf of the village,



Please find below a link for the Agenda for the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 25th at 7:00 pm at the Village Hall.

RPC Agenda 25.04.23






Dear Villagers,

Thank you for your various responses and suggestions for our Coronation celebrations in Ridlington. Following the meeting at Chimney Cottage, we have an outline plan as follows:

Friday 5 May –  A Royal Quiz
4 rounds of 15 questions of which 1 is played music. Not a long evening, just nibbles and bring your own drink. £10 per head, all proceeds to Ukraine.
R1 Royal Family past and present
R2 Our Sporting Nation
R3 Great Britain, places & people
R4 Played music with Royal / Great Britain themes

Sunday 7 May – Village Share Lunch 12 – 4pm
A lunch based in and around the Village Hall/grounds and street party style down Main Street (temporary road closure to be agreed, as per the Platinum Jubilee)
Details to be announced, but based on everyone bringing a dish to share, plus your own crockery and drinks. Tea/coffee/squash provided

Red/white/blue/gold dress (optional)
Crown/Tiara competition + prizes
Games for adults and children

Other activities to be confirmed and/or finalised include: 
A village photograph taken on the day
A piece of artwork to Commemorate the occasion
An ornamental and traditional village sign featuring the village and the coronation
Oak tree planting on the Village Playing Field (date tbc)

Monday 8 May – The Big Help Out
Volunteers are sought, for any jobs that need doing around the village.
Please contact Debra Thatcher for details

An organised wet weather plan will be in place!

Please contact me if you can offer help of any kind – small or large. This might include serving tea on the day; setting up/clearing away; mowing, if needed; loan of outdoor games equipment; use of a drone for photographs, music playlist or amplifier etc…

This will be a special occasion for our lovely community to take part in and we hope that you will be able to attend. Please look out for detailed plans in the Parish magazine; on the village and church noticeboards; the parish council website and the neighbourhood Whatsapp. There will also be fliers delivered to each household.

For seating purposes, it will be helpful to know numbers, so if you are able to join in, please RSVP
Mob: 07751 079775
Tel: 01572 820273 (no answerphone available!)
Or a note in the letter box!

Warm wishes on behalf of the village,

Please find attached the Notices of Elections for all County Wards and Parish Councils.

Notice of Election – County 2023

Notice of Election – Parish 2023


Kind Regards,
Jeremy Barnes MBE AEA (Cert).| Electoral Services Manager
Rutland County Council
Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
Tel: 01572 758385 | Ext: 8385 | F: 01572 758307

In May 2023, all County and Parish Councillors will stand down after 4 years of service and a re-election will take place.

There are 7 Councillors for Ridlington so if 7 or less apply to be Councillors then they will be automatically re-elected. If more than 7 persons apply, then there will be a Village election on 4th May 2023.

Ridlington Parish Council meet formally four times a year in the village hall. There are a few other occasions when meetings are called for other matters such as planning applications. This is not an onerous role you would be undertaking. There is a professional paid clerk who manages the Parish Council.


If you would like to know more about the role please speak to one of the current Councillors or visit the Village website:
Thank you, Dave Johnson Chairman.


Get involved with the celebrations for the Coronation of His Majesty The King which will take place on Saturday 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey, London when we will see His Majesty King Charles III crowned alongside The Queen Consort.

Residents in Ridlington will have the chance to come together in the village to celebrate the Coronation of the new Monarch.




Following the success of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, I thought it would be lovely if Ridlington were to take part and have some kind of event in the village on Sunday 7th May to celebrate the King’s Coronation. The Parish Council have kindly approved some funding to support such an event.

I’m not aware if Ayston are planning anything, so thought I would ask if they would also like to join in with our  Ridlington event? I am happy to organise with support, as before, so am looking for ideas and/or offers of help. Ideas could range from street party to bring your own picnic…

I would be grateful if you would let me know if:
1. You think this is a good idea
2. You have any suggestions
3. If you can offer help/support however great or small

Please join us at Chimney Cottage on:  Friday 10th March at 2:00 pm

for an initial discussion/planning meeting – or just to listen in and have a cuppa amongst friends!

If you are aware of anyone else who might like to receive this information, please let me know, or forward this message to them.


Many thanks,
Anne Harvey
mobile 07751 079775