To access the Annual Report & Accounts for the Ridlington Playing Field, please click on the links below.

Annual Report – Playing Field Report May 2024 Ruth Lees

Annual Accounts – Playing Field accounts 2024 (1) (5) (3) (8) (3)


Alternatively, these can also be access on the website under the heading “Playing Fields – AGM’s & Accounts”


In Aid of Ridlington Playing Field

Date: Friday 17th May

Venue: Ridlington Village Hall

Time: 6.30pm for 7pm start

Lasagne & Cheesecake Supper

Teams of 4 or we will team you up!

£12.50 – bring your own drinks

Raffle on the night!

For tickets email:

Or phone/text Ruth on 07791581100

Quantity of bark/organic matter available on site of decommissioned play area.

The Trustees are offering it out to villagers on a self collect barrow load basis with voluntary donations to be paid online directly to the Playing Field account which is

Ridlington Cricket Field and Recreation
Sort code: 20-63-66
Account number: 00745332

This is classed as a Business Account.


A Date for your Diaries!

The evening of Friday, May 17th 2024

Quiz Night Fundraising Event to be held at Preston Village Hall as before to include food and nibbles. Always great fun!


Pet Remembrance Plaque

If anyone would like to buy a remembrance plaque for their pet to be displayed on benches on the playing field (cost £20.00), please contact the Trustees via email at

or phone Ruth on tel.: 01572 821 440


Thank you
The Trustees






Dear Fellow Villagers

As you may be aware the Ridlington playground area now has equipment that is upwards of 15 years old and as such, despite remedial works is naturally deteriorating to a point where it is becoming no longer fit for purpose.

The Trustees have been advised by RoSPA that we should consider decommissioning the area before the end of its operating life and in line with our insurance responsibilities and more importantly our duty of care to its users, regrettably, the Trustees have taken the decision that the play area, in its current format, will be dismantled with immediate effect.

If there is sufficient interest in the village to replace this facility, we would be delighted to speak with anyone who would like to form a working party and would be prepared to lead fund raising and project manage this option, obviously with the support and input from the Trustees.

Kind Regards,

Ruth, Julie, Adele and Simon

Thank you – We’ve already seen an increase in funds…

Forgotten to sign up? Still not quite sure how it works and would like to have some help setting it up?  Feel free to contact any one of the Trustees for guidance.  They will be more than happy to explain how it works or even show you in the comfort of your own environment. They can be contacted through the village WhatsAPP group.

The Trustees for the Playing Field are: Ruth Lees; Julie Hoult; Simon Powell; Adele Payne

You really can make a difference at no extra charge to you.

There are 7,000 brands – Amazon, John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Argos, M&S  to name just a few…

Thank you once again for your continued support.
Trustees of Ridlington Playing Field

Please help Ridlington Playing Field by signing up to support us for FREE on #easyfundraising.

Did you know you can raise donations whenever you shop online with over 7,000 brands including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Argos, M&S and more. Plus, once you’ve raised your first £5, easyfundraising will double it! Sign up today – it will make a BIG difference to us this year.

All you need to do is click on the links below to read more about how to go about signing up and helping us to raise much needed funds for the Playing Field.

Thank you for your support.
Trustees of Ridlington Playing Field



A great opportunity has arisen to become more involved in village life and in particular to help shape the future of the playing field.

New Trustees are needed for the Playing Field.

Please telephone Ruth for more information and a chat.

Tel: 07791581100

Please do consider joining us as we want to start things happening again ASAP.

Please find below the link for the Annual Accounts and Report for the Ridlington Playing Field.


Ridlington Playing Field Annual Report 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022

Annual Accounts Ridlington Playing Field 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022