The new ‘Knit and Natter’ group has now started and takes place every Monday at Chimney Cottage from 11am until 12.30pm. Why not come along? You can bring your knitting, sewing, crocheting, craftwork…or just sit and enjoy the ‘natter’ over a cup of tea and cake.

Everybody is welcome, whether you want to just talk and share one another’s company on Monday mornings throughout the winter, learn a completely new skill, teach or help others what to do – and who knows, we might even arrange a trip to a local café sometime; visit Wing Patchwork exhibition, or arrange a craft class in the Village Hall…

It’s all up to you 😊

Contact Annie Harvey for further details:

Tel: 01572 820273 Mob: 07751 079775 email:

and/or speak to Janet Horwood or Ruth Lees.


And remember – the more the merrier!

Knit & Natter starts tomorrow 11:00-12:30 at Chimney Cottage!

Everyone welcome! Bring your knitting, sewing or crafting – or just come along for the Natter (and cake)!

See you tomorrow.

Anne Harvey

Due to unforeseen circumstances Knit and Natter which was going to take place this morning is postponed until next week Monday, October 17th 11:00 – 12:30. The time and venue remain unchanged.

Please pass on this message to anyone you know who was thinking of attending. Thank you.

Please accept my sincere apologies for this short notice.

Anne Harvey


Please find below the link to the Minutes of the RPC meeting that was held on September 26th 2022.

If you wish to access these through the website to read or print, these can be found on the website under Minutes, Agendas and Accounts.

Draft RPC Minutes 26.09.22



Please find below the link to the Agenda for the PCC meeting now to be held on Monday, September 26th @7:30 pm in the Village Hall.

RPC Agenda 26.09.22

The Ridlington Parish Council meeting on 21st September 2022 has been CANCELLED due to it falling within the mourning period for HM Queen Elizabeth II.

The rearranged date is now 7.30pm Monday 26th September 2022, at the Village Hall.

All members of the Public are welcome.


As the days begin to shorten, would you like to meet friends, and enjoy taking part in or learn a new skill?

If so, why don’t you join a new ‘Knit and Natter’ group at Chimney Cottage, Ridlington, from October through to the spring. No experience necessary. No need to book in advance. Just turn up on the day. Sessions include tea/coffee/biscuits/cake and a guaranteed friendly welcome.

So, whether you’re a complete beginner or an expert knitter/crocheter/sewer, come along for a cuppa and a chat and to meet other local people.

Sessions – Mondays 11:00 – 12.30, commencing Monday 10 October 2022.

Contact Annie Harvey for further details:

Tel: 01572 820273
Mob: 07751 079775

Following the announcement of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II a book of condolence will be made available in Ridlington Church from 9th September to the day after the funeral.

For those wishing to light a candle in remembrance, tea lights will be made available. Please do not leave burning candles unattended.

Please join us for a special church service on Sunday, 11th September 2022 at 9:30am – all welcome.


Ridlington PCC

8th September 2022