Rutland County Council has launched its annual budget consultation for 2023/24, inviting comments on draft budget proposals that were tabled at Cabinet on Thursday 12 January.

Consultation will run until 5:00 pm on Friday 3 February, during which time residents and business are asked to share feedback via a short online survey on our website:

Anyone without internet access can take part in the consultation by calling us on the Council’s main telephone number: 01572 722 577.

We are also holding a series of public presentations for anyone who would like to hear directly from Council Leader Lucy Stephenson and Cabinet Member for Finance Cllr Karen Payne about the draft budget and Rutland County Council’s current financial position. Details are as follows:

  • Uppingham Neighbourhood Forum, Thursday 19 January from 7.30 pm to 8.00 pm
  • Rutland County Council Chamber (Oakham), Monday 30 January from 10.00am to 12.00 pm
  • Ketton Congregation Hall, Tuesday 7 February from 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

A press release with further information has been published on the News section Council’s website and links to the consultation are being shared across our social media channels.

Please click on the links below to access the Posters detailing the consultations

A4 Budget consultation poster (colour)

If you would like information about the annual budget consultation in another format that best suits your various channels (be that websites, newsletters or social media) please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Many thanks and kind regards,

Mat Waik | Communications Service Manager
Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland. LE15 6HP
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Details regarding your data protection rights and how the Council processes your data can be found at:

Please find below the link to access the minutes of the Ridlington Parish Council meeting that was held on January 4th @ 7:00 pm in the Village Hall.

Draft RPC Minutes 04.01.23

These can also be accessed on the website under Minutes, Agendas and Accounts.




The ‘Knit and Natter’ group has proved a great success and new members are always welcome. It will resume in the New Year on Monday 9th January and take place every Monday thereafter at Chimney Cottage from 11am until 12.30pm. You can bring your knitting, sewing, crocheting, craftwork…or just sit and enjoy the ‘natter’ over a cup of tea and cake.

Contact Annie Harvey for further details:

Tel: 01572 820273
Mob: 07751 079775


The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 4th at 7:00 pm in the Village Hall. All members of the Public are welcome.

Please click the link below to access the Agenda for this meeting…

RPC Agenda 04.01.23


Alternatively, you can access these on the Website under the heading of Minutes, Agendas and Accounts.

Please find below the link to Rutland County Council’s weekly update giving the Christmas and New Year bin collection dates.



The ‘Knit and Natter’ group is growing and takes place every Monday at Chimney Cottage from 11am until 12.30pm. Why not come along? You can bring your knitting, sewing, crocheting, craftwork…or just sit and enjoy the ‘natter’ over a cup of tea and cake.

Contact Annie Harvey for further details:
Tel: 01572 820273
Mob: 07751 079775


Please find the minutes to the RPC meeting that was held on Wednesday, November 16th.

Please click on the link below to access the minutes.

Draft RPC Minutes 16.11.22

Alternatively, these can be accessed on the website under the heading “Minutes, Agendas & Accounts”.

If you are having difficulty accessing this document, please do let us know.

Thank you.

Please find below the link for the Agenda for the forthcoming RPC meeting to be held on Wednesday, November 16th @ 7:30pm in the Village Hall. All members of the public welcome.

RPC Agenda 16.11.22

Alternatively this can also be found under the Minutes, Agendas and Accounts on the website.